Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Restart Living My Life

Something to Remember

by redglitterapple 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-25 - Updated: 2011-05-25 - 772 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV

I couldnt stand to watch him and his hoard of followers any longer. I strected my legs and walked. Where too? I didnt know yet.

I decided to go exploring since I didnt know this place at all yet. I walked inside to be greeted by an empty corridor. In the distance I could hear a slight sound. I followed my ears.

The reached a crescendo. I now stood infront of an redoak door and looked through the small thin window. Inside, was.... well, I never seen this girl before, but she was a damn good piano player.

Before I knew it my hand was on the door turning the handle. When I walked into the room, the music cut off and she just stared at me.

“Umm, Im sorry. It’s just... I heard you from down the hall and I was exploring because Im new and umm.. Hi.” all of my speech came out slurred together. She giggled

“It’s okay. Well Im Kat.” she beamed a smile at me.


“Nice to meet you. So, do you know how to play?” she pointed towards the piano.

“Sorry no, but I used to sing back at my old high school.”

Her eyes lit up “Come!” she ran over and pulled me over “You gotta duet this song with me. Please? I havent been able to find any of the guys willing enough. They all think” she mad a funny face to show hwo they reacted to it.

“Well... I suppose...”


My brain was mush by then end of lunch. I was dueting to a song I barely knew with a girl I barely knew. She was nice enough. I waved goodbye and we parted our seperate ways. I couldnt help but watch her brunette curls bounce as she walked away.

I think I finally made a friend.

I smiled all the way to home rec. My smile was wiped right off my face when the teacher sat me next to... guess who? Frank! I sat down and this is when I said to myself that I guess I should TRY to be his friend. He may not be so bad.

My life when then spared that little bit when I saw Kat walk into the room and wave. I waved back. She did a little run over to me and sat at the table infront.

Frank just stared

Frank’s POV

Okay. This got even weirder. He made friends with that chick Kat? Don’t get me wrong, she is good looking and that, but, shes a bit... I dunno, over bubbly?

Whatever... I just stared for about ten minutes listening to their conversation. They were on about... a song? Oh no. She raked him into that duet song. (If you could see my face it would look like this: O__O)

Poor guy. He would definately need me now. Especially after he finds out how annoying and bossy she is. I guess my plan will unravel on it’s own.

I sat back in my seat and smiled with my arms behind my head. I didnt even notice when Mr.Bowsen called on. “Well, do I look like I would know the answer?” I replied. He huffed and moved on. Finally back to my solitude. I stared to doze off and then the home bell finally went.

I jumped out of my seat and walked, but not too fast. I was still onto Gerard. I lurked slowly behind with a small group of my friends. I tried my best to socialize, but I couldn’t NOT stare at those two walking together.

He walked her home. Oh how fucking romantic. I felt all dewey inside now. My friends and I continued walking to mine. Gerard raced infront of us. Gosh he walked fast.

We were several houses away from mine when I saw him turn onto the picket fence sidewalk of a house. The house was white with blue shutters. DAMN! I remember! This house has a “For Sale” sign infront of it just last week! SHIT! Now I had him as a neighbor. I suppose it was a good thing?

I pretended to take no notice and then we all walked into mine. I looked over to his yard for a fracton of a second to see him bugged eyed staring at me. I turned to my friends and waved them off goodbye, then went inside.

I kicked off my converse and then threw my worn out skate bag over the hook. I ran straight upstairs into my room.
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