Categories > Original > Romance > Chosen Wolf

Mommy Mouth

by jadesohma 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-15 - Updated: 2011-05-16 - 602 words - Complete

"She's so cute! Ah!" Ron said, tickling Jackie. She giggles and waved her new arms and legs. "She has his eyes! His beautiful eyes!"

"I know! Best trait on him---That can go on a girl.." I say and smile. I'm not going to lie, who ever falls for my son is in for a huge treat.

"Don't make me jealous!" Ron begged. "I mean, yes I have something nice waiting for me at home, but you can't tease me like that!"

I laugh. Jackie started to cry. By now I know thats an "I'm hungry" cry. So I reach for the bottle next to me and give it to Jackie who joyfully takes it into her mouth.

"Chug chug chug!" Ron chants.

"Ron? Why are you doing that?" Lizzy asks, walking in and grabbing his hand.

"He's making fun of the baby." I tell her, taking the bottle and starring. The little bundle of joy just drank the whole bottle.

"Well that's not very nice Daddy Ron." Lizzy shakes her head. "Not nice at all."

"I raised you right!" Ron giggled, picking her up and planting a kiss on her cheek. The small girl giggled just like her father wraping her arms around his neck.

"No. Daddy Dante did." She said sweetly. Ron sighs. "I'm unloved." He nods his head, so sure.

"I'm just kidding Daddy! I love you!" She teases.

"Ha ha ha. Aren't you a cutie?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes! Yes I am!" She chirped.

"I'm fricken adorable!" The tiny voice of Danny called from behind. He walked past Ron and Lizzy, climbing my bed and sat at my lap. Ah this is really my child.

"He gets his mouth from you." Ron stated for everyone to hear!

"Yes Ron. He'll be cursing by age 10." I shrug. That might have been when I started.

"Yeah and I heard Allie say shh- the S word the other day." Aiden said, walking in with the very same 10 year old on his hand. "Thanks for that by the way!"

"You are very welcome." I nod.

"Ha ha ha." He mocks, leaning down and kissing me firmly on the lips.

"I don't know what's the big deal! You were swearing left and right when Dylan first came!" Allie said, looking up at us. "Always complaining how she was so annoying yet lovable at the same time! Alot of swearing in between."

I glare at Aiden. "And Ron feels unloved!"
Again, waaaaaaaaaaay too tired. And there will be I think 3 chapters 'cause after this, it's a huge time lap. Imma pour my heart into those:) Okay so I had a new idea thanks to the simpsons.... tell me how you like??:

I twirl the key in my hands. yeah, a key that opens doors to other dimensions. Sure. The key was old, heavy and full of rust. Yet it shined, adding to my curiosity.

"What if?" I whispered to my self. I shoot my eyes to my closet door. theres no way I thought, getting up from my bed. I slide to the door and cup the knob. After a quick sigh and an inhale, I jam the key into the lock. It fits.

I start breathe heavily. It's scary. An old key in a new house. I turn the key to the side and push the door open.

Light, colors, heat start to flash infront of my eyes as I push forward-

and that's it so far! (Not really) Tell me how you like it! ~JS~

P.S. I have way too many stories for my own good XD
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