Categories > Movies > Shrek > Screaming In Her Head

Screaming In Her Head

by 18th_Hole 0 reviews

Fiona feels like Shrek is making her insane...

Category: Shrek - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-03-20 - Updated: 2011-03-21 - 134 words - Complete

Fiona was running from the den upstairs to the bathroom down the hall, and Shrek followed her.
"Fiona, what is it you need to tell me?!"
She continued to run and kept her hand over her mouth. Oh, thank God!! She thought as she finally reached the bathroom. She knelt down in front of the toilet, removed her hand, and vomitted into the toilet bowl.
Shrek gasped, "Fiona?" He knelt down beside her, "Sweetheart? Are you," Fiona picked her head up and looked at him, he pulled her hair back, though it was already filled with vomit, "pregnant?"
Weakly, she nodded her head.
Shrek waited ten minutes by her side, til she was finished. "Y'think you'll be fine for a little while?"
"Yeah. I think so. Why?"
"C'mon. Let's wash that vomit out."
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