Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > High School Never Ends (Chapter 1)

High School Never Ends (Chapter 5)

by MCRloverGERARD 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-04-19 - Updated: 2011-04-19 - 758 words - Complete


"So we are friends?"
"Yeah of course." He looked at me. He stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. He put a bit of presure on before letting go. Then he noticed my guitar. Pansy.
"Hey, you play guitar? That's cool." He smiled at me.
"Yeah I do, I love playing, It's like my lofe. Can you play?"
"No I can't , I can come up with little riffs, but I'm probally not as good as you." I smiled at him. He was stunning and he didn't even realize how I felt about him. I looked into his eyes for quite a while, until I broke the silence.
"Do you wanna go downsairs?"
We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen together, I sat down at the table, and Gerard sat next to me.
"I hate starting a new school. I don't know anyone, and people are so homophobic. It makes me feel sick! If my past boyfriends had come to this school they would knock out everyone who ever made a comment about gays!" I looked him in the eyes, just going over and over again thinking about what he was gay, in the cooliest way possible?
WOW how i loved him so much... 'FRANK, stop being mushy!' I came out my thoughts as Gerard tapped my shoulder.
"Frankie? Are you still with me in that head of yours? I think you zoned out." He started to laugh. His laugh was so cute. Kiss him, kiss him... Kiss him.
"Oh sorry, I don't mean to do that, just kinder happens." I said looking at my hands.
"Hey Frankie, what's on your mind, I can tell something is botherig you. Tell me what it is please." He smiled and put his arms my shoulders. This is the perfect time to turn around and kiss him...
"I don't know, if you really want to know, i'm just 'love struck' at the moment." I said, air quoting around the words love struck. I can't just kiss him.
"Love struck, aww how cute." He hesitated before he said the end of his sentance. Did he know how much I wanted to kiss him?
"Yeah well, I love this guy and i really want to kiss him." He was looking straight into my eyes. 'Come on Frank, just kiss him...'
"Then kiss me."
I moved up to him, and I kissed him. I pushed my hands up to his hair where my fingers got entwined in there. He pushed his hands up the back of my t shirt and pulled me in closer. Our lips connected with such passion and meaning. He broke away, as I moaned. 'Yes!'
"I think that shows me how much you love me... I loved you ever since I layed my eyes on you. Your just so cute and sexy!" I was blushing at this point. He put his hand on my leg.
I lent over again, and pushed my lips to his. I made the kiss deeper and pushed my tough over his bottem lip. After a short while I broke away. He joined in and it felt like he really loved me. It felt so true.
"So i'm guessing your gay too."
"Correct" He said and pulled me into a hug.
"something was different when I saw you. And since you came and sat with me, I knew we were going to friends for a long time." I explained.
"I came and sat with you because I flt the same but also I knew from what your wearing, that we both liked the same thigs." He smiled at me. A very warm smile, I knew I wasn't going to stand anymore.
"Gerard, I think i'm in love with you." I said because everytime he looks at me his eyes burn into my soul and I can feels.
"Frankie...I love you too." He looked at me as I staired at him in disbelieve. Did he really mean that? Or had he just saying that because I had came out with it?
"Gee...Do you really mean that? Because if you do I want you to prove it." I stood there waiting, stairing out the window. Stairig into the clouds. I heard the chair scrape across the floor and footsteps behind me. Gee stood behind me, cupped my chin with his finger and turned my head around and met his lips with mine. I could feel how much he meant what he said, how he felt so right being there.
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