Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM 3 i didnt write the last 2.

? HA! More messin with mikey!

by ONotz 2 reviews

I'm lisening to off spring :P

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-04 - Updated: 2011-05-04 - 96 words - Complete

Chat room- My brother’s gay…

Mob- UHG!
MWay- You remember that sketch you drew of you and Frank kissing?!
Fun Ghoul- Aww :P
Mob- Your dead Mikey, run!
MWay- Frank I’m coming over!
Fun Ghoul- Don’t you dare!
MWay- Why not??
Fun Ghoul- Uhhhhh.
Mob- I’m over there stupid.
MWay- When you leave?
Mob- like two hours ago!
MWay- Ohhh.
Mob- Now stop talking.
MWay- O.o
Fun Ghoul- You taste good Gee!
Mob- Why?

MWay logging off. Fuck off Mikey.

Mob- ?
Fun Ghoul- I hacked the system!!! : )
Mob- NICE!
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