Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Picture Me Broken

A New Family

by Katrina_Adams 5 reviews

Brendon thinks there is something strange about his new 'family'.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-04-09 - Updated: 2011-04-10 - 1640 words

Brendon thought that anyone who could bought a kid off the internet would be rich. But by the looks of this house, it was not even a possibility. The house has a second floor. The house was tall, and a bit wide. But it looked like no one even lived there. Brendon slowly walked up the front steps, and stopped in front of the door. He felt like if he even knocked on the door, the door would just fall over.

Brendon knocked on the door. A second later, it was immediately opened by a man. He had blonde hair, and was bigger than Brendon was. He looked older too.

"Um.." Brendon said, unable to find words that said. Was there a shorter way to say, "Hi, I'm a kid you guys bought off the internet." Of course, Brendon didn't really say that.

"You're Brendon, right?" The man asked, smiling as he looked at Brendon.

Brendon sighs in relief, since he didn't do much talking. "Yeah."

The man smiled, and then turns around. "Hey, Ryan! Your pet is here!" The man called out throughout the house. Pet? Brendon thought. He didn't know whether he meant that in the sexual sense, and whatnot. Or maybe he was just messing around.

"Hello!" A thin, tall, pale guy appeared behind the blonde man. He looked younger than the blonde guy, but older than Brendon. "I'm Ryan," the thin guy said.

"Oh..uh..I'm Brendon," Brendon says. Stupid thing to say, he already knows my name,, Brendon thought. Ryan giggled and nods. "Yep, I know." Ryan reached out and grabs Brendon's arm, pulling him inside the house. "This is Bob," Ryan said, making a gesture with his hand towards the guy with the blonde hair.

Bob waved his hand quickly at Brendon, before walking off into another room. Then another guy came, he had black hair and pale skin. "Pete! Meet Brendon!" Ryan says, as he placed his hands on Brendon's shoulders and pushed him closer to the man walking towards him.

"Mm..hello Brendon," Pete says, as his eyes traveled up and down Brendon's body slowly, smirking. Brendon didn't notice, but apparently Ryan did. Ryan pulled Brendon back towards him. Then, Ryan had taken Brendon's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together. "Hi," Brendon says shyly, he wasn't much of a socializer, so he wasn't used to strangers. Which was something that he should've thought about before he came.

"Welcome. Ryan here will show you around the house, but not too much," Pete says, glancing over at Ryan. Ryan gave a quick nod. "And I'll go take your bag up to your room," Pete continued, taking Brendon's bag, giving him a small smile before heading upstairs. Brendon turned to look at Ryan, who was merely smiling at him. "Come with me," Ryan says, walking through a hallway, pulling Brendon along with him.

Brendon thought there was something strange. How many guys lived here? First there was Bob, then Pete, and Ryan too. They all shared no resemblance, different appearances, so Brendon knew they weren't related. Maybe roommates? Brendon thought.

Ryan lead Brendon into what looked like a kitchen. The walls were gray, and theres a backdoor in the corner. A huge stack of raw meat was piled onto one of the tables. Brendon's eyes widened at the sight, which Ryan noticed. Ryan giggled, pulling Brendon closer to him. "Aw, it's okay. It's not gonna eat you," Ryan coos, as he let go of Brendon's hand and walked to the other side of the meat-piled table.

Brendon watches as Ryan yanked a small bite-sized piece of raw meat, and popped it into his mouth. Holy shit, did he just eat it raw? Brendon thought. "Mm.." Ryan says softly as he chewed, and then swallowed it. "Do you want some, Brendon?" Ryan asks, yanking off another small piece of raw meat.

Brendon looks down at his feet, and shakes his head. "No, I'm a vegetarian," Brendon says, refusing to look at all of the meat on the table. Brendon was a straight-up vegetarian. It first started when he figured out how people actually killed animals for their meat. It was simply horrible. He wondered how many animals were killed for that much meat. Brendon also wondered where these people even got that much meat.

"Oh, well.I bet you've never had this kind of meat before," Ryan says, smiling. Brendon slowly looks up, and Ryan is standing only a few inches away from him. "C'mere," Ryan says, as he wraps his free arm around Brendon's waist, roughly pulling Brendon closer to him. He holds the small piece of meat near Brendon's mouth, and Brendon looks at Ryan with wide eyes.

