Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday


by disturbedangel6 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-05-16 - Updated: 2011-05-16 - 1262 words

Feeling the warmth of his hand on my waist caused my eyes lids to be heavy and I wanted to go back to sleep. I let my eyes close and snuggled deeper into his arms. It’s been almost two months since that massive argument that involved Mikey taking me to the hotel to stay for a few days until Gerard calmed down. It killed me to see him so hurt because of me. I never did realise that he saw me as a person he never wanted to lose. I never was that important person for someone before.
“Nicole,” Gerard grumbled in his sleepy voice.
“Hmm?” I turned my head to see him.
“It’s almost eight, don’t you have college?”
“Yeah, but I’m so comfortable,” I turned back and snuggled against him.
He chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms around me, “Get out of bed before you turn me on again,” I felt him smile on my neck.
I bit my bottom lip and grinned. I don’t know how I even turn on this man but oh god he gets hard really easily. I didn’t want to run late again because of having some fun time of pleasuring each other. “Alright,” I got out of bed and smiled at him before walking into the bathroom to wash my face.
“I lied,” he whispered in my ear and pulled my arm to turn me around to face him. “I didn’t want you to get out of bed.”
“You shouldn’t lie Gerard,” I tried to hide my smile.
“I didn’t really, I was trying to get you to college in tie but now I miss you and want you too much,” he kissed me.
“I’ll be back in a few hours,” I kissed him back.
“No! It’s too long to be without you,” he pushed his hips against mine; I knew what he wanted judging by his hardness.
“I might get a warning from the teacher though,” my voice sounded innocent. Even though I wanted him too but college is important and I couldn’t be late for the third time, but it was already too late to do anything about it now because of Gerard’s hand slipping into my underwear.
“I like how your body easily tells me that you want me too,” he smiled.
“My body won’t listen to me,”
“Oh,” he smirked. “So you don’t want this?” his fingers slipped inside me.
I didn’t answer but instead wrapped my leg around him, “I can’t be late, we gotta do this fast,” I said in between breaths.
“In that case…” he grabbed my leg and kneeled down without taking his eyes off me. He slung my leg over his shoulder and licked me.
I shivered instantly and my eyes rolled back.
He kept licking and sucking me and I kept moaning out his name. I didn’t want it to end at all but it soon did. It was hard to stand with my legs feeling like jelly.
He checked the time, “Alright Nicole, it’s almost 9. You have to get ready and go.”
I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom and waited for him to return to bed when I jumped on him.
“Whoa!” Gerard laughed.
“I can’t leave without doing one thing,” I smiled.
“And what is that miss?”
“This,” I disappeared under the covers and pulled down his boxers.
“Are you sure?” I put his length in my mouth and he whimpered, “Never mind.”

“Thank you so much for driving me to college!” I said for the millionth time that day. After I was done with Gerard it was already too late to take the public transport to the college but thankfully Maria called to remind me not to be late and drove me to college and I was in class on time.
“It’s okay, I just don’t understand why you’re always late nowadays!” she said as she put money into the vending machine.
“I really don’t know, I just keep pressing the snooze button the alarm clock,” I looked down and pressed my lips together.
“Silly Nicole,” she chuckled. “So how’s Gerard?”
I smiled; I always did when I heard his name. “He’s good; he’s being lazy and is probably in bed right now.”
“Leave the man alone, he needs his rest before he goes on tour when the band’s new album comes out. Speaking of, when is it coming out?”
Tour, I wouldn’t see him for so long. I didn’t want him to go to tour but then again fans would be upset if he didn’t go on tour… “They have no idea yet, they’re just doing the finishing touches.”
“That’s great, I can’t wait for My Chemical Romance to go on tour!” she grinned.
“Yeah, it would be amazing,” we sat on the bench in the sun.
“So you and Gerard have been dating for over three months right?” Maria watched me.
“Have you had sex with him yet?” she winked.
She always asked me almost every week because she was insecure that I wouldn’t tell her that I’ve lost my virginity. She’s so silly sometimes; I would have told her if I did. “No, I haven’t yet. I’m just not ready yet,” I looked down.
“Hey, it’s cool. It’s a good thing he’s sticking around because most guys wouldn’t have. You’re lucky,” she patted my shoulder.
I gave her a forced smile.

After college was over, Gerard picked me up in his car. He was all smiles as usual as I chucked my bag in the back seat.
“How was your day?” he kissed me.
“It was alright, I didn’t arrive late,” I smiled.
“That’s great babe, but next time I won’t be that carried away again. I don’t want to risk you being in trouble,” he smiled and started the car.
“Would you leave me if I never had sex with you?” I asked.
He was about to get out of the car park but stop and looked at me with a dumb folded expression on his face. “Where did you get that from?”
“Just answer it,” I was looking straight ahead. I needed to know that I wasn’t wasting my time here.
“What? No! Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know,” I looked down.
“Nicole,” his hand held my chin and turned my head to him. “Love is love, not sex. I don’t need it to know that you love me. I’m not going to push you into it. I’m here and I’m not complaining about anything. I wanted you and I got you, I don’t want anything else.”
“But Maria told me that guys wouldn’t stick around if there wasn’t any sex involved and all we do is foreplay-“
“Who cares what people told you Nicole? I’m not one of them, I’ve stuck around until now and I’m going to stick around forever. I don’t need us have sex to keep me around, okay?”
I nodded without saying anything.
He pulled me to him, “I love you,” he hugged me.
“I love you too,” I said into his neck.

So very sorry for this delayed chapter, but I'm holidays now so there will be much more writing for this story!
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