Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Now calling Dr. Way

New Comming

by nuerue 1 review

New Patient, How is Gerard going to take it?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-04-23 - Updated: 2011-04-24 - 860 words

Thank you everyone for reviewing! I'm going to try and keep this going! Hope you enjoy, Frankie will be here next chapter

“Dr. Way, we are getting a new patient today and he is going to take the empty bed besides your brother. Can you talk to Gerard about this so we can prevent any surprise?” Dr. Klous asked me.
“What’s the case?” I asked surprised, usually I knew a couple days in advance when a new patient is arriving.
“His name is Frank Iero. He tried to commit suicide, He was at the main hospital but they are sending him up here for observation.” Klous said handing me the kid’s file.
“How long is he going to be staying?” I asked going through the report.
“Hopefully just one week without incident. Lets just hope Craig likes him.” Klous started laughing until he realized that I was glaring at him.
“It was just a joke, Mikey.” He said awkwardly.
“Oh, you were being funny! You see, I often mistake humor for highly offensive comments.” I said dryly.
“I’m sorry Dr.-”
“Why don’t you just leave and do your fucking job?” I asked and started for Gerard’s room.
“Knock knock.” I said as I opened the door.
“No! No! I’m naked!” Gerard yelled hastily.
“It’s me Gee.” I said continuing in. Gerard was standing completely naked in the middle of the room, laying out a new outfit.
“Oh, well then in that case I’m not naked, turn the fuck around Mike.” He said annoyed as he started to dress.
I respected his wishes and looked at the currently empty bed on the other side of his room. I wondered how he was going to take the news.
“You’re good.” he said and I turned to see him fully dressed and laying down on his bed.
“So, how’re you today?” I asked sitting on soon to be Franks bed.
“Pretty good, I do kind of need more cigarettes, and some more shampoo, oh and to get the fuck out of here. Mikey, You know there’s nothing wrong with me!”
“Gerard, you bit Dr. Locke’s arm so hard you broke through several layers of skin and it got infected, because Craig told you so.” I tried explaining to him.
“That was a long time ago.” He said while bitting his finger nails.
“That was this morning.”
“Well I don’t remember you complaining when I hurt the kids at your school who were hurting you.” He was starting to get angry this was not how this was all supposed to go.
“Gerard that was different, and I’m grateful for that but Dr. Locke didn’t do anything.”
“That is not, what I heard.”
“From who? Craig? Who doesn’t fucking exist, Gerard? The man inside your head?” I started yelling.
“No from my friend Craig who everyone seems to completely overlook in this entire situation!” He yelled back, I couldn’t take hearing my brother talk crazy anymore and I had to leave.
I walked back to my office and put my head in my hands trying not to cry. I heard the door open and close but I didn’t even bother looking up, whoever it was would probably understand that I didn’t want to talk.
“Mikey, you are the best doctor here, you have dealt with much more difficult patients then Gerard, you can’t let this get to you.” A women’s voice said.
“Yeah well it’s a little fucking different when it’s your brother of the other end of the treatment and you have to be the bad guy and the support at the same time.” I said and reached down to open my bottom drawer of my desk. I saw the bottle of whisky sitting there.
“No, Mikey you have come so far, you don’t need this.” She said. I looked up to tell this person to leave my office when I recognized those eyes. It was the women from this morning, only now she was dressed in a tight red dress.
“You... Who the hell are you?” I finally asked.
“I’m whoever you want me to be, Baby.” She said and slowly walked over to my desk and sat on it.
“How’d you get in my house?” I asked but before I could get the answer I heard cursing coming from the hall, I turned to look and just knew it was Gerard. I looked back to the women and she was once again gone. I stood up confused when my door opened and in came Gerard.
“Who the fuck is in Craig’s bed? I go to take a piss and I come back and a little shit is all over Craig’s shit!” He rants. I put my hand up to my forehead and cursed myself for not telling Gerard what I had gone there to tell him.
“His name’s Frank Iero-” I started but Gerard interrupted me.
“I don’t fucking care what his name is, he has to go!” He said annoyed.
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