Ryan smirks at Brendon, and gently presses the piece of raw meat against Brendon's lips. "Open up," Ryan coos sweetly. Brendon feels Ryan's hand around his waist slowly moving down, and immediately opens his mouth. Ryan smirks again, as he stopped moving his hand when Brendon opened his mouth. He placed the piece of meat inside of Brendon's mouth and Brendon closed his mouth.

Brendon grimaced as he felt the sour taste of raw meat in his mouth and looks down, ashamed to have a poor, innocent animal's meat in his mouth. "Come on, chew it Brendon. It tastes really good," Ryan encourages, watching Brendon. Brendon whines, but slowly began to chew. Surprisingly, it actually did taste good. Brendon looks up at Ryan, who was smiling as he watches Brendon chew.

After a few seconds, Brendon swallows what he had in his mouth. Ryan smiles happily, as he continued to look at Brendon. " was it?" Ryan asks eagerly. Brendon looks up at Ryan and nods. "It's good," Brendon says quietly, still ashamed he had eaten a poor animal.

"Told you," Ryan says, smiling. He lets go of Brendon's waist, and takes Brendon's hand in his own again. "I'll go show you to your room." Ryan started to walk out of the kitchen, and walked up the stairs, pulling Brendon along with him.

This should be good, Brendon thought, as he climbed up the stairs behind Ryan, holding onto his hand still. Or more like Ryan was holding onto his hand. He shrugs it off when they make it to the second floor.

Brendon was lead down the hallway, passing four rooms with closed doors. Ryan stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway. "Mm, we don't have any other empty rooms, so you're just gonna have to share with me," Ryan says with a smirk, as he opened the door, allowing Brendon to walk in. Brendon nods and walks inside. The room was small, and there wasn't much inside of it. A bed pushed up against one side of the wall, stacks of notebooks piled up on top of each other against another wall, and a guitar placed against the corner. There was a dresser next to the door, with a mirror in front of it. Brendon's bag was placed on top of the dresser. Brendon looked down at the carpet, and his eyes widened when he noticed a faint red stain on the carpet. It looked suspiciously like blood.

Brendon heard the door close, and Ryan walked past him, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Ryan at Brendon and pats the spot next to him on the bed. "Come sit," Ryan says, smiling. "So, how do you like this place?" Ryan asks. Brendon shrugs, because there was no way to describe this creepy place. "It's cool." Ryan smiles happily. "Good." Brendon nods slowly, and looks at Ryan. "Hey, do you think you can show me more around the house later?" Brendon asks, hoping it wasn't too much to ask for.

Ryan looks at him, and shrugs very slightly. "Mm..I don't think that's a good idea. I think it's best if you just stay in here."


"Well, it's just the other people in this house...they'll treat you differently..and I don't think you should get involved with them."


"Never mind."

Weird, Brendon thought.

Brendon nods, and sits down next to Ryan. "Can I ask you something else?" Brendon asks, looking over at Ryan again.

Ryan lays down on the bed, with his hands behind his head. "Of course," Ryan says, looking at Brendon.

"How many people live here?"

Ryan shrugs. "I don't know."

Brendon looks at him, a bit confused. "Wait. What? How can you not know?"

Ryan sighs, and sits up on his bed. "So many people come, and.. go. I lost count," Ryan simply says, shrugging it off. Brendon stares at him, even more confused. Go?

"What do you mean 'go'?" Brendon asks. Ryan sighs. "I'm tired, come sleep with me," Ryan says, trying to change the subject. Ryan crawled underneath the covers, looking at Brendon. Brendon didn't want to annoy or bother his new family already, so he does as Ryan says, getting underneath the covers. Brendon wasn't even tired.

Ryan smiles and wraps his arm around Brendon's waist, pulling Brendon's back close against his own chest. After a few minutes, Brendon sighs quietly when he heard soft inhaling and exhaling, knowing that Ryan had fallen asleep. This place was so weird, Brendon thought. He wanted to check this place out; it was so weird, but yet so interesting.

Even though Ryan had said that he should stay in Ryan's room, Brendon was itching to just get out and start looking around. Ryan was asleep right now anyways. Brendon slowly inched out of Ryan's grasp, which took a couple of minutes. Ryan's grip was so tight.

Evenutally, Brendon made it out, and slowly opened the door, and stepped out into the hallway, ready to see who really lives here.


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