Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

Our Time Is Running Out

by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

When death is a privilege you have to earn, what happens if you find a reason to live? Frerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-05-22 - Updated: 2011-05-22 - 592 words - Complete

The year is 2005. The location is New York.

Earth has turned to hell. The people left are all gathered in New York. They're panicked, devastated and abject.
People have always been stupid enough to ruin the world, be greedy and to treat all living things badly. Now God, in the form of a dark cloud circling the city, has taken his revenge on the humans.

Since year 1900 he made life miserable for the people. He sucked the gift of feeling happy out of the humans' systems.
Death is a privilege you have to earn by walking the terrifying earth for 30 years.

Killing yourself, dying in an accident or being murdered results in you being reborn and having to start the long journey all over again.

Now, 105 years later, there aren't many people left living.
Gerard was born into the miserable world and is 29 years old. He is impatient to finally meet his maker and be able to find peace.

Then he meets the cocky and lively Frank and Gerard's view of the world changes. Now it's a matter of trying to survive.

The cloaked male approached the big group of people on a street slowly. This was something he didn't want to miss. Fires were burning all over town, like they always did. Panic and fear were the scents lingering in the air. He hugged his long coat closer to his body and looked around. He could see glowing ashes dancing around in the sky.
He pushed his way through the bunch of people recklessly, occasionally mumbling a quiet 'sorry' to those who got annoyed with him.

The center of the people's attention was a man standing by a broken street lamp. He was the only one smiling.
The man shifted his weight from one foot to the other multiple times. The people watched him carefully in total silence. They could have done anything to be in his shoes.

The cloaked man watched the scene breathlessly as a bell rang. It was midnight and a new day had begun.
The exact moment the sound of the bell reached the ears of the people, a shriek escaped the lips of the man by the street light. He laughed maniacally and fell down to his knees.
Shadows of the lively flames from the fire caressed his face. He screamed and laughed in turns, digging his hands into his legs.

The cloaked man felt cold as the dark cloud, which always hung over the city, reached with it's frail arms towards the man on his knees. He had watched the same thing happen a number of times, but it never stopped to amaze him.
The dark cloud surrounded the man on his knees and lifted him towards the sky. The people watching the happening could see a white substance being sucked out of his mouth. Then it was over.
It wouldn't get better than that.

The dark cloud let go of the now lifeless body and it fell to the ground with a loud thump. Since there was nothing left to see, everyone left the place quickly.
The cloaked man stayed at the scene a while longer. "Happy birthday." he whispered to the body on the street. He turned his gaze to the fires placed randomly on the streets. They continues to spew ashes.
He knew that the body would be gone by the morning. Probably eaten by various types of animals.

It will soon be my turn. I just have to be wait a little bit more , he thought and walked into the night.
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