Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Journal of A Killjoy Named Crimson Revenge

April 28

by XxRed_AlertxX 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-29 - Updated: 2011-04-29 - 1075 words

Dear Whoever The Fuck Is Reading This,
I have decided to keep a journal now so I won’t go insane inside of this BL/ind Detainment School for The Bad or anywhere -.- Its like fucking hell in this place!! Well you guys are probably super confused to as what the hell is going on and who the hell am I, am I right? Yeah well my name is Ryder Page better know as Crimson Revenge in the zones. Yeah you’re probably wondering how I ended up in a Detainment School and I’ll get to that later just not this second. As I said my name is Crimson Revenge and I am a motherfucking killjoy. I proudly wear my colors and proudly support the Fabulous Killjoys. So as I was saying… My name is Crimson Revenge at the moment I’m 15 almost 16 and stuck at the height of 5’1 -.- Everyone keeps calling me short shit among other names. But yeah I’m short and I don’t even fucking care. You mad? Haha but yeah so I gotta stay on track. At the moment I have brown hair with blond and red highlights. Its cut short in the back and long in the front with long sweeping side bangs that I use to cover my face. Something the BL/ind hates -.- Well BL/ind hates like every single fucking thing that I do no matter what it is. So yeah I guess I should explain to you how I ended up in here and shit like that. Well when Better Living Industries started to take over my parents immediately went and joined their side and tried to get me and my older brother to join too. We refused and kept refusing. There was no way in hell that we were going to give in to BL/ind ever. We knew what BL/ind was up to. So one day my brother, Cody Lee(better known as Cyanide Happiness) who is 18 and I will get into more about later, decided that we couldn’t take anymore of this shit that they call life in Battery City. Well life in Battery City was pretty fucking shitty right now if you ask me. BL/ind has made it their goal to control everyone occupying the city and try to end the Fabulous Killjoys and their followers. So like I was saying my brother Cyanide Happiness and I decided to ditch this shithole and get out into the zones. Well sneaking out of Battery City is pretty damn well impossible with all the draculoids and shit out and about but we were determined to do it. We started planning right away when I was 13 and my brother was 16. Yeah it took us like 2 years to actually plan this all out but it worked. We had to time everything just right and gather a couple of laser guns, food, and water. My brother also wanted to find the perfect car for the zones and to hide all of our stuff in. Eventually we had everything we needed, we had a Jeep Cherokee hidden from view outside of Battery City, thanks to my brother and his friends. Finally the right moment came and we made our move. My brother, his two friends, and I ran out in the middle of the night to the Jeep, which has been modified a lot. Haha lets just say that it’s not a normal Jeep and is now one of my brother’s friend’s creation. He was able to modify it to be so quite that we could be speeding by you and you could hear a pin drop. He was also able to modify it with a defense mode, attack mode, a draculoid tracking system, and many other gadgets that we’ll most likely will need in the zones. We had made it out into the zones after only running into a few draculoids and decided that we won’t stop until we at least make it to Zone 2 or at least close to it. Now to speed this up because some BL/ind scum are staring at me… We had a good year out in the zones, hanging out with other Killjoys, killing draculoids, and most importantly having fun XD I even ran into the Fabulous Killjoys once, but that’s a story to share another day along with all my other stories from the zones. Now you’re probably wondering how I ended up in here and well that’s one story I’m not particularly fond of. The four of us were out on a regular ride for new shelter or food or water or weapons, whatever we needed at the moment. We had found a place that looked promising for food I think it was at the moment and were sending me and Retina Exploder, James, in to go check it out. As Retina Exploder and I were going through the building we saw a door that seemed like a pantry. We opened it and were ambushed by 10 to 15 draculoids. We immediately started firing our weapons and looking for a place to hide behind, finding none we started sprinting towards the exit. Now here comes the part of this story that I really hate the most… We were almost at the car when one of the draculoids fired their laser and nailed me in the leg. I instantly fell to the ground and Retina Exploder started to run back for me as well as my brother, Cyanide Happiness. I couldn’t let them come back this far to me because if they did I knew we would all get ghosted and I couldn’t let that happened. We had all come so far in our fight for freedom that I couldn’t let them throw this all away. So I did the only thing that I could do and told them to get the fuck outta here. I yelled at them to get into the jeep and get as far as way from here as possible and that one day I will find them, one day. So yeah here I am stuck in this fuckin hell hole they call Detainment School For The Bad -.- Its basically full of Killjoys like me but that’s a story for another day.

See yeah out in the zones one day,
Crimson Revenge
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