Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sharpest Lives are the Deadliest to Lead.

You'll Never Make Me Leave

by hollie443 3 reviews

Pancakes and Berries

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-13 - Updated: 2011-05-13 - 3381 words

Chapter 3

I slept soundly that night. I only had one nightmare but I fell back asleep almost instantly when I woke up from it. I suppose one nightmare is pretty good for me.

My eyes fluttered open. I sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room. The early morning sun was shining through the horizontal blinds, covering the room in a orange yellow haze. Gerard had all sorts of things in this room. A couple of Misfits posters were up on the wall along with a Pulp one and a Queen one. I approved of this guys taste in music. I snuggled up to the covers for a few more seconds as I continued to let my eyes scout the room. There was a huge stereo in the corner, next to his wardrobe that was half open and a huge heap of magazines lying next to the chest of drawers. From what I could see it was a great selection as well. I sat up and swung my legs out the bed in one smooth motion and walked over to the window. I parted the blinds with my fingers and looked out. It was an area that had a couples of rows of garages where people from all the surrounding apartments must park their cars. It looked like a battlefield. Well in my head but it still made me shudder a little. I walked over to the mirror by his wardrobe and looked at myself. The t-shirt belonging to Gerard came half way down my thighs thanks to my tiny frame. The tail end of one of my upper leg tattoos could be seen. It almost passed as a dress. I decided I was relatively presentable to show my face outside of my room. I walked quickly back to see what state my clothes were in. Shit! Still soaking wet. It was really my own fault since I left them dumped in a pile. I let out an annoyed sigh and walked over to the door.

I turned the handle quietly and stepped out into the hallway and made my way down to the living room where I knew Gerard would be sleeping. I had no idea what time it was but I was guessing it was early. The sun was very clearly low in the sky and on the wrong side to be setting which was my first fear. My feet moved quietly into the living room. I wondered if Mikey and Sam were around but I couldn’t hear anything so I could only presume they were still sleeping or something. The living room was quite small and it was decorated with paintings of all sizes around the room. It looked like they were actual paintings and not prints. They were amazing. I began to tip toe towards one of the bigger painting only to jump a mile high at the sound of a grunt. I wheeled around to face it. Oh thank fuck! It was only Gerard. I had almost forgot that he was on the couch. He was sprawled across it, still in his clothes and looking quite comfortable for lying on a couch. He seemed to be like me: being able to sleep anywhere at all. Outside, in a tiny space… a bed of nails. You name it.
I took a step closer to him. He looked beautiful… was beautiful something you could call a guy? Well he was handsome as well. His mouth was hanging slightly open and little snores were escaping his mouth. I felt myself smiling a little at the sight of him. I blinked and scolded myself for even thinking like that. I had not time for men, not even thinking about them like that. Especially after Gerard had been so nice to me. He didn’t have to be. I couldn’t understand it. I moved back and sat on the couch opposite him. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them.

I don’t know how long I sat, letting my eyes drift back to him every now and then. Then I heard footsteps coming down the hall. They were light, clearly a girl’s. Sure enough Sam walked in, her bright purple hair sticking out in all directions. She was in a pair of long baggy shorts and obviously one of Mikey’s t-shirts.
“Oh! Hey Ellouise! I didn’t realize you are an early riser. As you can see none of us are.”, Sam giggled, pointing to Gerard.
I put my finger to my lips.
“You’ll wake him up wont you?”, I glanced at Gerard again. He was stirring slightly in his sleep, “And morning.”
I half smiled again and held in a giggle.
“Oh Fuck him!”, Sam said loudly, kicking the sofa.
Gerard jumped up and flailed slightly. I stifled a giggle.
“Holy shit Sam! What the fuck?!”, Gerard frowned, waving his hands theatrically about the place. “Some people like to sleep!”
“You’re such a drama queen! You could have slept! Not my problem you can’t sleep when I’m around.”, Sam rolling her eyes.
“No, but the fact you have a megaphone for a mouth is your problem.”
I burst into a giggling fit at that and Gerard got a slap for it.
“Fuck you!!!” ,she hissed, only half joking.
“No no I’ll leave that to my brother. Don’t want to outshine him.”, Gerard was grinning evilly.
By this time I was half choking from laughter.
“You’re not funny Fucktard!”
“Well Ellouise finds me funny.”, he informed her, pointing in my direction. I was in the process of regaining my composure and I sat forward.
“It was quite amusing.”, I said quietly, nodding.
“He may be funny now! But after a few days you’ll be plotting his murder!”, she pointed at the ceiling in a complete over the top motion but I couldn’t help but laugh. But my smile faded. Was I expected to be around for more than a few days? I didn’t want to quiz them right now. They were both tired and glaring at each other. I wasn’t actually sure if they really didn’t like each other or if they were just joking around. My money was on the latter.
Sam stood up abruptly and made her way to the kitchen with heavy, stropping footsteps. I watched her go and turned back to Gerard.
“Is it always so…”
“Crazy here?” , he finished for me. I nodded.
“Yeah“, he laughed. “It’s not a new thing though. Something you get used to.”
I nodded again. Not that I will ever get used to it. I didn’t know why he said it like I would.
“Gerard…” I started, deciding to get to the stuff I actually wanted to talk about.
“Yeah?”, his voice got a little lower, as though sensing the change in my mood a little.
“I want to thank you again for letting me stay last night. And for letting me have your bed. You didn’t have to.”
“Would you stop thanking me! I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to. You needed help so I gave you some help. It was no bother. You’ll just be sleeping on the couch for most of the time. Can’t have you sleeping in my bedroom all the time.”, he winked cheekily causing me to roll my eyes a bit.
Wait. Didn’t he get that I wasn’t staying for a while? I would have to find somewhere to stay instead of keeping getting under everyone’s feet here.
“Well you wont have to worry about me. I’ll leave today.”, I told him, looking at my hands.

