Categories > Original > Romance > Chosen Wolf

Dada ba

by jadesohma 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-04 - Updated: 2011-05-05 - 878 words - Complete

"Dylan for the last time, I am not leaving!" Aiden shouted for what seemed like hundreth time. It's about six and we've been fighting since noon.

"But why not?! I know you love the pack but this isn't about you, the pack or me! This is about Danny!" I stress. He sneezed a few times early on and I almost had a heart attack.

"I grew up here! I grew up in the woods! I got sick alot when I was younger! I'm fine now!" He waved his arms around for more effect.

"Yeah but if he's not strong enough! What if he get so ill s-something happends! What if- What if he- he." I start to burst out crying. "Aiden I can't go to another little kids funeral! I think I might go insane!" Well there goes my biggest secret. My little brother died when he was only six and I was eight. He got very sick one day. He told mom that he was going to go for a nap and never woke up.

I look at Aiden through my watery eyes. His anger seemed to melt. He walks slowly over to me and engulfed me in his arms and chest. "We wont have to. He's part of the Lupus family/tribe. He might get sick but Evan will take care of it. Dylan, I promise he'll be fine."

I sniff. "O-Okay I ju-"

"MIA IS GOING INTO LABOR!" Ron yell happily.

"Mia?" I ask, whipping my nose.

"Yes! Dante's sister! It's been nine months! Have I not told you her name?!" Ron asked in a hurry.


"I thought!"

"Nope. Let's just go see Aron Michael!" I giggle. Aw now Danny has a play mate!

I'm sitting out side the damn hospital room since I'm "Not actually Ron's sister or the mothers." Screw all this legal crap! All I hear is screaming coming from the room. Did I sound like that?

Suddenly, the screaming stop. I hear a muffled doctors voice and a baby's unmistakable cry. I shoot straight up and burst into the room. "HELLO BABY ARON!" I say with glee.

"There is no Aron." Ron said, his back towards me. I guess holding the baby.

"B-But? W-wha?!"

Ron spins on his heels, crying and glowing. "Theres only an Elizabeth Michelle!" The baby in his arms was sleeping already, peaceful and beautiful. She had redish brownish hair, a mixture of the two fathers and the twin mother. She had Ron's small nose and Dantes high cheek bones. Since the baby's eyes were closed, I couldn't see which of the two brillient eye colors she had gotten.

"Ronie...she's gorgeous.." I say in awe. Starring at the child.

"She got that from her father and mother." He said as Dante came up behind him and kissed him tenderly.

I look to the mother. She was knocked out cold. Yes I know it's alot to deal with but even I didn't pass out after birth. Ron was right anyway. Her face was just like Dante's only heart shaped instead of his square jaw line.

"Aw guys, shes beautiful!" Aiden said, bringing in our little boy. The small boy wiggled in his fathers arms, I guess trying to get a better look at whatever he was looking at.

"Dada ba! Dada ba!" Danny spoke pointing at the new baby.

"Is it normal for cubs to be speaking at a few weeks old?" I ask, looking at my child whos acting like a 1 and a half year old.

"He actually a late speaker. It's been 8 weeks. He was suppose to be speaking at week 4." Aiden said, not taking his eyes off the small pink bundle.

"That just adds to his cuteness!" I say, taking him, oy! He's getting big. Well bigger than last week... I stuggle him when he keeps pointing to Elizabeth saying "Dada ba!"

"I've dreamt of this day for years." Ron whispered. He turns to Dante. "Thank you... thank you so much."

"You don't need to thank me Ronie. We did this together." Dante now took a hold of the small girl. AWWWWW! I just love big buff guys with small little girls! AHH! "Oh, Ron, she's waking up!" Ron moved a little closer to see her open her eyes.

I on the other hand, do not have that type of grace. I run over behind Ron in order to solve the mystery of baby Elizabeth's eye color. Her eyes were the same copper as her fath- Dante's, tohugh, with a hint a blue that came from Ron. "I want her eyes." I unknowingly blurt.

The small right screams a short scream, looking like a yawn. "She says you can't have them." Ron said, mocking me. I poke him in the back.

"Elizabeth Michelle, welcome to the pack."
Aw:) Little lizzy! As for Tomgirl567's idea for a sequel... I have alot of things set up:) So you might have it... But I can't ask you anything yet;) The last chapter I'll give you the summary, you can vote on the title and which P.O.V. it's gonna be in, the works! THANK YOU ALL!:D I love you all! ~JS~

p.s. don't you love my little ~JS~ signature thingy?! XD
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