Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie with You?


by IloveMCRmy 1 review

Lindsay arrives home.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-05-05 - Updated: 2011-05-06 - 1238 words - Complete

Once again, thank you all for reading! Please R&R, I hope you guys are enjoying what's been going on in the story. I have big plans for Gerard and Paige as well as Frank and Lindsay. This chapter I thought I'd have it in Lindsay's POV, just to give you guys a break from Paige and Gerard, and you get to see a little more of Lindsay. So enjoy!

Chapter 13: Home
Lindsay's POV

Ah, thank God I had finally gotten home. Today has seriously been crazy, especially between Paige and Gerard. I turned off my car and pulled my keys out of the ignition. I walked up my drive way the heat felt refreshing against my porcelain skin. I looked up at the blue sky; the illuminating sun blurred my vision so I put my hand over my eyebrows to block the beaming light so I could see. The sun was in the middle of a pack of clouds. It was beautiful the weather hasn't been this nice in awhile. Even though I was staring at the beautiful sky, I thought the grey; gloomy clouds would creep up any minute and destroy this day.

As I stood in the sun for a bit enjoying the heat hitting my skin and recollected the events that had just taken place back at the Way house. Mikey was leading us all out to the front door to say goodbye... (Even though I had made us park in the back so we wouldn't disturb Paige and Gerard...even though we did.) I don't know Mikey's just strange I guess, but then again we all are. Anyway, as soon as he was able to jiggle the brass door knob enough to open the door we could all see Paige and Gerard in the middle of not being able to control their hormones. Paige was on the hood of her cherry red explorer grasping Gerard's jet black hair tightly. While Gerard was holding on to her hips, trying to constantly pull her closer, even though they were as close as they could get.

"YEE--!" Frank had tried to scream to praise Gerard, but I quickly smacked my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

He licked my hand to get me to remove it, I gave him a look with my face that screamed gross, and he just smirked and giggled. I love that boy, I truly did... but sometimes he just needed to shut up, ha. But on the other hand, I love that he never shuts up. So, after a couple minutes of us standing their in complete silence, awkwardly, creeping on Paige and Gerard. Mikey finally, courted us to the back door in the kitchen and walked us all out. We stood and talked in the backyard for a little talking about the usual topics we discussed comics, horror films, and the teachers we didn't have to worry about anymore because we had finally finished high school. The wind started to pick up, it was making my dark red hair fly into mouth, so I wanted to leave. We all agreed to meet up somewhere and do something, out whole group of friends were terrible at making plans. Everything we have ever done has been in the spur of the moment. We all agreed just to meet back at the Way house, because it was usually where we ended up meeting anyway. Mikey said he would tell Gerard, and I would tell Paige. After everything was settled we climbed into our cars and went our separate ways.

I was really glad to be home though; I needed some rest before going out tonight, because whatever we were going to get into, it was in no way going to be boring. There was also not telling how late I would be up, considering I didn't have school anymore. I opened my front door and threw my keys on the granite counter top in my kitchen. The clinging sound they made as they hit the table was refreshing; I haven't been home and been able to just simply relax. To be honest I was really excited, to just relax.

"Mom..." I listened as my voice bounced around the house, but no one responded.

I guess I was home alone, which I meant I could nap in peace. Which was fucking awesome, I threw my brown pleather purse on the black leather couch behind me and dashed up the stairs to my room. I walked in to my room, which was covered in purple and plastered with posters. I kicked off my navy blue Toms and felt the soft champagne colored carpet beneath my feet.

"Oh yes its good to be home." I sighed with satisfaction.

I stopped twiddling my toes on the soft carpet and walked over to my queen sized bed. Right as I was about to sit down on the plum colored duvet that covered my mattress I started to feel a buzzing in my right pocket. I was so out of it the buzzing at my side made me jump, until I realized it was just my phone.

"Great..." I sighed, irritated that I would be losing time to sleep.

It was probably Frank calling about God knows what. I squeezed my hand into the pocket of my skinny jeans and slipped my tiny light blue phone; I touch the screen and answered.

"Frank, I am going to sleep, whatever you need to say you can say it later when I see you, and then we can not talk.... If you know what I mean babe." I sad slyly, I knew this get Frank a little excited, and I loved how he responded to these remarks. But what I heard on the other end of the phone was definitely not Frank.

"Okay... First off gross..." It was Paige and she was balling. My face painted itself with redness from embarrassment.

"Oh shit, sorry Paige." I said remorsefully.

I knew what she was calling about already; something had gone down with her mom. This had become a daily thing for Paige and her mom. So I already knew how to handle it.

"It's my fucking mom aga--" she was heaving, struggling to speak, so I cut her off.

"Okay, okay, I already know, I'll see you at Starbucks in a couple minutes." I knew coffee and a cigarette would calm her nerves.

I was really concerned though. I mean this happens all the time with her and her mom, but lately it's been getting worse and this is the worse I have ever heard her. I didn't even want to imagine what she looked like, it made me tear up a bit. Paige and I were practically sisters, and I hated the fact that her mom always was putting her down. She didn't deserve it, but it happened. I forced myself off of my cloud-like bed, even though I wish I could have stayed. I was disappointed that I was missing out on some much needed sleep, but this was more important. I hurried down my stairs, this time I tripped once or twice. I grabbed my keys off the counter; they were cold to the touch already. I yanked my purse of the black couch, slipped on some gray flip flops and threw myself out the door, and into my car. Sleep was going to have to wait.
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