Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Kids From Yesterday

Chapter 10

by KimmaLoveLaugh 2 reviews

The Aftermath

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-04-16 - Updated: 2011-04-17 - 2253 words

Chapter 10-- Autumn's POV

Hearing the shower running from next door, I slowly began to wake up, opening my eyes. I felt Gerard's strong arm wrapped around my back. I smiled slightly and curled into him a bit more, listening to the rain falling against the house. It was a nice feeling, waking up next to Gerard. It was a bit strange, but nice.

I must have fallen back to sleep because the next thing I heard was Mia telling Frank to go back to sleep, that she'd be downstairs. I tilted my head up to look at Gerard, who was still sleeping. I smiled softly and crawled out of the bed walking out of the bedroom. I walked past Mia's room and I saw the thrown clothes all over the floor. I tipped my head in a bit more but soon regretted it when I saw Frank's naked ass sticking out of the covers. Shit! I can't believe they did that! I shook my head and I walked to the stairs, descending down them. I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the door frame and squinted my eyes, watching Mia.

Mia was standing with her back to me, attempting to make her own pot of coffee, as she turned to get filters from the cabinet, she saw me and jumped a bit,

“Shit, Autumn. I didn't know you were up.” She looked at me for a second before walking back to the coffee pot with the filters.

“You fucking had sex last night, didn't you?” I glared at her, playfully.

Her head spun around and she stared at me her mouth wide, “What? You're crazy, Autumn.” She said slowly, trying to lie. She was a fucking horrible liar.

“You and Frank totally fucked! I even saw his naked ass. God, I could have went my whole life without seeing that.” I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a banana. I peeled it as I sat down at the table, watching her as she went back to attempting coffee.

“Fine, we did. But don't go telling Gerard, I don't need to the whole goddamned band to know about it.” I looked at her and I shook my head,

“You don't think he's gonna tell him himself?” I watched her as she pursed her lip and I could tell she was thinking it over.

“You don't think he's one of those guys that will tell everyone right? I mean, I don't think he is but I don't know.” She stopped what she was doing and turned her head to face me.

“Nah, I don't think so.” I assured her quickly. Mia had changed a lot in the recent months but she was still very shy when it came to her personal life. But I honestly wasn't sure if Frank would keep this to himself. I remember when I first met him, we were in his mother’s basement where the guys were practicing, and he announced that he finally 'banged' his girlfriend at the time. I really didn't like him at first. I thought he was too loud and obnoxious. Of course he grew on me over time. He's one of those people that you have to like after a while, no matter how fucking annoying they are.

Mia nodded and I saw her smile before she turned back to the coffee machine, finally managing to start it. “So how was it?” I asked taking a bite of my banana.

She laughed softly and shrugged. “It was... my first time? It hurt.” She turned around and leaned against the counter. “But Frankie was amazing. He was gently and caring. It was beautiful in a painful kind of way.” She shrugged once more. “He really was so great, Autumn. I really love him.” She bit her bottom lip to hold back her huge smile.

“That's good, Mia, I'm happy for you.” I said softly, not really know what to respond back to her. She just continued to smile as she stepped away from the counter. We both heard some noise coming from upstairs and her smile got even bigger, if that's even possible.

“That must be Frankie.” She said, walking out of the kitchen.

“He better have some fucking clothes on.” I called after her joking and we both started to laugh. The laughter stopped, though, when we heard a different males voice spread through the bottom floor of the house.

“Who better have clothes on? I'm clothed.” I heard Gerard say and I stood up, throwing out the peel of my banana, walking out of the kitchen to see Gerard in his clothes from yesterday and his hair disheveled. I smiled softly and walked over to him.

“Frank. It seems that they had their own party going on upstairs last night.” I laughed as Gerard wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Oh really?” He raised his eyebrow looking at Mia, who was now walking up the stairs, showing us her middle finger. Gerard and I both laughed and he leaned down slightly to kiss my cheek. “Good morning.” He mumbled against my cheek, tickling my ear. I laughed a bit a leaned back from him.

“Good morning to you, too.” I stepped away from him, walking into kitchen. Gerard followed me into the kitchen and sat in the chair that I was just in pulling me into his lap.

“So they finally did it?” He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“I guess so.” I replied, resting my arm around his shoulder. “Hey, do you think that Frank will tell everyone?” I asked looking down at him.

He shrugged and tilted his head up so our eyes could meet. “I'm not really sure. It's Frank. I never know what he's thinking.” I just nodded in response, pushing I stray piece of hair out of his eyes. He leaned up and pressed his lips to mine softly. I smiled lightly into the kiss and kissed him back slowly. Eventually he pulled back, “So what are we doing today?” He asked.

“Mm, I don't know. Do you want a day in? A day out? We could go see a movie?” I suggested, letting my fingers find their way into Gerard's hair.

“A movie sounds nice.” He pressed his lips to my cheek again. “Or a day in sounds nice.” He kissed the corner of my lips. “Or how about we watch a movie here?” He pressed his lips to mine once more. This time, though, it was more passionate. Our lips moved together as my arm tighten around his neck, pulling him closer. Our tongues soon became involved in the passion as we stayed close to one another. Soon, though, we broke apart for much needed air and I let my forehead rest against his.

