Categories > Celebrities > Slipknot > Camp Redwood

Chapter 1

by SyndromeStar 0 reviews

In which Joey has an unpleasant wake up.

Category: Slipknot - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-04-11 - Updated: 2012-03-15 - 781 words

Chapter 1

Beep Beep Beep Beep

Joey groaned from his position under multiple cosy covers and flailed a pale arm at his alarm clock. He was absolutely appalled that it wouldn’t shut up.

After a few failed attempts to stop the alarm, Joey lost patience. He picked it up and with one quick movement, threw it at the wall, finally putting a stop to its god-awful wailing. It hit the wall with an almighty thud and Joey wondered if he had broken it….

Squinting through one eye he looked over at the plastic Satan in a small compact box. It’s Green numbers flashed tauntingly at him. A 6 and two 0s

6:00am Urrghh! “What the massive fuck!?” he shouted, not remembering when or why he had set his alarm in the first place. “Why the balls am I awake at the ass-crack of dawn in the mornin’!”

Joey raised his middle finger at no-one in particular and set about rolling over and attempting to go back to sleep… Which he was sure he had about done when his door flew open and his mother came bouncing in, her blonde hair flying around behind her.

“Time to get up Joey!” She chirped cheerily, shaking him. “Uhhrrgghh!” He grunted, It was way to early in the morning to hear her voice. “JESUS WOMAN!” he shouted as she ripped off his covers, causing a cold chill to flow through him. Why the hell would she do that!?

“You have to catch the bus!” she replied, as if reading his thoughts, Ok..Creepy.. Before walking out the way she had come.


Suddenly it hit him like a spontainious brick wall...Camp... oh god damn it! Joey reluctantly rolled out of his bed, well...not really bed..more like mattress on the floor. Why? Because that’s just how he rolled. Getting on his knees he crawled over to the wardrobe.

He sat for about 5 minutes waiting to regain the feeling in his feet, before finally standing up. He got on his tip toes and reached for the top shelf, it was times like this that he really despised being so short.

After jumping a few times he managed to snag the corner of some jeans that were sitting close to the edge. With a yank they flew out and landed on him, temporarily leaving him blind as he tripped over a furry black object. The furry object hissed and bit his foot before running out of the room.

“DAMN IT MOKIE!” he shouted as the cat fled.

After picking himself off the floor, he sat on his desk and pulled on the tight black jeans, they were his favourite pair, slightly faded with a tear in the right knee. Well worn and well loved. He reached across his desk and grabbed some chains, which he attached to the pants. He smiled as they made their signature metallic chink sound as he pushed off the desk and landed on the floor.

Realising he was still shirtless, he walked over to his ready packed suitcase and pulled out his favourite Slayer shirt and a pair of ratty looking black converse. He pulled the shirt over his head and lifted the hair that had been caught beneath it. He adored his hair, probably more than any male his age... it was his pride and joy. As it fell over his eyes the scent of strawberries permeated the air around his nose.

“Hurry up Joey!” Jackie called from down the stairs. Dear god, what is wrong with that woman, does she never shut up!? He quickly pulled on his converse, not bothering to tie them as he ran to the bathroom, once again having a brief trip over the cat.

Fastidiously he ran a brush through his hair, making sure he got every single knot out. He then delicately lined his Icy blue eyes with dark kohl. Making them shine brightly against his flawlessly pain skin. Sure he looked like a girl, but he really didn’t care. Slipping on some bangles and necklaces, he took one last look in the mirror before running to the kitchen.

He really only had time to grab an energy drink from the fridge and pick up his backpack before his mother dragged him out the door towards the car.

A cool breeze blew against his skin and he shivered. The sky was pitch black and It was god damn cold.

Whose stupid idea was it to have the bus leave at the ass-crack of dawn anyway!

That person needed to be the crotch Joey decided. He slung his bag over his shoulder and got in the car.

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