Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Think Happy Thoughts

Meet the Bands

by Syphiel 2 reviews

The Metal Mandalorins meet the oter bands

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-04-24 - Updated: 2011-04-25 - 1850 words

As promised, an Easter gift of the next chapter. Meet the other Bands.


Moira stepped from the shower. She caught her reflection in the full length mirror Bill had put in the bathroom. She turned to the left looking at the black and blue that spread from her right hip up to the bottom of her rib cage. She had screwed up again. She accidently washed Bill’s stage outfit with the regular laundry. Now his shirt was on the stiff side instead of worn looking. Normally his stage outfit was washed in just pure water no detergent to give it that never been washed after fifty wears type of look. Moira sighed. She wished she could not screw up for just one day. She could never do anything right. Thunder was always trying to protect her but all he was doing was getting himself in trouble. Matt had the right idea, he stayed out of everything. He refused to get himself involved in a fight between two loved ones. Moira looked at her face next. The bruise under her eye was almost gone. It had faded to a greenish yellow mix. It was still tender but at least regular make up would cover it. She grabbed the base cover up. It was thicker and would hide the black edges that her stage vest didn’t cover.
Moira gasped as she applied the cover up. The bruise seemed to go through to her ribs. It hurt for her to breathe too deeply. She finished the makeup on her side and moved to do the stage makeup for the night. Gerard had called them earlier that day to explain that any one of the three bands could be playing tonight to open for them. They all had to be ready just in case. She quickly dressed in her stage clothes and ran out into the living room of the house the four of them lived in together. Thunder was lying on the couch spread out like he had flopped there and decided to never move again. She couldn’t tell if he was awake or asleep because of his ever present sunglasses. Matt was randomly drumming on the Rock Band drum kit. He was always moving. Moira giggled. Matt could never sit still and that was why his parents first got him into the drums. They had figured something to take up the excess energy. Too bad for them, he became so good that he quit school to be a full time drummer.
Moira glanced around. She didn’t dare speak but she was worried about Bill. They needed to leave soon if they wanted to get to Starland on time. It wasn’t a long drive but their rusty van didn’t always like working like it was suppose to. Moira coughed slightly. Thunder lifted his head slightly, “Yes darling?”
Moira spoke softly, “Where’s Bill?”
A voice answered behind her, “Right here babe,” it sent chills down her spine. She had done it again. Spoken before a gig. What punishment would Bill give her this time? Bill walked up behind her and smacked the back of her head. He kept walking over to Thunder and Matt, “Van is loaded. As long as Princess Bitch over there is finally ready, we can leave.”
Moira nodded slowly. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She didn’t know that it was her fault that they were leaving late. The four of them piled into the van. Moira sat in the back this time so she could pull her hair up into her usual messy buns.
The van behaved properly but when they pulled up at Starland Ballroom, it appeared that they were the last ones to arrive. Five busses were parked there. One read My Chemical Romance on the side. The one next to it had Metal Mandalorians on it. The one closest to them read Snow Blinded. The last two had their names covered by the other busses. Moira could see a bunch of people milling around. She hoped no one saw the bruises. People liked to ask a lot of questions when they saw bruises. Questions that she didn’t like to answer. She knew she fucked up a lot. Before Bill her parents would tell her that too. The only difference was Bill loved her. She knew he did. Pulling the van up next to the groups of people, the four of them piled out.
Frank ran over to them, “Awesome, you guys made it with like fifteen minutes to spare. Plenty of time for a meet and greet before we have to do anything else.”
Bill nodded, “That’s great. What’s with the busses though?”
Frank laughed slightly, “Yeah, we figured most local bands travel in vans and that sometimes they break down so we got our manager to get you guys’ busses. One for each band. You will travel just the same as us. All the comforts of home crammed into a school bus. Ain’t it great?”
Thunder smirked, “Awesome.”
Frank led them over to the groups of people. Everyone seemed to be grouped into what was probably their own band, afraid to break away to meet the others. Frank took the lead, “Ok so since we are going to be spending a couple of months together, everyone needs to be friends. None of this sticking with your own band shit. Ok? Ok. So everyone introduce yourselves.”
