Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sharpest Lives are the Deadliest to Lead.

I'll Keep You Safe Tonight

by hollie443 1 review

Sometimes you just need to talk

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-08 - Updated: 2011-05-08 - 3224 words

Chapter 2

My eyes met with a pair of worn converse. I began to work my way up. A pair of very tight skinnies, a black leather jacket, a band t-shirt and lastly a face. A very handsome face. He has longish jet black hair and a very pale complexion but looked like it could have olive undertones if he was out in the sun too long. The first thing that popped into my head was: Vampire. This made me instantly weary of him. Had they found me already? That couldn’t be possible but I still found him being so nice to a stranger a little unnerving. I reached out and drew the coffee cup to me before looking back up at him again. He had pretty hazel eyes that were framed by long eyelashes. His lips had a well defined cupid’s bow and his nose was very narrow but still had a masculine look to it.

I quickly began to search for something to say to him after just looking at him for a while. I nodded.
“How did you guess?” I asked, part joking, part interested and part it was the only thing I could think of to say.
A small smile appeared on his face.
“Oh I don’t know. It was between you being soaking and shivering in a corner of a small café or the fact you had no coffee in front of you at all.”, he joked
I could only manage a small “ha” in response. I was normally good at reading people but this guy had me on edge. He was almost supernaturally beautiful. A voice was telling me to run as fast as I could away from him but it was outweighed by the fact he had given me coffee and actually bothered to speak to me.

I swung my foot off the seat I was resting on and sat up a little. I may be a tough, no shit girl sometimes but I had been brought up to be polite to the people who were nice to me to begin with.
“You want to sit down? You’re just standing there.”
He nodded and sat down.
“Yeah that’d be good.”
I watched him quietly as he took the seat opposite me and set his own coffee that I had just noticed he had, on the table in front of him. I bit down on my bottom lip. I had no idea what to say. I could probably have preferred the wall for company but the guy didn’t seem to mind too much. He was looking around at the happening that was going on the small little café. The place was still quiet but a few people were coming and going. I wasn’t really paying much attention but I wanted to keep an eye out for any vamps that might have already found me or ones that were living in this neighbourhood that could tell anyone who I was. I felt the man’s eyes on my and I turned my eyes back slowly to meet with his pretty hazel eyes. My gaze moved away from him quickly and settled on my coffee on the table. I felt so awkward.
“So are you new around here?”, his voice startled me out of my distant daydream.
“Something like that.”, I said, trying to be as vague as possible. I didn’t really want to tell him that I had no home and would most likely be living on the streets for a bit. And in a city where the crime rates were some of the highest in the west coast.
I felt a little rude only giving him a tiny little bit of information about myself so I said a little more.
“I’m from Atlanta originally. I’m here for a fresh start. Things weren’t going to well back there.”
He nodded, not saying anything to begin with, as though processing the little bits of information I had given him.
“Well,”, he began, “I hope things weren’t too bad for you.”
I shrugged. I didn’t really want to say it was going shit back there and I had literally run away from the only place I knew, the only place that seemed to have the ability to kill. A place that was now overrun with the creatures of the night that no one new existed. I shuddered a little and rubbed my arms. The aftermath of getting soaked with only a tiny jacket on was beginning to catch up with me.
A revelation suddenly struck me. I didn’t know this guy’s name. A little smile appeared on my face.
“I’m Ellouise by the way. I just realized I hadn’t told you my name.” , I held out my hand for him to shake.
He smiled broadly at me, revealing a very cute grin. I almost found myself grinning back but I just managed to stop.
“Pleased to meet you Ellouise. I’m Gerard.”
He shook my hand quite firmly which made a good first impression for me. I hated anyone who had a silly, flimsy handshake. A handshake said a lot about a person’s character. His hand, I also noted, was warm. I was silently relieved. That meant there was no way he could be a vampire spy. Ready to snatch me back.