Somewhere at the back of my mind I knew I didn’t want to leave. I knew I wanted to stay and become friends with everyone here. Get to know Sam and Mikey, get to know Gerard better. But in my position I couldn’t have friends. It wasn’t a good mood. The vamps could hurt them if they found out. It would be selfish. I could hear Gerard moving and sitting down on the couch beside me.
I felt Gerard’s hands cover mine.
“Woah woah woah! Why?!”
I lowered my voice to only a whisper, just in case Sam was going about.
“Because I don’t want them you find you… I don’t want yo- any of you to get hurt because of me. I don’t want them to find me.”
My eyes stayed fixed on our hands. I couldn’t look him in the eyes but I could feel his gorgeous hazel pools burning into me. Everyone here had been so nice to me here. They didn’t deserve to be put in danger. Well… I hadn’t really spoken to Mikey but I was pretty sure he didn’t deserve it either.
“Hey… look at me.”, I heard him say softly. Why was I so scared? Could it perhaps be the fact that if I looked at him then I wouldn’t leave. I had to go… I had to…

My thought process was interrupted when I felt Gerard’s hand lift my chin up and make me look at him.
“They aren’t going to find you Ella. You’re going to be safe here. I- we wont let them get you. If you go out onto the streets they are only going to find you quicker.”
I took an sharp intake of breath. No one wad called me Ella in a long, long time. My mom used to call me it. Not anyone since. He put both hands on my cheeks as I felt my eyes well up.
“Everything is going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. You’re safe with us.”, he told me quietly as some tears spilled over.
I felt his lips touch my forehead before he pulled my close, hugging me tight. I closed my eyes and cried a little. Praying to god Sam wasn’t watching. I buried my head in his neck and kept a hold of him, crying quietly. I hadn’t felt like I belonged somewhere in a long time. I was always running or in some sort of prison. I could hear Gerard cooing me very quietly, comforting me.
“Stay.”, he whispered in my ear. I wanted to pull away and demand to know why I should. But instead I felt myself nodding. I wiped my eyes and pulled away slowly.
“Okay, I’ll stay. But I have no money or clothes or anything.”, I mumbled.
“Don’t worry about money. That isn’t really an issue. As for clothes. I’m sure that Sam could lend you some. She’s a lot taller than you but I’m sure that she can find something.”
I could only nod. I couldn’t think what to say. I was so shocked that he would go to so much trouble for me.
“Thank you Gerard. I honestly don’t know what to say.”, I smiled.
“Don’t say anything apart from you wont run off!”
I laughed before shaking my head.
Gerard smiled back before standing up.
“I’m going to go get changed since you’re up. I’ll be right back.”
I watched him walk into his room and close the door. I sighed and closed my eyes. What was wrong with me?

“Oh you’re on your own”, Sam voice startled me as she stuck her head out of the kitchen, “Since you’re there doing nothing, you wanna help me with breakfast?”
“Sure.”, I jumped up off the couch and walked into the kitchen to see pancakes already cooking away.
“Can you just wash all the fruit over there and put them in a bowl?”, Sam asked as she flipped a pancake. I walked over to the selection of red berries she was talking about and took them over to the sink. The water was cold to begin with and it hit my hands with a splash that made me gasp.
I began washing the fruit and glanced over at Sam. She now had her tongue sticking out as she tried to angle a pancake back into the base of the pan after an unsuccessful flipping. She really was tall. Towering well over my tiny frame, she was also very slim but still had boobs and a butt. She was like me only about 7 inches taller. Her purple hair was definitely well kept and it was now tied back in a messy bun, keeping it away from her face. I began to wish I had done that now as my waist length hair was getting caught in my arm and snagging. It needed cut so bad.
“Could you put the bowl on the table.”
I nodded and walked over to the average sized dining table that sat in the far corner of the kitchen. I set it down in the middle and stole a couple, popping them into my mouth. I noticed that there were 7 places set but there were only 4 of us. They must be having visitors.
“So…”, Sam began, glancing at me, “What’s going on between you and Gerard? You guys together?”
I almost choked on the berries I had just swallowed.
“What?! Uh… no! We’re not dating! Nothing’s going on.” I replied, feeling a blush moving to my cheeks. I hated being asked awkward questions like that. And there wasn’t anything going on!
Sam laughed at me and shook her head.
“Relax, I know there isn’t anything going on since he slept on the couch last night. But it’s just not normal behavior for Gerard. Bringing a girl home. I swear Mikey and I about went into shock when we saw you walk in that door! Gerard’s a bit of a social retard sometimes.”, Sam giggled.
I just shook my head. He didn’t seem like the cut off type. But he did have little mysterious things about him. I found myself glancing in the direction of his room.
“You two may not be together but… do you like him?”, Sam clearly noticed I was glancing in that direction.
“No! … I mean I’m just really grateful for him helping me and stuff. Nothing more.” I stammered. I could barely answer that question myself never mind voicing the unknown answer. Did I like him?
“Hmm… okay then, Elle.”, she didn’t sound too convinced. I let my hair fall over my face to cover it.
I heard a little giggle escape Sam’s lips as she walked over to the kitchen door.
“Yo! Guys! Food’s up! Come on! Move your asses! I’m not a fucking housewife!”

