Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Thanks For The Memories.

ch14. I was out cold.

by secretive 0 reviews

Gerard manages to get himself into trouble at Pete's first signed gig.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-05-25 - Updated: 2011-05-25 - 1357 words - Complete

(Gerard's POV)

A week passed by so quickly and i'd learned a few things. The first, Pete was so much fun! He'd always make innapropriate jokes that made Mikey gasp, but made me crack up into hysterics. Even though Mikes' didn't appreciate Pete's jokes, they got on so well. It was so fun living with Pete, he made me look forward to rolling out of bed in the morning and seeing him curled up on a matress on my floor. Sometimes, if i was lucky, i'd even get a morning kiss. He seemed to make my days worthwhile.
The second thing i'd learned, was that i had far moreself controll then i thought was humanly possible. Most night, Pete would take a shower in the bathroom next to my bedroom. I'd hear the water running and know that he was in the next room, completley naked. I guess it was easy enough to controll myself in that situation, but what made it worse was when he walked into my room afterwards, dripping wet and dressed only in a towel from the waist down. I was so desperate to just dive on him, but i couldn't! And when Pete slept, he made cute little noises, they were adorable at first, but after a while they sounded quite sexy. It was as if he was moaning sexually in his sleep and it really fucking turned me on! It was hard to get to sleep that way, but i managed, somehow.
Another one of the many things i'd learned is that the thought of watching Pete on stage made me excited like a rich kid in a candy store! I'd been looking forward to it all week and now it was finally time. Pete had already left this morning with Patrick and the boys to prerare for the gig, but i was busy preparing myself. I'd straightened my hair, filled my hands with gel and sory of attacked my hair with them! I was wearing one of Mikey's tight, black t-shirts and a pair of bright red skinny jeans that i'd actually never dared to wear before. I wanted to stand out, that way maybe Pete would see me. I checked myself out in the mirror, and for the first time in my life, i actually admitted to myself 'I look good!'. It was time to go, i wanted to get a good place on the standing floor.

Two hours later, i pulled my small car up into the parking lot of the large arena that Fall Out Boy were performing in. I jogged up the stairs and into the waiting area. It was packed! I wasn't expecting so many fans already, i knew they were being massivley publicised and their songs had been so overplayed by practically every radio station, but the amount of people waiting to watch them was staggering. I decided to be cheeky and pushed my way through the crowds.
After about an hour of waiting tediously, speaking to nobody and thinking of Pete the doors opened. I ran excitedly over to the doors that lead me straight onto the standing floor. It was huge! There were red strobe lights at either side of the stage shining into the audience, who were now piling rapidly into the arena. This was going to be a show to remember, i could feel it!
Once everybody was packed in, the lights dimmed, causing everybody to scream excitedly, especially the girls. The red strobe lights turned to face the stage and two huge TV screens turned on at either side, showing everybody a clear view of Fall Out Boy walking onto the stage. I saw Pete, he looked amazing! Just like he looked when i first saw him. I especially loved his look in his leather jacket... no wait.. it was MY leather jacket! I screamed, i couldn't help it. It was like a fangirl moment, Pete was wearing my jacket! MINE! Oh my god i couldn't control myself. Fall Out Boy began playing, the crowd continued screaming and jumping, pits formed everywhere, i managed to dodge them craftily. I stared in awe at Pete, he looked just as sexy as he did last time. I decided to let myself get a little too excited again... my imagination flowed perfectly and i was in the perfect environment. I could do or say anything without even being noticed, i could scream Pete's name and people would take is as just being 'part of the crowd', i could watch him all night. I suddenly felt on top of the world!

"Woah, holy shit look at the basist!" i heard some guy shout from behind me. Pete was doing it again! He was at the front of the stage, licking his bass seductivley, making me (and most of the screaming crowd) go weak at the knees. He dropped to the floor and layed down on his back, still playing his bass just as well as he was when he was stood up. I let my mouth hang open slightly. I watched this way for a few more songs, untill i overheard a conversation behind me. "Do you reckon if i waited behind after the concert i'd get to meet them?" i heard one girl say...
"Yeah! I'm going to!" the other replied. I smiled at the thought of Fall Out Boy having a fanbase already.
"Yeah i kind of want to meet the basist the most.." the first girl said. My ears pricked up.
"The hot one with the black hair?" the other asked, Fall Out Boy still were playing in the background, but this conversation took my atention.
"Do you reckon if i gave him my number he'd call me?" she giggled to her friend,
"Yeah whatever Jess!" The other exclaimed, "You'd just fuck him and leave!"
"Yeah i know..." she laughed, "I'm still gonna do it though!". I wasn't sure why, but this really got to me. First of all i felt jealous, Pete was mind of mine after all, i didn't want him to bring skanky girls back to my flat, i didn;t want him to bring ANYBODY back! I wanted him for myself, and he wanted me too! Secondly, how could she just want to fuck him and leave? Could she not see how beautiful he was? Why would somebody want to hurt him like that!? Maybe i was overreacting inside my own head, but i couldn't stop myself. I had to saysomething.
"Don't bother!" i snapped at the girls, tspinnig around to face them.
"What...?" they replied,
"Leave Pete out of your stupid slutty games right!" i told them, "He's an amazing guy, plus he's seeing somebody!". The girls looked a little confused, but after a while they just laughed right in my face. I felt a little embarrased to ne honest, but i was glad i stood up for Pete.
"Why what are you gonna do about it!" one girl shouted, throwing her cup of what i hoped was water over my head. The anger built up inside me burst out.
"Listen you stupid, orange sluts!" i started, but i was interrupted by a force pulling me sharply to my left. I looked uo, there was a tall, buff man standing infront of me. His tattood arms bluged out of his tank top and his almost shaven head seemed to reflect the stage lights. "What did you say to those girls!" he bellowed at me.
"They... they were saying things about my friend..." i desperatley tried to explain myself. It was too late though, i felt a sharp pain in the side of my face as i stumbled backwards, the force sending me to the floor. Yep, i'd been punched.
Jumping feet stamped on my arms and legs as i curled myself up into a ball trying to protect myself. "Fucking get off me!" i screamed as pain shot through all angles of my body. I started to feel drowsy, my vision blured, everything seemed to slow down. The last thing i heard was an amplified "GERARD!", and that was it. I was out cold.
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