I sipped at my coffee that had cooled down to drinking temperature.
“This is good coffee.”, I thought aloud.
Gerard laughed and nodded.
“This place is like an undiscovered gold mine! They have the best coffee around. I like to come here for the piece and quiet. It’s my hiding place.” , he leaned in and whispered the last part. He said it like I knew people who I could tell. I decided to play along by nodding and pretending to zip up my lips.
I took another sip of my lovely milky coffee, closing my eyes to savor the taste. This might be the last one for a while.
“For a girl on the move you certainly travel light.”, I heard Gerard note, clearly looking around for some form of bag or something.
The coffee I was drinking caught in my throat and I almost choked.
“Uh… yeah… I guess.” I said lamely, as I tried to regain my composure after he almost coffee spillage. I swallowed loudly. This conversation was getting into dangerous territory now. I could tell he was curious as to why a girl like me was traveling with nothing at all but the clothes on her back.
I did my best not to catch his eye or really look at him at all really. I just stared at the old, worn table. I wiped some of the eyeliner that was running down my face from my soaking not too long ago.
I felt like bursting into tears. Just putting my head on the table and crying my eyes out. I was aware I had made one giant fuck up of my life right now. But I couldn’t cry, not now. I had got my way through juvi… even fucking prison and not cried one. I couldn’t now. I wasn’t weak.
“Where are you staying? With relatives? Or in a hotel or something?”, he asked. I knew he was staring at my bowed head, probably wondering what the fuck was wrong with me.
I didn’t know how to answer. I couldn’t look up at him. He would know I was lying. That I was scared and had nowhere to go. I took a deep breath and decided to at least try and lie. I could do it in a life or death situation but in a small, pretty pointless conversation in my life I couldn’t lie for shit.
My eyes met with his. They looked… almost concerned.
“I… I’m- stay-ing at… at a hotel.“ I stammered my lie like an idiot. I could tell he didn’t believe me. His eyebrow raised said it all.
“Uh huh… and where you really are staying?”
“None of your fucking business!” ,I snapped.

He responded with a huff of a breath and sitting back in his chair. His arms were now crossed over his chest. He gave me a look that could only be described as disapproving and almost slightly judgmental.
I sighed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.” ,I almost whispered. A giant drop of water from my hat dropped down and hit my ear. I ripped it off my head and threw it in the nearby bin, not really caring who say me. In the sate I was in who would really recognize me anyway.
I looked back at Gerard who was clearly waiting on some sort of amazing explanation as to why I was in Jersey in the first place and also where I was staying. I knew he wouldn’t like my answer at all. I suddenly realized that I didn’t actually need to tell him shit. I barely knew him. He could be anyone at all and he was asking about my life. I could get up and walk out this place and not bother my fucking ass. But I guess… I just didn’t want to.
My eyes were still locked with his. I was determined not to feel intimidated by his stare but in a way I did. It was crazy.
“I… I…” , I sighed and looked down again. I wasn’t one for telling anyone anything about my life. I was too used to not trusting anyone. Probably why I had never been in a serious relationship… ever.
I felt my hands that were on the table being covered by his warm ones. I tensed slightly, not used to any sort of contact.
“You can tell me.” his soft voice soothed. “Do you have anywhere too?”
I couldn’t lie, not anymore. I had lied for the last several years. And I couldn’t bring myself to lie to someone I didn’t have to. I took another deep breath and brought my eyes back up. I would give elements of the truth. Then I wasn’t actually lying.
“I ran away from home yesterday. I… got in a sticky situation… well one of many and I had to get out of there.” I began shakily, bringing my hands out from under his and setting them on my lap.
“What happened?”, he asked quietly. I knew I couldn’t say anything about the vampires. That could certainly send him running for the hills but perhaps my criminal record would be a good thing to mention. I was just going to bite the bullet and just tell him.
“From my parole officer.” I paused, waiting for him to make some excuse to leave but he didn’t. He just gave me a nod to go on.
“I was a troubled kid. And I caused a lot of trouble all the way through school and at home. I was rebelling against my mom. She didn’t pay any attention to me. A bit cliché I know but it’s the truth. So I ended up in Juvi for 2 years. For a number of crimes. I was 18 when I got out and I didn’t go back home. I guess I felt like I didn’t belong. But I got involved with the wrong people and I got caught taking part in an armed robbery.”
I stopped again, I wanted it to sink in. what I was telling him. He had to understand. I peered through my hair at him. He now sitting with his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hands, listening intently. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t leaving. If it was me I would be out that door as soon as I knew the person had problems. But not Gerard. He sat there waiting to hear the rest like a kid waiting on the ending of a horror story. I went on.
“I got 3 years. I didn’t get a chance of parole. I didn’t want it. The people I was working with were out there and I didn’t want anything to do with them. I wanted to be kept away for as long as possible. So they couldn’t touch me because I knew as soon as I got out they would come and get me. But I survived prison and within a week of being released they found me again. They were almost above the law. They could get me out of parole period and back working for them. I honestly did want to get out but I couldn’t. A year later I ran for it. Fucking ran for my life. And for a while I got away with it. I went on with my life. Just doing this really shit job but you know… it was a job. Then they found me. They framed me for murdering this guy.”, I kept the whole murdering situation vague. I didn’t want to go into just how they did it.
“It was punishment for running. I guess they are similar to the mafia. But they’re not. Anyway… I was being taken to court again by this parole officer. He kept me in this hotel until my court date. I wasn’t going to prison for something I didn’t do. So I knocked my officer out and locked him in a cupboard. I stole his car then abandoned it before getting a ride with some lorry driver. And here I am. In Jersey City completely broke and nowhere to stay.”

