Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Helena

brothers uncovered

by adrenaline_bomb

Frank finds out about the brothers past, and is shocked at what he hears.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-04-19 - Updated: 2011-04-19 - 2090 words


“Ray and Bob with Mikes in his room and me and Frankie in the basement?” Gerard asked and Mikey shook his head.
“No way. I do not want to be in the same room as them two when they go all kissy and cuddly and stuff.” Mikey crossed his arms and pouted like a bitchy little child.
“We can sleep in the guest room if you like.” Bob suggested and Gerard and Mikey face palmed.
“Jeez, we haven’t been here in so long we’ve forgotten how many goddam rooms there are.” Mikey muttered and I stifled a giggle.
“Yeah, that’s fine but hell, do I feel sorry for Mom.” Gerard said, laughing slightly.
“She’s got Ray and Bob in the room next to hers and if I remember correctly the beds are right next to each other through the walls. Now that their secrets out I doubt they’ll be practising the need for silent fucking anymore.” Gerard said and Bob and Ray blushed violently- they are so easily embarrassed when it comes to but sex.
“We’ll be quiet, we promise. Night guys.” Ray said and got off Bobs lap as Bob wrapped his arms around him from behind and they disappeared off up the hall still in that embrace.
“I’m going to hit the sack, I’m exhausted.” Mikey said, yawning.
“Can I talk to you first though?” Gerard asked and Mikey nodded, slumping forwards onto the table slightly.
“Sure, what’s up bro?” Mikey asked sleepily.
“You an Brian…is it just a sex thing or are you actually in love?” He asked and Mikey suddenly looked more awake.
“I don’t know Gee. I mean, I really like him and stuff and I would like to actually be with him but…I don’t think he wants that. I’m just willing to take what he gives me and hope for the best right now.” Mikey admitted honestly and Gerard nodded.
“I think you should ask him, I think he likes you too. I’ve always thought there was something in the way you two look at each other, a lot of ‘eye sex’ for want of a better phrase going on. But because we were an intimate band I never thought much of it, same goes for Ray and Bob.” I said and Mikey smiled at me and Gee.
“I’m going to ask him. Do you think he’d come around for thanks giving? I mean, it’s only a month away and stuff and we’re all staying here…should I ask him?” Mikey asked nervously and I nodded enthusiastically.
“Definitely!” I nearly shouted as a broad smile found it’s way onto Mikey’s pale face.
“About you and Alicia though…did you love her?” Gerard pressed and Mikey’s smile drooped slightly.
“I did at first, but right now the relationship is more along the lines of so people won’t judge me and think I’m just a loser, or ridicule me because I’m bisexual…I don’t think I could handle that so I kept up the relationship for the sake of ‘keeping up appearances’” Mikey sighed but Gerard smiled at him.
“I say; dump her and get him little one.” Gerard said, voice soft and caring.
“You haven’t called me that since high school.” Mikey whispered, smiling.
“Not since you out grew me by an inch and a half, no.” Gerard said.
“I love you Gee.” Mikey said, getting up and hugging his brother tight.
“I love you too Mikey.” Gerard whispered and their lips brushed together before giving each other a final tight hug and Mikey walking off up the hall. It didn’t bother me that Gerard kissed his brother; when we were kids it was a regular occurrence and when we were teenagers we’d all be goddam kissing we were so close, we were all brothers. It was never passionate kissing, just friendly. Even so, I decided to annoy Gerard, so when he turned back round I raised my eyebrow, smirking slightly and saying nothing.
“What?” He asked, brow furrowing slightly as he tried to read my expression. “What?!” He said, getting slightly annoyed with my silence.
“You kissed your brother.” I stated plainly and he blushed, looking down.
“So?” He asked wearily, peeking up at me through his curtain of raven black hair.
“You kissed your brother and felt no shame.” I said and his head snapped up, expression angry.
“Why the fuck should I Frank? He’s my brother. We’re close. But you wont fucking understand will you?” He growled and stormed out of the kitchen and into his basement bedroom, flicking the lock behind him so I couldn’t get in.
“What the hell?” I whispered to myself. Why was Gerard so protective over his relationship with Mikey? Had I missed something somewhere along the line? What was going on? Either way I’d have to find out in the morning because I couldn’t get hold of Gerard because the stupid dick has left his phone here when he stropped off to the basement.
“Looks like I’m on the couch then.” I sighed and walked into the Way’s living room. I could hear crying. Coming from two different places. One below me, in Gerard’s room and the other directly above, in Mikey’s room. What the hell is going on here? I slouched on the sofa and rolled over, slumbering into a dream world before I could even think of how to get to sleep.
“Ow!” I exclaimed as someone sat on me, I opened my eyes to find the room dark.
“Shit! Sorry Frank.” It was Mikey. I looked at the clock which read six AM.
“What are you doing up so early?” I asked, sitting up and motioning for Mikey to sit next to me.
“Couldn’t sleep. Why are you up here anyway? Why aren’t you with Gerard?” He asked and I sighed, maybe Mikey would know.
