Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Party Poison

So Long and Goodnight

by Keep-it-Ugly 3 reviews

Short Chapter: Gerard offers Frank a ride home. Some questions are answered while others become more puzzling.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-04-13 - Updated: 2011-04-13 - 445 words

Frank's POV

I stood there, shocked to say the least. Why was Mikey kissing me? What should I do? Slap him? No, he's my best friend. Run? Yes, yes that is good. He would be too drunk to even walk correctly. But, the thing is... I don't want to leave.

As I was enhanced in thought, Mikey bit down on my lip, asking for entrance. I moaned with pleasure and let him in happily. But then it hit me.

Mikey's drunk, he's high. All of this means nothing to him!

A tear escaped my eye as I pushed Mikey back.

"Wh-what?" Mikey asked, a little confused.

"Your drunk Mikey. And, I can't do this!" I responded, sobbing. I had never had these feeling towards my best friend... until now. I would love to kiss him again, if he wasn't under the influence.

I started again towards my own home. In the process I bumped into someone again. And, it was Gerard. Again.

He had been standing there the whole time me and Mikey had been making out! Who does he think he is? He's a major perv. THAT'S who he is!

He blushed crimson red.

"S-s-sorry Frank-ie." Gerard said, completely embarrassed. Frankie? Where did that come from?

I just nodded, ready to leave the scene more than ever.

"You want me to drive you home?" he asked me, recovering his composure.

"Uh, I guess." It was dark. I don't like the dark. Therefore, I said yes.

"Fwankie?" Mikey gripped onto my shoulder and turned me to face him.

"Good night." he whispered in my ear. Was he even drunk anymore? He said it in perfect English!
He walked back into the house without staggering. What the hell?

"I guess we should get going." Gerard said nervously. I agreed and we were off.

We got into his car, which was quite fancy. I explained to him where I lived. And luckily he understood.

"Um, so how do you know Mikey?" I asked him. That question had been bugging me since I met him.

"He's my brother." he stated. Wait! Mikey never mentioned a brother!

"Kay, um... -"

"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to." Gerard interrupted. He sounded upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. I really cared.

"I- It's nothing. Um, so, how old are you?"

"I'm 16. You?"

"Oh, I'm 20." He sounded a bit happier.

"Here's your house." he said monotonous.

"Bye. Thanks for the ride Gee." His face lit up.

"So long and goodnight Frankie." he said smiling.

As I walked away I heard him mumble "Two years left..."

A/N I know what your thinking... but your wrong! XD
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