“Movie day in sounds great.” I mumbled and pecked his lips softly before reluctantly standing up to get the coffee that was now ready. “But first, you, me, Frank, and Mia need to clean this house. It's pretty gross after last night.” I said, grabbing two mugs from the cabinet, setting them on the counter.

“Alright, but let's try to get those two out of the house after it's clean. I want it to be just me and you today.” Gerard said and I smiled, pouring the coffee into the cups.

“That's fine. I think Mia needed to go to the library anyway and we'll just kick Frank out. Doesn't his mother ever miss him?” I joked and passed Gerard his cup of coffee after fixing it the way he likes.

He thanked me before taking a drink. “Yeah I don't know. I think she forgot what he looked like.”

“Better for her, then.” I mumbled and he laughed shaking his head.

After we both finished our coffee and Frank and Mia finally came down from her room, having their own coffee, we began to clean the house. There were red cups, beer bottles, and bottle caps all over the place. We filled two big, black garbage bags and they were now finally sitting in our garbage cans, next to the house. It took a good two hours but the house finally looked livable again. Once we were done, Mia and Frank left, Mia going to the library and Frank going...who the hell knows where? Gerard and I finally had our alone time and we were sitting on the now clean couch with a movie playing on the screen.

We lay on the couch with Gerard spooning me from behind, well, that's how we started out at least. During the movie I had turned with my back to the TV so I could get easier access to Gerard's lips. Those side-head craning kisses were not cutting it for me. So the movie went unnoticed as we both continued to make out. His hand made its way to my hip as I shifted to get even closer to him and my one arm went around his waist, slipping into his back pocket. As my hand went further into his pocket, my fingers brushed against a piece of plastic. I ignored it at first as I pushed my hand in more and I felt small pills inside the plastic. I broke the kiss and pulled the plastic from Gerard's pocket and I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the white pills.

“Gerard, what the hell is this?” I asked showing him the bag. I saw his eyes go wide as he swallowed.

“That's pills. them for pain?” He said slowly. I just glared at him and untangled myself. I got off the couch and immediately made my way upstairs with the pills in my hand and Gerard following behind me. “Where are you going Autumn?” He asked hurriedly.

“To flush these fucking things.” I answered once I had reached the bathroom and tossed the bag inside, flushing the toilet, not caring about the sewer systems.

“What the hell did you do that for?!” He exclaimed.

“Gerard, I will no date a fucking drug addict. No more pills.” I stared at him and he stared back. I could tell he was contemplating what he was going to do next.

After what seemed like hours of staring at each other, he walked over to me and cupped my cheek, “I'm sorry. You're right. No more pills. Besides, last night was my first time. I promise.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly. “I'm sorry, baby.” I wrapped my arms around him and let my head rest on his chest.

“You better keep your promise, Gerard Way.” I mumbled and closed my eyes.

“I will.” He wrapped his arms lightly around me. We stayed close to each other for a few minutes before I felt him move my head to face him gently with his hand. He leaned down and kissed me. The kiss was soft and gentle. After a few minutes I felt him begin to push me back to my room. I laughed softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. Once we hit the bottom of my bed he removed his mouth from mine and pressed it against my neck. I moaned lightly at the feeling and let my fingers dive into his hair.

He slowly pushed me back on the bed and he kissed his way to my collarbone. “Let's finish what we started downstairs.” He whispered against my skin. I furrowed my eyebrows and pushed him off of me. I stared at him incredulously. “What?” He stepped back from me, confused.

“Are you kidding me? Are you seriously trying to get me to have sex with you right now?” I sat up. He’d better be fucking joking.

“Come on Autumn. There's no one here, it's perfect!” He said taking a step closer to me.

“Just because there's no one in the house doesn't mean I want our first time together to be now, Gerard! I'm still pissed at you!” I glared at him.

“Why? Because I took pills for the first time last night? Frank does shit all the time and Mia still did it with him!” I was in shock. Did he really just say that to me? Was he going to bring them up again?

“You're so fucking childish, Gerard. Just because you're friend gets to do something doesn't mean you get to too! Me and Mia are two different people. Our relationship is completely different from Frank and Mia's. You can't relate everything back to them!” I yelled at him. Why was he so fucking stupid?

“Of course I can! How come they're ready and we're not? It's been months Autumn!”

“No, Gerard, it's been a few weeks. I told you I didn't want to fucking rush this! I told you that from the beginning.” I fumed. “Just get out. Please? Before you fuck this up anymore.” I said more quietly.

“Before I fuck this up? I'm not doing anything, Autumn!”

“So popping pills is doing nothing? Deciding when you deserve sex is nothing?” My voice began to rise as I got more and more angry. I couldn't fucking stand him. “Just get out. Now!” I watched him as he rolled his eyes and threw his arms up, walking downstairs leaving the house. But before I heard the door slam I heard, “And thanks for flushing my fucking pills!”

Thanks for all of the reviews! It really means a lot! Let me know what you think. :D R&R
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