Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Worst of both worlds

Dad's home!

by adrenaline_bomb 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-02 - Updated: 2011-05-02 - 2421 words - Complete

“Oh, Gee.” Bob said and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my shaking frame as I cried into his chest, letting him hold me. “You’ve really hurt Mikey… he didn’t know what you’d gone through, hell, none of us did. Frankie just seems inconsolable, he’s not even taking any notice to us. Why didn’t you tell us how much you were hurting? We could’ve helped you.” Bob whispered comfortingly in my ear, stroking my hair.
“You’d think I was weak and you’d realise just how worthless I am.” I whispered.
“You’re not worthless, you’re amazing and we would never think you were weak.” Bob said and rocked me gently. I breathed deep as I finished crying.
“Are you okay?” Ray asked and I looked up from Bob’s chest, nodding.
“Hey, Frank, Mikey. I’m so sorry!” I gushed and ran over to them, pulling them both into a tight hug.
“It’s okay GeeBear, you just scared me. I didn’t know you’d been going through that.” Mikey breathed, voice full of love and caring.
“Sugar, if you ever feel like that again, please just come to us.” Frankie pleaded.
“I will, I promise, I’m so sorry.” I said, still gripping them tight.
“Can I sleep in here tonight?” Frankie asked and I nodded.
“Of course you can.” I turned around to Bob and Ray, “Want to stay over?” I asked and they nodded. “Okay, you know how to set up the sofa bed in Mikey’s room, yeah?” They nodded and grinned. Frankie laced his fingers with my own and kissed my cheek as Mikey, Bob and Ray walked up the stairs. A few seconds later, Bob came back down.
“I just wanted to say…Oh, hot damn! Gee!” He squealed and I threw a pillow at him as he started back up the staircase.
“I’m really tired and really sore. I just need to sleep but if you want to watch a movie or something that’s fine.” I told Frankie and slouched off to my bathroom, brushing the taste of liquor and blood from my mouth and pulling on a black vest top and some red and black checked pyjama pants and walking back into my room where Frank was sitting on the end of the bed.
“Can I borrow some pyjamas, Gee? I don’t think you really want me sleeping in my boxers.” I smiled at him, he was always really nice to me and always went out of his way to make sure I was comfortable.
“Here.” I said and handed him a pair of purple and black checked pyjama pants and a deep blue tank top. They fitted him perfectly, though the pants were too long and a bit too baggy, but the tank top stretched perfectly over his muscled and inked chest, hugging him just right but not too tightly. I couldn’t help but stare.
“Thanks Gee, I love you.” Frank smiled and kissed my forehead , pulling my hand and leading me towards the safe confines of my bed. I snuggled down in the duvet and lay on my side, Frankie’s arms wrapped around my waist and I could feel his steady heart beat through his back and the gentle tickle of his breathing on the back of my neck. This was quite possibly the safest I’d ever felt.
“I love you too Frankie.” I whispered as we both fell to sleep.
I jolted up in bed to hear clattering from upstairs. I jumped over Frankie, waking him, and out of bed.
“Stay here, I heard something upstairs, I don’t want you getting hurt.” I whispered and kissed his forehead, picking up my baseball bat and walking upstairs. I heard movement in the kitchen and walked in to see the man I despised the most in the world, drunk and crazy eyed and staring at me with a shotgun- it was my father.
“Hello Dad.” I spat, “How very nice to see you.” My voice was filled with venom and hatred, I heard Mikey, Ray and Bob come down the stairs. “Go back to bed boys, father has a gun.” I called and I heard muffled ‘oh hells!’ and other profanities and explicit phrases as they thundered back up the stairs.
“Good to see you too, Georgia.” My father teased and I rolled my eyes, smacking the baseball bat against my palm.
“It’s Gerard, thickoid.” I spat and he sneered at me.
“I have a gun and you have a bat. What you gonna do boy? Huh? You haven’t got enough balls to do anything, or any balls at all!” He cackled. “ I’m `going to give you what you deserve faggot.” He snarled.
“I’m not afraid of you, and I’m not afraid to die!” I shouted, right in his face, he smelt like an ashtray that had drowned in a bottle of cheap vodka.
“You should be afraid boy, you should be very afraid.” He muttered and aimed a shot at me, which I ducked easily due to my sad excuse of a father having a lousy aim and being heavily intoxicated. I swung the bat to his knees which gave a loud crack and he fell to the floor on his face, I straddled the small of his back and wrestling the gun out of his grip, causing him to shoot randomly several times, one of them so close to me it gave me a hair-cut. I threw the gun across the room and slammed his head down into the kitchen tiles, blood exploding from his nose.
“Your wortheless.” He muttered and I slammed his head down again as his legs kicked and arms flailed though there was nothing he could do, my weight on him was too much. “YOU’RE A FREAK OF NATURE AND YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I WISH YOU’D NEVER BEEN BORN!” He yelled and I dug my fingernails into his scalp, pulling his hair and slamming his head on the tiles again and again- it was very therapeutic and geve a very satisfying wet thud, mixed with a crunch if I’d broke another bone or knocked out a tooth. I had a lot of pent up frustration from high school, the beating earlier today and my father’s beatings he provided me with at childhood. I heard the Police draw up outside; Mikey must have called them, he’s a good boy. I let my father’s head fall to the floor, he’d passed out as I’d been releasing my rage. I stayed on his back though, restraining him. Frank must have heard the Police pull up, as well as Mikey, Bob and Ray as they rushed to the door. Frankie and Mikey were crying heavily as they opened the door and Ray and Bob had a few tears glistening on their cheeks from the early morning sun shining through the door as the armed Police walked in. I crossed my arms and grinned when the guys turned round and saw me.
