Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A broken heart,a twisted mind.

A broken heart,a twisted mind.

by sineadlovesmcr 1 review

Charlotte and the mcr boys were friend for years.Is there any other feeling other than friends?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-04-27 - Updated: 2011-04-28 - 306 words

This is a new start for my ficwad and the old fanfics were shit so i started agian.,I hope you guys like this.

Sinéad xo

-Charlotte's POV-

This morning I woke up this Saturday with my phone flashing,I had a text message from Gerard.

Hey,when will ya be ready?

I text back

Yeah gimme five!

I went to shower,I got out and put on my Black string top(its worm out)and my black skinny jeans.Straightend my hair and backcombed it at the back.Slipped on my black converse.and went to get a cup of coffee.After I hd my mug I left to meet the guys.

When I spotted Franks unnormally large mohawk,Gerard had spotted me.He ran down the large hill and almost fell have way.I giggled at that and he blushed feircely.

"CHOR!"Gerard screamed like a girl.
"GEE!"I screamed as I almost fell.
"FRANKERZ!"Frank screamed loudly and ran and pushed Gee out of the way.
"Ok?"I said in confusion.

He jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss on the cheak.I tried to give Gee a hug but Frank wouldnt get off me.I grabbed him by the mohawk and he released himslef.I gave the rest of them hugs and I gave Mikey his video game he left in my house yesterday.

We went to the top of the hill and we all sat down.Mikey made sure to sit next to me.Frank at the other side of me.Gerard , Ray and Bob across from me.I lies back into the grass and watched the clouds.Frank and Mikey instantly followed me,So did the rest of them.We layed in a line.We lay there for hours just chatting and making fun of Ray's fro.
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