Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Killjoy Backgrounds


by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

Aria's Killjoy (:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-11 - Updated: 2011-05-11 - 389 words

Real Name - Aria
Killjoy Name - Aria51
Age - 16
Eyes - Dark brown
Hair - Black with red streaks. Curly.

Outfit - Neon blue skinny jeans, Hot pink shirt, and purple jacket. Black converse. Hello Kitty necklace and rainbow jelly bracelets. Orange bandana tied around neck.

Weapon Of Choice - silver ray gun with the words live and die written on them.

War Paint - yellow stripe under cheek. Gold eyeshadow on the eyes. Black lipstick that makes one of those heart shapes on the lips.

EXTRAS - Asserative one. Doesn't like to be pushed around, had enough of it growing up. Lives up to her own standards, but also the sympathetic one.

Background Story -

She was sick of her parents treating her like she was nothing. They never wanted her around and when she was around, they often pretended she wasn't. So Aria decided to do them a favour and push off.
She took nothing with her and started walking. She ended up in a random area and found a nice looking man with blonde hair and a kind personality.
He introduced himself timidly "What's your name?"
"Aria, yours?"
"What? Oh, just call me... Kid."
She thought it was a bit weird to call a man in his early thirties 'Kid' but she just accepted it. Because she had nowhere to go he kind of adopted her. He let her live in his house and fed her and acted like a real parent.
But when she turned 16, she started getting feelings for Kid. She was practically in love with him, even though she knew it was wrong.
One day she sat him down and admitted it to him.
He was silent before replying "I'm sorry, I'm devoted to... My work."
"Your work?" Aria asked, confused.
"I'll be honest. I'm a Killjoy." He told her everything she needed to know. Even admitting he took her in and fed her up so that she'd be strong enough to become a Killjoy.
"So what's your real name?"
"Kobra Kid." He replied, smiling "And I'm going to name you Aria51."
Now, Aria51 spends her life killing dracs alone. Like she knew she was supposed to be.

[A/N] - SORRY! I only just read your comment asking for this ;D Hope yew read it (: Sorry about how crap it is...
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