Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I fought them all off just to hold you

Chapter six

by MyBloodyTearsFall 3 reviews

Gerard faces his dad. FINAL CHAPTER!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2011-05-01 - Updated: 2011-05-01 - 1350 words - Complete

Disclaimer! I don't own anyone of the people. This is pure fiction. Thank you so much for the reviews and all the views. Yes there's mostly likey spelling mistakes. Sorry its past midnight and I'm sleepy but Please Rate and Review. I now present you the last chapter!

My heart was pounding as we reached our street. I squeezed Frank’s hand and glanced at him nervously. He squeezed my hand back before letting it go and putting his arm around my waist. I put my arm around his shoulders and peered down at his anxious face. He kissed my cheek and whispered, “I’m here, Gee.”

I smiled at him and kissed his lips. Before I had a chance to say anything back we were in front of my house and dad’s car was pulling into the driveway. Shit! This is it. He honked and glared at us. Before ramming the door open and storming to us. My mom looked worried and ran after him. Yelling, “Donald! Wait! You’re over reacting.”

I held onto Frank’s hand firmly and faced my father.

He exploded. “Get the fuck away from here you no good, faggot!” He said this directly to Frank.

My blood boiled and gently pushed Frankie behind me. “Don’t you fucken talk to my boyfriend like that!”

“It’s okay, Gee. Please calm down!” Frank whispered in my ear almost silently, anxiously.

“No, its not okay!” I glared back into my dad’s eyes. “Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to Frank like that?” I pushed him, making him stumble back.

“Don’t you do that, boy. I’m your father and you will respect me!” He screamed it into my face.

“Why should I! Huh? Why should I respect someone who take out his anger on my little brother! He has nothing to do with this, yet you dragged him into it. This is between you and me! Why can't you just accept me! Does my sexuality really matter? If you want to pick a fight then here I am!” I punched in right in the jaw. My mom screamed.

“What’s going on here!” Dad hadn’t told her anything. Typical.

Dad grabbed my shirt and hurled me into the ground. I yelled but wasn’t going to let him win. I repeatedly punched him in the face. Frank tried pulling him off me, only to get a punch to his gut from my dad. I felt like my head was going to explode from the anger running through my veins.

“Don’t you fucken touch, Frank!” I pushed him off me and stood up, before kicking him in the ribs just like he had done to me. “Who’s pathetic now!” I kicked him again.

"You're going to regret this!" His fist made contact to my already bruised sides.

The neighbors had come out and were yelling for us to stop, yet no one made any move of trying to stop the fight. He grabbed my leg and pulled me back to the ground. We wrestled each other, throwing punches and kicks whenever opportunity approached. I was bleeding from my mouth and my body was sour but I kept on fighting. I heard police sirens and knew this was my last chance to get revenge. I slammed my fist into my dad’s nose, hearing it crunch and break. The sound of it breaking was music to my ears. "I regret nothing!" He gave out a cry of pain as the blood dripped out. The police came and pulled me off of him. I didn’t fight but Frankie sure did.

“Let him go! He was only defending himself.” Frankie tried prying the hands off of me but the other cop pushed him away.

Mikey joined in with Frank and yelled, “ It’s not his fault! Please sir, let us explain what happened. He only hit him” he pointed to our dad, “ because he hit us first!” Mikey pulled up his shirt to reveal the bruise. Shit! It was almost black.

“Oh honey are you alright?” Our mom hugged Mikey tight. What the hell?! Where’s my hug? I’m the one with blood spilling from my mouth and covered in multiple bruises. –Sigh- Whatever.
As if reading my mind she walks up to me, worry in her eyes. “Please officer, let go of my son.” He let me go and I fell into her arms, in pain. “What happened, Gerard? You can tell me. “She cooed softly.

Before I could answer the police interrupted, pulling my dad to us while another cop told the crowd of people to leave. “Would either of you care to explain what happened?”

I hesitated. Frank quickly walked to me when my dad was pulled near and grabbed my hand. He looked up at me, reassuringly. “I can tell you what happened.” I spoke, without fear. I wasn’t going to try and cover for my dad.

“Well then tell us, son. What happened?” The police was calm and nonchalant.

“Um, well I should start from yesterday.” I decided to look at my mom as I told my story. She was oblivious to what had been going on. So I said almost everything that happened, minus the shower, to the police, Frank filled in the details of seeing my bruises, and about the time I got there and how I was when I slept. Apparently I had cried and had gasped in pain multiple times. I felt awful being the reason for his stress. When it came to this morning, Mikey took over and explained the bruise on his side. After about a half hour, we caught the police up to date on what happened. My mom was crying and staring at me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She embraced me and sobbed into me.

“Because you weren’t home when it happened and I hadn’t wanted to stay home last night.” I felt ashamed but I knew even if she had been there I still would have left.

“Boys, take him away!” They dragged my dad into the police car. He yelled and tried to get away. “How dare you choose that prancing fairy over your own flesh and blood!”

“Because I love him, that’s why.” I replied proudly, putting my arm around Frankie.
The police took him away. Mom was hugging and talking to Mikey. I stood apart from her with Frank. He pulled me into a bone-crushing hug as the tears began to roll down our eyes. He cried into my chest, choking on his words. “You... didn’t need to… do that… for me, Gee”
I pushed him away a bit and looked into his bloodshot eyes. “But I did. I wasn’t going to let him call you that. I’m sorry he hurt you. Is your side okay?”

He looked confused before remembering and lifting his shirt, poking at where he’d been hit. “It’s alright. I’ll be fine.”

I didn’t want to push it further so I dropped the subject. “Frankie?”

“Yeah?” He wiped the tears from his eyes before looking at me.

“We won.”

“What do you mean?”

“We fought for love and won.” I smiled at him and hugged him with all my strength. He giggled and hugged me back tightly. I leaned in and kissed him. We looked like the people in horror films after they beat the bad guy or overcome disaster but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that we loved each other and nothing could tear us apart. The sun shined on his face, casting a beautiful color on his skin.

“Why are you staring at me?” he questioned curiously.

“You’re beautiful, Frank.”

He blushed red and pulled me in for another sweet kiss. How could this be wrong? I loved him with all my soul. How could this be wrong when it felt so right?

“I love you, Gerard.” He said in between kisses.

“I love you, Frank.”

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