Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Danger Days

Chapter 1

by MCRLoverCarley 1 review

After seeing a strange girl from a recurring nightmare Gerard starts to feel that she's familiar from somewhere but when he remembers who she is what is the deadly secret she's hiding? My first fan...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-17 - Updated: 2011-04-05 - 1289 words

(Gerard P.O.V)

I walked with Ray, Frank and Mikey to the park after school, I'm not sure why we just did. It was very sunny so I wasn't in a good mood. As we walked we saw a girl about our age. She had black hair in a ponytail to her shoulders and she was wearing our school uniform. "Who the fuck is that?" Frank asked. "Dude, if you don't know then we aren't gonna know either." Ray pointed out. "... I guess so." Frank murmured sounding slightly embarrassed. "Why don't we just ask her?" I said not even attempting to hide how frustrated I was. "Jesus, Gerard could you sound any more bored?" Mikey said as he glanced at me. "I can't help it" I groaned then yelled "Hey! Do we know you?" the girl ignored us. "How nice" Frank grumbled. Ray, being the calm one as usual, went  a bit closer to her and tried to ask her her name. She still wouldn't even turn around to face us. "Let's just leave the creepy chick alone" I mumbled and continued walking. "Hey Gee, I think she could beat you at being creepy!" Frank yelled as he caught up with me. "Fuck off Frank." I said and gave him a death glare. "Geez, calm down Gee. It was just a joke alright?" he moaned. I couldn't help my bad mood and he knew damn right I couldn't! 

As we walked on to where Ray was I noticed something about the girl was strange not just that she'd ignored us. That wasn't what bothered me. What bothered me was the closer we got the more I noticed something red was staining her hands and clothes. That something red could only be one thing. Blood. My walk gradually slowed to a stop. The others carried on walking for a few paces then noticed I was no longer walking with them. "Gee what's up?" Frank asked. I gulped as icy shivers ran down my spine and I started to break out in a cold sweat. "You don't look too good bro are you feeling ill or something?" Mikey questioned. "I'm not ill it's just that..." I murmured "It's just that what Gee?" Frank said sounding a bit concerned. "Well that girl. She's got blood on her hands and clothes." my voice shaking as I spoke. They all turned to look at the girl again. "Holy shit Gee's right" Frank practically yelled. 'Way to go genius' I thought and I could tell that Ray and Mikey were thinking the same. The girl still did nothing though. "Let's go the other way around" I heard myself say. "Yeah" Mikey said with a shaky voice.

We turned and started walking away but then we heard a scream. The voice was all to familiar. It was Franks. I turned around slowly. Frank was lying on the floor bleeding profusely from a wound in his back as the girl stood behind him, her face hidden in the shadows. "Frankie no..." I could barely make out my own voice. I stumbled over to him and fell to my knees. The girl walked away. Then we heard Ray scream as well "Oh my god this can't be happening" I heard Mikey say just before the sound of his scream filled my ears. I look around and saw the others. All lying on the floor. All dead. "Ray. Mikey. Frankie. No... NOOOO!"

I woke up covered in a cold sweat. "Not that shit again" I mumbled as a rested my head in my hands. I'd been having the same dream for at least a week now and it felt more real each time I saw it. I got out of bed slowly and got dressed into some tight jeans and an iron maiden t-shirt. As I headed downstairs I heard Mikey's snoring from his room relaxing me somewhat. When I was downstairs I saw Ray and Frank asleep in the living room and remembered that they'd come over the night before and we'd done stuff like played video games. I could see Frank had kicked Ray on the floor so he could have the sofa for himself.

I trudged into the kitchen. Coffee was the cure for nightmares or at least we thought so anyway. I decided to make some for the others as well because Ray and Frank would hear the kettle then demand some where as Mikey had could smell it from miles away or something and he wouldn't be happy if he was left out. I got the cups out of the cupboard and put the coffee in them, I put the sugar on the side for those who wanted it and turned the kettle on. Within seconds Mikey was running down the stairs shouting "Can I smell coffee!?" waking Frank and Ray up. We all laughed at him he's just so cute like that! He pouted and said "you guys are mean" making us laugh even harder.

I sat down at the table with my fresh coffee. Mikey, Ray and Frank were fighting over the sofa making me laugh at them as they kicked each other off. They had put down the coffee because none of them wanted to spill the precious liquid... Well I'd go mad if they did to be precise after all it's coffee. I stared out the window after a few minutes having decided it wasn't that amusing anymore and saw someone walk past. That someone had black hair pulled into a ponytail that went to her shoulders and even though I never saw her face i knew that that girl was the one from my dreams. I felt myself go pale as icy shivers ran up my spine and my hands went weak (thank God I'd just put my coffee down!). I heard Mikey walk over to me and ask what was wrong but I couldn't answer. How could I have seen her? She's part of a fucking nightmare for fucks sake! She's not real! I put my head in my hands and tried to relax. I must have just been seeing things right? ... That or I'm going insane I thought to myself. By now Ray and Frank had come over as well and they all sat at the table with me. Concerned looks plastered on their faces. "What the fuck is wrong!?" Mikey asked, not for the first time by the tone in his voice. I wondered whether I should tell them they'd probably just think I'm mad but they might listen and maybe even believe me. "Urm... Well... For like a week now, or maybe longer I don't know, I've been having this really creepy nightmare where you guys all kinda... Get killed" I winced at the memory "and there's this creepy girl who I never see her face and I think she's the one who killed you all... I never find out for sure coz then I wake up but I was just looking out the window and I swear I saw her walk past.... So um yeah I kinda got a bit freaked." I don't think I've ever seen Mikey go quite as pale as he did, Frank was staring at me with his mouth wide open and Ray looked rather spooked out. I took that as a 'they believe me' as Mikey said "please say you're just joking Gerard" "no I'm not. I wish I was but I'm not." I responded. I think I'd thoroughly scared them all I wished so bad I could have been joking like Mikey hoped I had been but I wasn't and I knew, I don't know how, I just knew that wasn't the last time I'd see her.
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