Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Really Need To Listen To Me [Frerard]

Chapter 10

by MyWatercolourRomance 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-04-24 - Updated: 2011-04-24 - 275 words


Gerard walked out of the tourbus where Frank was waiting  for him. He had tears in his eyes. Fuck, we all did. Even Bob, even though he was pretending to be fine, he'd been quiet for way too long to be feeling alright. Frank was soothing his boyfriend and Bob was kicking stones. I decided to try and calm Mikes down. I walked past Frank and Gerard and opened the door to the bus. I heard heavy breathing as I shut the door.

"Ray, help." I heard someone whisper. I looked around.
"Fuck, Mikey!" He was bleeding, he'd slit his wrists. He'd engraved Alicia's name on his arm. "I'm getting your brother." I said, opening the door. "Gerard, get the fuck in here now and sort out your fucking brother. NOW, Gerard."
He didn't need to be told twice. Frank followed. 
"Bob, you get the fuck in here." I said. He'd nursed Gee and Franks wrists years ago and knew what to do. 


The idiot. I pity him, but slitting his wrists was uncalled for. I grabbed a tee off someones bunk and wrapped it round Mikeys arm. 
"You're fucking clever, arent you?" I muttered.
"Fuck off, Bob." Frank said, kicking me.
"Fuck yourself. Gerard, hold this shirt on your brothers arm please." I went to find bandages. 
"Bob, the blood's seeping through."
I looked over and saw how bad it was. 
"Peter!" I called. Peter was our bus driver. "We need to go to the ER. And make it quick, he looks like he's about to pass out."

Yes, I named the bus driver Peter. And what?;)xoxo
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