On the far end of the hall the door opened and Mikey appeared in nothing but a pair of boxers. I immediately went red and covered my eyes.
“MIKEY! For fuck sake man! Cover up! We have a guest!”, Sam hollered down the hall.
“Oh shit! Sorry!”, he slammed the bedroom door shut and I took my hands away from my face. He reappeared a few minutes later with a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans on.
Gerard came out of his room not long after. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a T-Shirt with Queen on it.
“Oh this looks awesome.”, he said with a smile, sitting down at the table. I watched as Sam and Mikey sat down next to each other, leaving the only other seat next to Gerard. I slid into the seat and glanced at Gerard who was looking back at me. I smiled slightly and turned back to the table.
“Tuck in guys!” ,Sam announced.

As I ate quietly I noticed that Mikey was almost keeping his distance from me. Like he wanted to keep out of my way. He did seem like a nice person although Sam’s loud, talkativeness was certainly a contrast to his own quietness, making them appear an odd couple. But I could tell that Mikey and Sam were very much in love. It could be seen right through her jokingly insulting remarks. The way they looked at each other… it was clear they loved each other.
I want to look at someone like they do, I thought to myself quietly. I peeped through my hair at Gerard who was munching on a pancake and rolling his eyes at Sam who was making silly comments. I stayed quiet and returned to my half eaten batch of berries that I had spooned onto my plate.
“So Ellouise. What brings you to New Jersey?”, Sam asked, looking up at me.
Oh shit shit I hadn’t thought about a reason.
“Well… I… decided to travel for a bit. You know, get out of Atlanta. See more of America.”, I explained. I thought that was a pretty good lie. Well for me. No one seemed suspicious really. I noticed Gerard nodding along, agreeing to my lie. I smiled gratefully and finished my berries.
“Oh, that’s nice. I’d love to travel but I love NJ too much!”, Sam laughed.
I took a sip of my orange juice.
“It’s a nice place.”
“Are you going to be staying with us for a while?”, Sam questioned, flicking a section of purple hair out of her face.
“Well I don’t-” , I began.
“Yes! …. Yes she will be.”, Gerard butted in a little too quickly but I just shrugged in a sorta half hearted agreement. Gerard seemed to be so keen to have me stay for a while. Keep me safe, out of harms way. I was secretly touched.
The way Mikey was looking at his brother I had a feeling he might have caught on. But to my surprise he didn’t say anything, just a simple nod.
“Oh, well that’s good. It’ll be good to have some female company around here. You can help me beat these two up when they forget to put the fucking toilet seat down!”, Sam scowled at the pair of them, her eyes playfully narrowed.
I laughed and nodded.
“Hey! We have to put the toilet seat up after chicks use it. So it’s only fair that you do some of the work and put them down after us!”, Gerard protested. Not that I would ever admit it but he did have a point.
“Shut it Fucktard!” I still couldn’t work out if they were play fighting or not.

After we had all finished Sam stood up and gathered all the plates quickly into a pile but remained sitting down.
“Does anyone mind if I go for a shower? Sam, do you need some help cleaning up?”, I asked, standing up.
“Not at all! These two Muppets will help me. Gerard I’m sure will show you how to work the shower. Oh I‘ll leave some”, she waved me off.
Gerard, in response, got up and motioned for me to follow him. I smiled at Mikey and Sam as I left the room, following Gerard down the hall.
“Here we are.”, he announced, flicking on the light switch, “Okay, to turn on the shower push the button on the top, to turn it off: believe it or not it’s the button with STOP underneath. The temperature should be okay but it might run cold after a while so watch out for that.”
I smiled warmly at him.
“Thanks.”, I told him quietly.
“No problem.”, he touched my arm lightly, moving it up and down my upper arm. I was acutely aware of his touch, “there are towels in the cupboard.”
With that he let go of my arm and walked to the door. My eyes followed his figure, a little smile playing on my face, as he left the room. I walked over to the door and locked it before switching on the shower, letting the water heat up.
I was going to enjoy this shower a shitload!
Sorry if there are any mistakes! the uploading was rushed! So guys R&R :-) Hope you enjoyed it!
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