I concluded my story and observed his reaction. He was still staring at me silently as though taking everything I had told him in. I was actually glad I had gotten that all off my chest. I mean I had told Bobby who I was never going to see again and was most likely just wanting to know some gossip. But Gerard seemed to want to know.
He still wasn’t doing anything. Fucking nothing. I gulped quietly. This might not go down too well if nothing was happening. I decided to make my move. I tanned the last of my coffee and jumped up.
“I gotta go. Thanks for the coffee. Bye.” I pretty much ran out of the coffee shop and down the street. The rain had got heavier. Just my fucking luck. It soaked me straight away after all that time it took to get so much as semi dry. I hugged my arms to try and get some heat as I walked, and thought where I was going to stay the night. I felt a tiny tear slip down my face even thought you wouldn’t be able to tell since the rain was lashing down on my small body. I didn’t bother to wipe it. No one was going to see it.
I felt a hand wrap around my arm and I froze. Had they caught me already? I think I was slightly paranoid but in my situation I was allowed to be.
I turned slowly to face whoever it was. Oh. It was Gerard. Why the hell did he follow me.
“Why did you follow me? Wasn’t telling you my life story enough?!” I snapped a little but I couldn’t understand what he could possibly want.
He pretty much ignored my questions and put his hands on my arms.
“I think you are incredibly strong to go through everything you have.”
I just stared at him. Was he fucking serious?! I wasn’t strong! I watched as his black hair stuck to his face from the rain.
“I don’t feel strong…” I whispered, looking at my feet.
“It doesn’t matter what you feel. You are.” he insisted.
I didn’t look at him and shrugged. Suddenly my face was pressed against a chest and arms were around me. I drew my hands up and held his jacket, not really hugging back but not pushing him away either. I hadn’t been hugged in so long. It came almost as a shock. More tears dropped. I couldn’t comprehend why he was being so understanding. It was shocking to me. The rain lashed down on us but we just stood there. I stood back, away from him. I wiped the stray tears away.
“Come on.” , he said quietly, holding out his hand.
I didn’t move, I just stood there.
“Where?” ,I frowned, looking at him.
“To my house.”, he must have saw my hesitation, “Well I’m not letting you sleep on the streets. Besides my brother and his girlfriend stays there too. You’ll be safe. I swear I wont do anything like what those bastards did. I wont let them get you.”
I felt a little happy he was being so nice to me. Was it okay to go with him? He was being so nice to me but we had only just met. I would be staying in the same house as a guy I had only known for not even an hour. But it had to be safer than sleeping on the streets. I took a step closer to him, ready to move. As he waited he began to shrug off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. He was already getting soaked but I hugged the jacket close, feeling the warmth of his body from wearing it for a while. I took his hand, letting him walk to his house.

We walked for about 10 minutes before reaching what seemed to be a converted factory which was now apartments. He walked in it and up the stairs. I was a little wary but also very tired after my really long day.
As though reading my mind Gerard spoke.
“You look tired. You can sleep in my bed tonight. I’ll take the couch. You need a good rest.”
I nodded.
“Okay.”, I nodded. I was too tired to argue with him.
He opened the door and he let me in. A lanky man and a girl with electric purple who I took be his brother and his brother’s girlfriend.
“That’s my brother Mikey and his girlfriend Sam. Guys this is Ellouise.” Gerard introduced us and they waved at me. I waved awkwardly back.
“My room is the second door on the right, down the corridor. Just chuck on one of my t shirts to sleep in. I’m pretty sure Sam can lend you something later.”
“Thank you Gerard.”, was all I could say.
“Get to bed.”, he pushed me in the right direction. I knew that Sam and Mikey were watching me, puzzled as I walked quietly into his room and stripped off my soaking clothes and found an old t shirt to throw on. I hit the soft unmade bed, not caring that Gerard had slept in it the night before. I drew the covers around me and closed my eyes. I was so grateful to Gerard. I made a point to tell him tomorrow but right then I let sleep take over.

So Guys tell me what you think :-)
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