Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > untitled


by Ash_Lee14 0 reviews

Mikey POV

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-21 - Updated: 2011-05-21 - 187 words

Mikeys pov

something shot past me in the field, I decided that it would be best to follow the mysterious running thing and ran in the direction it had taken, I ran for a a good five minuets before getting to the bottom of a large oak tree, I looked up to see Emily crying. I climbed the tall tree getting to the branch she was perched on
“ what's up?” I asked, she looked pretty upset
“why do you want to know, you have never taken so much interest in me before” her tone was sarcastic
“well, maybe I have been too scared to ask..”
“I'm not that scary” she looked at me right in the eyes, laughing slightly
“no this is true, but you could fixate any one in a trance with your eyes” she blushed as I made my way back down the tree. I looked back up at her. “you coming down?”
“in a minuet” she took out a hanky and wiped her eyes and nose, replaced the hanky in to her pocket, and made her way down the tree

Sorry its only short
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