“After you went upstairs I decided I’d mess with him a little. So I said ‘you kissed your brother’ and he said ‘so?’ and I said ‘you kissed your brother and felt no shame?’ and he said ‘why the fuck should I Frank? He’s my brother. We’re close. But you won’t fucking understand will you?’ and then he stormed off and locked the door, leaving his phone on the kitchen table. I was only messing with him, but he seemed really angry.” I sighed and Mikey was fidgeting, looking worried.
“You shouldn’t have done that Frank.” He whispered sternly.
“Why? I was only messing.” I said, trying to read Mikeys expression; pain, angst and heart break.
“We’re closer than other brothers, we look out for each other and we love each other. Sometimes probably more than we should, but we can’t help it, it’s just how we are. You should never mess with Gerard using me, or the other way round. Our relationship is a bit of a touchy subject for the both of us.” He whimpered and a few tears slipped down his face as he lowered his head, looking at his lap. I put my arm around his shoulders and he leant a head on my shoulder.
“What do you mean Mikes?” I asked softly, scared of what the answer might be.
“I still love Gee.” He murmured and I felt confused.
“He’s your brother, of course you do.” I stated and he shook his head.
“When I was in my last years of high school and Gee was in art college we were sort of…together.” Mikey whimpered and shock hit me in the face.
“What?!” I hissed.
“Neither of us admitted it but it was like we were and then we just started to drift apart real quick when the band started and Gee met you… I felt so empty. He never said I love you in any way other than brotherly to me in my whole life and it hurts so much to see him love you as much as he does. Don’t get me wrong Frank, I love that he’s with you. But for that month that we were sort of together, when we were the closest we’d ever been was the best month of my life, I loved it. But then I found out he had a girlfriend and it really was nothing other than brotherly love. It still felt like we were together that month and I loved it so much Frankie. I could trust him just as much as I trust Brian. Yet he’s still clueless to how I felt about him right up until I was like twenty.” Mikey was crying harshly into my shoulder and all that was rushing through my head was all the years of Catholic school. ‘Being gay is wrong’ and ‘It’s unacceptable to love someone of the same blood’.
“Ssh Mikey, it’s okay, it’s okay.” I soothed, Mikey just wanted to be loved; he was always such a sweet, innocent and shy kid that no one really paid much attention to. As Mikey once put it; ‘Just a fucking nerdy bassist. What’s so great about a bassist? Fucking nothing.’ He once spat that at himself every morning for about two months until we sat down and talked to him about it and he told us Alicia had cheated- that was the first time.
“It’s not okay though! I wasn’t supposed to fucking fall in love with my brother!” He huffed, a few tears still slipping from under his glasses.
“Mikey, how strong was this love?” I asked unsurely.
“No where near the amount I feel for Brian or felt for Alicia. But for me at that time, it was enough to keep me going.” He mumbled and I stroked his hair softly.
“I think Gee felt the same, you were just two kids who were lonely and the only person you felt that ever loved you was your brother. You just needed to be loved and found a brotherly love together that was stronger than most other brothers. That’s okay Mikey, it really is.” I soothed.
“It was just brotherly love Frank, I promise. But when all brothers are kids they’re all affectionate and they kiss each other but they grow up and grow out of it. I guess because we were the kids that never grew up we didn’t grow out of that either.” He mumbled and I understood.
“So you weren’t actually together?” I asked, still slightly unsure.
“What?! No. I meant together as in best friends, like inseperable. What did you think I meant?” Mikey asked, looking up at me.
“Uhm, like a..relationship. You said together, not always together.” I pointed out and Mikey chuckled.
“Man, you know what I’m like in a morning. You need to piece my sentences together for me and fill in the gaps.” We laughed and I relaxed. Gay I could cope with. But incest? Gay incest? I mean, sure it’s okay for some people but I’d like to think that the Way brothers have more respect for each other than to make out, let alone fuck.
“But you said you were in love with him?” I asked, just wanting to make sure I knew what was going on.
“Frankie, I was just venting. I was a very confused teenager, and having an older brother like Gerard, well… what else do you expect? I haven’t ever told anyone and last night I couldn’t help but think I was losing him, I was just being a bit jealous. I’m not sure, it doesn’t matter anyways, I know he’ll always be my big brother. There were times when I though I was in love with him and, I haven’t ever told anyone the thoughts that still run through my head occasionaly, not Ray and not even Gerard. But now I’ve actually said it out loud, I’ve realised how fake the love was, nothing more than just teen confusion. Anyway, coffee?” Mikey asked, getting up.
“Fuck yes!” I replied. Coffee was the one thing I needed right now, Mikey and Gerard sure are two weird kids. The mind boggles…

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