Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hannah's story


by Ash_Lee14 1 review

hannahs pov

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-05-04 - Updated: 2011-05-04 - 233 words

Hannah Pov

“i- I'm Hannah” I said, looking away. What would he see in me? I mean he looked amazing, he sounded amazing, he had an American accent.
“hay Hannah” he said, his smile resounding in his voice, I looked at him again, the smile he was wearing was phenomenal, It made me swoon.
“are you American by any chance?” I giggled,
“why yes, yes I am” he said, his smile enchanting me “hey would you like to hang out with me? At mine maybe” he blushed deep red, it was cute, seeing Gerard blush,
“why not” I said, smiling back, I wasn’t going to refuse an enchanting American with sex god looks was I? No that would be stupid, he got up helping me up with him,
“so your new here then?” I asked,
“yeah, moved from new jersey last week. I miss it already!”
“well you would... its your home town?”
“yeah its my home town. What music you into?”
“ah ha! Leathermouth, bands like that..” she said, looking at her feet
“your not the alone on that one! I met the vocalist from Leathermouth once, he is awesome” he was jumping around like popcorn in a pan, it was funny.
“you WHAT?” I stopped realising what he said, he cowered
“i met Frank from leathermouth.” he stopped jumping and hid behind a bush, causing me to burst out laughing
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