Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ghosts in the snow.

It must have been horrible.

by ILove_FrankIero 2 reviews

The green eyes are back

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-05-17 - Updated: 2011-05-17 - 1045 words

Hey guys it's quiet a long one! I hope you like it :D xoxo

Mikey and I truged into school we both had the “Who the hell are you?” look from some of the students. We were told to meet the headmaster Mr. Watkins in his office by quarter to eight. We knew our way around somewhat after coming in for a visit the week before, but I wasn’t paying much attention. We reached Mr. Watkins’s office with a few minutes to spare. Mikey lightly tapped the door and waited for a reply.
“Come in” said a booming voice that I vaguely remember associating with Mr. Watkins
Mikey turned the handle slowly and opened the door and we both entered cautiously. I came to a halt when I saw him. The green eyed boy was sitting in a chair in the far corner of the room. He looked quite small compared to the furniture surrounding him. He glanced up at me with his gorgeous green eyes. His jaw dropped slightly as he smirked and his cheeks brightened slightly. He quickly turned his head back to the dull grey carpet hiding behind his fringe. Was he blushing? And if he was, was it because of me? I felt a glow of happiness come from within me and I felt my cheeks warm.
“Sit down boys, I’d like you to meet Frank Iero” Mr. Watkins’s voice echoed off the walls.
“He’ll be sharing most classes with you and I hope you three can be good friends. Frank will take you to your home room where your new planners and your fellow class mates will be waiting”
Mr. Watkins stood up from behind his rather large wooden desk making me feel quite small. He’s quite a tall man around 5’11 maybe, he had broad shoulders that made him look like a miniature version of the hulk. The room seemed a lot less empty now he was standing. The whole room seemed to close in a few inches, and very thing looked a lot closer. The large plant in the corner, the metal filing cabinet in the corner and the large photo of what I could read off the plaque was the founder of the school all seemed a lot smaller than before. A loud ringing came from a metal bell above the door.
“Off you go boys or you’ll miss registration” Mr. Watkins gestured for the door.
Frank stood up cautiously and walked to the door Mikey and I walked out Frank following behind. Frank still had a little grin on his face as we turned to him.
“I’m Frank” He stuck out his hand nervously and shook our hands in turn. His fingernails were painted black like me, he also had amazingly soft hands for a boy like a new born baby.
“I’m Mikey”
“And I’m Gerard” we both said in return Mikey sounding a lot more confident than me.
Frank smiled shyly “Our home room is room 45” Frank turned and gestured down a long corridor. We both followed Frank passing room after room after room before finding room 45.
“Here it is” Frank said quietly before pushing open the door. The three of us walk in quietly, every head in the room shot up as we walked in and I instantly felt like an animal in a zoo.
“Welcome boys” smiled a very young woman dressed in full pink. “I’m Miss. Taylor, you boys must be Mikey and Gerard Way” her sweet accent told me she came from somewhere in Texas.
“There are two spare seats at the back for you boys” she says before turning to Frank.
“Will you kindly show the Way brothers their seats please, Frank”
Frank nodded and walked swiftly to the back of the class where there were three empty seats.
Miss. Taylor smiled “Now class I hope you’ll treat Mikey and Gerard as a part of the family until they settle in” Miss. Taylor gave us one last smile before sitting down and taking the register. Mikey sat in front of me and Frank to my left. I was sitting in the back right corner from my point of view, the class was quiet long with individual wooden tables. I looked down at mine, there were engravings of a Jess, Jamie, Katlin, Lilly all past students I guess. I look up as Miss. Taylor says my name.
“Miss” I call as did everyone else.
I turned to my left to see Franks green orbs watching me, we blush and look down at the desk.
“What’s it like hear?” I ask craving the green eyes that make that thing inside me glow brightly.
Frank looks up at me smiling slightly, I only now notice but he has a silver lip ring that fits around his lip perfectly. “It’s not too bad, when you get past the haters and the stupid teachers”
I smile back. There’s something in his eyes that makes me think of myself. I only hope we become good friends.
“You won’t find many others like me” Frank says keeping the conversation rolling, “What I mean by that is, There’s not many kids in this school who like Black Flags, Smashing Pumpkins or Misfits” Frank looks down at my jumper staying there for a while before looking back up. “There’s the odd 6th former that like them, but they don’t tend to hang around with us younger kids. I’m pretty much the only one in this school who’s like you” Frank looks down at his desk.
I felt a twinge of unhappiness strike in my stomach. Franks been hear I’m guessing from the start and he’s had no one. No one to go to concerts with, no one to sit around with in the park recovering old memories. It must have been horrible.
I look up at Frank and his green eyes match my gaze “Well you have me now” I said with a smile. Frank looked back at me and smiled back, making the light inside my burn brighter.

Hope it was good :) Please R+R It means the world to me when you do :) Thanks xoxo
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