Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hannah's story

Hannah's story

by Ash_Lee14 0 reviews

this is a story im writing for Hannah, but i wont complete it if she does not write a sequel to hers. >:-V

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-04 - Updated: 2011-05-04 - 241 words


I walked from school on my own, my best friend and little brother had ran off with his friends and left me all alone, not that I was complaining I had my iPod on full blast as I headed home.
Someone small and very fast rammed into me causing her to fall over
“I'm so sorry.” he said sitting on the sidewalk, “I didn’t see you, I- I” she burst into tears putting her head in her hands, I sat next to her, I didn’t even know her, but how could I just walk away from someone so upset?
“whats the matter?” I asked, sitting next to the unknown girl, she looked up at me with a tear stained face,
“what does it matter to you?” she snorted “no one cares about me.” I knew how she felt, it seemed that one one cared about me either,
“because I feel the same, I feel that no one cares about me – that no one would give a shit if I died, you know, some times I think I'll die alone...”
“Pfft!” she retaliated, “you? Die alone? Fat chance, I mean look at you!” she flailed her arms, trying to get her point across, “now me on the other hand..” I shook my head, I didn't even know the girls name, but you could see she was beautiful.
“ I don't see that happening, anyway whats your name? I'm Gerard”
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