“OH MY GOD! HE’S ALIVE!” Mikey screamed and all four of them jumped on me, knocking me off my unconscious father.
“Why? Did you think I’d died or something?” I chuckled darkly.
“We heard gun shots and thuds, we thought he’d finished you off for good, Gee. We were so scared. I text Frank to tell him what was going on after we came down and saw you and Dad. I was so scared. I thought you were dead!” Mikey cried on to me.
“No, I’m still here Mikey and trust me, I’m gonna outlive the lot of you.” I laughed and he buried his face in my neck, the Police woman was watching us curiously as my Dad was cuffed and dragged outside. I pushed Mikey off me gently.
“Give us a minute.” I said softly and she nodded, though still observed us.
“You better out live us all Gerard, our lives wouldn’t be complete without you. I love you so much, baby.” Frankie sobbed and kissed me passionately, his hands tugging at my hair and making me smile. I looped my arms around his waist and we broke our kiss as the Police woman coughed lightly. I pressed my forehead against his and kissed his nose lightly, before turning to face the Police woman, never letting go of Frankie.
“I understand that it was a mister Michael Way that informed us of this break in, we’ve been looking for this man for quite some time.” She informed us. “I would like to thank his brother Gerard if you know where he is, but you seemed to have the situation well under control miss.” She nodded at me and I blushed.
“I am Gerard.” She looked shocked. A sudden burst of confidence ran through my veins. “I’m Gerard Arthur Way, I’m twenty years old, I’m a hermaphrodite and I’m gay and madly in love with Frankie Iero, the boy in my arms.” I said proudly and her jaw dropped. She quickly corrected her expression though.
“We have a statement from your brother Mr Way. This case will bother you no more, your father has been wanted for child abuse and drug abuse for quite some time, your brother also explained how he used to beat you. He won’t get away with this. Goodnight.” She said and turned on her heel, walking out of the door.
“I’m so glad that you’ve accepted what you are.” Frankie whispered and I held him close against me.
“I’m glad too Frankie.” I mumbled and released him a few moments after.
“What time is Mom coming home?” Mikey asked.
“She’ll be home at ten am, we better get this place cleaned up, it’s six now and then we can go to bed and she’ll come home and be none the wiser. I don’t want my mother finding out about anything that’s happened tonight, it won’t help anybody in any way and she’ll only worry and go buy me cookies so I get fat, okay?” I asked and everyone looked sceptical.
“What if the Police phone her though? What do we do then?” Mikey asked nervously and I shrugged.
“They won’t they’ll just contact me as I was the one in charge at the time, if they contact us at all.” I said, though I wasn’t too sure and Mikey still looked sceptical. “Mikes! We’ll cross that bridge if and when we come to it, okay?” I sighed and a thought popped into my head, “ Oh hell! You didn’t tell the Police about the almost rape and beating that I got served with tonight did you?” I exclaimed nervously.
“No we didn’t. Mikey wanted to but we told him that you’d cover him in barbeque sauce and roast him on a spit, so he decided against it.” Ray chuckled and I raised an eyebrow, putting a hand on my hip.
“Ray, is that seriously the best punishments you can come up with? I’m much more creative when it comes to homicides.” I stated simply and gave my Jersey famous ‘paedophile’ grin.
“Gee, never do that grin in a public place, you’ll get us all arrested.” Bob joked and I punched him playfully on the arm.
“Right, lets clean this place up, how’d he get in anyway?” Frank asked and Mikey blushed.
“…The front door.” He said nervously, finding his long bony feet incredibly interesting all of a sudden.
“You didn’t lock the front door?” I asked, biting my lip to supress and inappropriate giggle.
“Eh, I knew there was something I forgot to do.” Mikey muttered and I burst out laughing, Frank giggling as well.
“What’s so funny?” Ray asked and started laughing himself- the giggles are always contagious.
“W-we got broken into and I had to knock out my own father…because Mikey forgot to lock the dammed door!” I howled and Bob and Mikey started laughing as well.
“That’s not funny!” Mikey wheezed.
“Not funny, yet you still laugh.” Frank retaliated and we held our sides, laughing insanely.
“Ah, this is the second time today I’ve gone into shock!” I mentioned as we calmed down and our breathing returned to a normal level, give or take a few snickers here and there.
“Right, I’ll clean up the blood, Frank, take the gun down to the basement with the baseball bat, Mikey, Bob and Ray, find the bullet shells and give them to me.” I said and Frank bent down and picked up the lock of hair my father had shot off.
“What’s this, Gee?” He asked sweetly as I started mopping up the blood.
“One of my Dad’s shots was so close it gave me a fringing haircut.” I muttered and giggled as well.
“Well…that’s certainly a new method of hairdressing.” Frankie giggled as I threw away the cloth’s I’d used to wipe up the blood.
“Here you are, Gee. Eight bullet shells.” Mikey said proudly and handed them to me as Frankie gave me the gun and the base ball bat.
“What are you going to do with those, Gee?” Ray asked and I smirked.
“Hide them where I used to hide my drugs and alcohol.” I said simply and walked down the stairs, they were curious so they followed me. I reached the bottom of the stairs and pried open the bottom step, the one which always creaked, and shoved the gun and the bullets in, replacing the floorboard and smirking up at my friends.
“Well that certainly explains why that step’s always been creaky.” Bob commented as I stood.
“Right, we better get some sleep so we don’t get a lecture off my Mom for staying up all night long.” I said and Mikey groaned. “Or, we could raid the fridge and stay down here, watching movies till Mom gets home or we fall asleep by natural causes- whichever comes first.” I suggested.
“Sounds like a plan to me, honey.” Frank smirked.

Please R&R and I'll update soon... sorry for not updating in ages...shit and stuff happened, you know how it is.
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