Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Loneliness

Jimmy's Apartment

by AngelChuChu 0 reviews

Angel is settling in to Jimmy's apartment only to find Kane Smith at the door looking grim...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-04-20 - Updated: 2011-04-20 - 1116 words


Angel was woken up by a loud ‘CRASH!’ next to her bed, she immediately shot up from her bed and said,
“What the hell?! I’m trying to sleep here Idiots!” She opened her eyes and looked at who it was, it was Jimmy. He was trying to put her stuff in a box but accidentally knocked over a vase of flowers that he had placed next to her bed the previous night. He sheepishly said,
“Sorry Angel... I just thought I’d pack away your stuff for you since the doctor said you can come home today!” He had a giant grin on his face when he said that last part. She showed a small smile at how cute Jimmy looked when he was happy, it was almost like he was a 5 year old boy about to get a lollypop. She got up out of her bed and stretched a little, she asked jimmy for the clothes that she had been wearing the night she came here. Instead he handed her a brand new pair of black skinny’s and a black My Chemical Romance T-shirt. It had the album cover for ‘Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge’ on the front, this was Angel’s favourite album. Angel looked at Jimmy confused, the T-shirt alone was at least $30 and skinny’s were very expensive. Jimmy smiled and said,
“I thought I’d get you a welcoming present” Angel smiled, ran up to Jimmy and gave him a big hug. Jimmy smiled and hugged her back, Jimmy hugged her tight and nuzzled his face into Angel’s shoulder, it lasted for about 5 seconds before Angel realized what was happening. Angel released herself from the hug and blushed while she went into the bathroom to get changed into her awesome new clothes while Jimmy packed up the last bits of her belongings, ‘What the hell was I thinking?! She definitely knows now…’. Angel came out of the bathroom being her cheerful self and sat on the bed asking Jimmy for her socks, he handed them to her and she started putting on her black Green Day converses. ‘Maybe I got away without her noticing this time…’. Jimmy had packed the last of her things into her ‘Shredded’ My Chemical romance shoulder bag, he handed it to Angel and she got up and walked to the reception area of the hospital to tell them that she was leaving. Angel walked out of the hospital with Jimmy’s arm around her shoulder, he always did this. Angel always assumed he was like this with everyone so it didn’t bother her. They walked up to an old beat-up car, Angel was the only one of Jimmy’s friends who had figured out how to open doors and just get the damn thing to work! Angel walked up to the passenger door and gave it a little hit just to the left of the door handle, it opened for her whenever she did that for some reason. She handed her bags to Jimmy and got in the car, she had to tug at the seat belt a couple of times before she actually got it working. As Angel clipped the seatbelt in Jimmy opened the door of the driver’s side and got in. Angel and Jimmy drove to his apartment in silence. When they arrived at the apartment building Angel grabbed her stuff from the boot and started heading to the building, Jimmy called out,
“Oi, Angel! Wait up!” Angel didn’t respond, she stopped and turned around and Jimmy could see a tear rolling down her cheek. Jimmy ran up to her and said,
“Angel! Are you okay?” as soon as Jimmy got to her she fell into his arms crying, Jimmy hugged her back while comforting her. Angel fell asleep in Jimmy’s arms as he smiled and said,
“Angel…why do you always bottle your emotions up inside until the burst out like this…?” He hugged her tighter and kissed her on the forehead. Jimmy picked up her bag and picked her up hugging her as he walked up to his apartment.

Angel woke up 3 hours later in Jimmy’s bed, she walked out to the kitchen and saw Jimmy cooking pasta. She heard him curse a few times and he put the pasta in the boiling water and got burnt. Angel giggled as Jimmy cursed again, as he turned around she said,
“Surly a ‘genius’ like you could figure out to turn the heat down!” Jimmy laughed and blushed,
“If you have time to mock me come and help me with this devil water!” Angel chuckled and said like a pro,
“Move outta my way dumbass, I’m a girl I should be able to cook this right…” Jimmy just rolled his eyes and walked into his bedroom to turn on his TV. Angel stirred the pasta every now and then for about 5 minutes, she reached into the bottom cupboard for a small pot to heat up the pasta sauce in. She found one and put it on top of a burner, she poured the sauce into it and waited for it to bubble. As the sauce began to bubble she grabbed a strainer and put it over the sink, as she poured the boiling water through it some splashed up onto Angel’s hand.
“Shit!! Owwwwie…” Angel yelled, she dropped the strainer in the sink with the pot and fell to the floor clutching her burnt hand, tears dripping from her eyes in pain. Jimmy jumped out of bed and ran to Angel,
“Crap, you ok Angel?” He had a worried expression on his face,
“Yeah I guess...” Angel said through a pained expression, without thinking Jimmy kissed her hand better and lifted her up to rinse her hand under cold water. Angel smiled at Jimmy and blushed as she realised what he had just done, Jimmy had never seen her act so shy!
“Angel… there’s something I need to tell you… I-“ there was a loud and sudden knock at the door, Angel jumped and stuttered,
“Y-You should probably get that…” Jimmy nodded and walked over to open the door. It was Kane.
“Hey Kane, what you doing here?” Jimmy said confused, Kane looked at Jimmy sympathetically.
“Well there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that we’ve found Angel a new home.” Jimmy smiled at me as I walked over and said,
“Is’nt that great Angel!! … Wait, what’s the bad news?” Kane’s face saddened,
“Angel has been adopted to America…” Jimmy’s face dropped from happy to confused and sad, I just stood there, dumbstruck…
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