Moira glanced at Bill. His smile seemed to take up his whole face. Most of these bands were girls. Moira couldn’t believe it. He was flirting right in front of her. Moira shook her head. She was imagining things. She knew Bill would never cheat on her. He loved her. A pale girl with light brown hair and glasses stepped forward, “Hi I’m Eva. I play piano and sing backup for Snow Blinded.”
The next girl had caramel skin and shoulder length black-brown hair and again glasses, “I’m Autumn. Guitar for Snow Blinded.”
A third girl stepped forward. Her long black hair cascading down her shoulders, “Jamie, lead vocals. Snow Blinded.”
Finally the only guy there stepped forward, “I’m Matt. I drum. Oh and I’m with Snow Blinded.”
Matt pointed to a girl who couldn’t seem to sit still, “That’s Sam. She’s our bassist.”
A skinny girl with short black spiky hair stepped forward, “This is taking forever. My band is Darkened Rainbow. I’m Rayne and I play guitar. That’s,” pointing to a girl with dyed purple hair and very tanned skin, “is Beth. She is our drummer but does guitar as well. Nolee is our singer,” pointing to a girl with black hair with neon blue ends, “And last is Julia, the bassist,” pointing to the last girl leaning against one of the busses with platinum blonde hair and mesh gloves.
“I like how you think Rayne. I’m Ashley. I’m in the band Daisy Chain. I sing and play drums,” said a girl with black hair dyed with stripes of blue and purple. She quickly pointed to a girl with long dark purple hair, “That’s Amy. She plays guitar. She is really good.”
Amy gave a short wave. A girl with long dark brown hair with the ends dyed red smiled, “Sorry about Ashley. She’s a little hyper and tends to talk for Amy and well all of us sometimes. She is just really hyper. I’m Eva but since there is another Eva here feel free to call me by my stage name Dodger. I’m the lead singer of Daisy Chain.”
Finally a girl with long messy brown hair spoke up, “I’m Mia and I play the bass.”
Bill cracked his knuckles, “Well, hello ladies. I’m Bill feel free to call me Suave because I am. I’m the vocalist for the most awesome fucking band ever The Metal Mandalorians. To my right with the white hair is our guitarist Thunder. To my left with no shirt on is our drummer Matt. And the three of us would be so happy to help you with anything you might need.”
Moira let a small cough escape her lips. Bill turned and looked at her, “Oh yeah and this is Moira our bassist.”
Moira smiled a little. Bill had included her with the band. Usually he just forgot about her. Gerard walked up to the groups, “So everyone knows everyone now? Good. So after talking it over with the guys we decided that the band to open tonight for us is Snow Blinded. They were here first so we figured it was only fair.”
The three other bands all had looks of disappointment on their faces but they knew sooner or later they would all get to open for My Chem. Moira ran back to the van and grabbed her duffel and bass. The other bands had already packed up their busses. Moira deposited her duffel on one of the bunks and turned around to see Bill standing behind her.
He grabbed her arm roughly, “You little shit. Because of you, we were late and we missed out on opening in our own fucking town.”
His fingers dug into her arm. His sharp nails cutting half moon shapes into the soft skin, “Do you have anything to say for yourself, Bitch?”
Blood slowly slipped down her arm, “I’m sorry Bill.”
Bill released her arm, “You better be fucking sorry bitch. You ever screw us like that again and it will be more than just a little blood on your arm. This is the best fucking chance we have of getting out of this shit town. If you screw this up.”
Bill left the bus, leaving the threat hanging open over her head. Moira grabbed some tissues and wiped up the blood from her arm. You couldn’t even see the little bruises that he had made. She knew it would be dark inside Starland so she didn’t bother with anymore make up. She left the bus and ran inside the venue. She stood next to Bill to wait for the show. Watching Snow Blinded was so different from her band. Their songs were sweet and about finding love where you least expect it. The piano was such a different sound. It added a sweet depth to the lyrics Jamie was singing.
The opening act was over before Moira realized it. Suddenly, My Chemical Romance was on the stage. Frank was playing his heart out. Gerard was all over the stage. Moira stared. Fascinated with the band and how they played. Bill noticed her stare. He was not happy.


Author’s note: Oh no, what’s gonna happen next? Stayed tuned to find out in the next all exciting chapter…..I really need to stop watching old batman episodes with my dad on holidays. Ok so lots of people auditioned. Thank you. Not everyone is going to be a major character but everyone will make appearances throughout.
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