Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?
My weapon is art, whats yours?
0 reviewsthe boys get a distress call from a legend which will change everything.
2019 California
Party was bored, so bored that right at that second he could have fucking eaten himself. The life of a killjoys, granted was usually much more interesting that a normal persons but lately the drac’s had been rather quite. So right now he was just sat in the diner watching Kobra and Fun attempt to teach grace how to ride a bike, without an actual bike. He smiled as Fun started to make a strange circling movement with his feet that man was such a douche sometimes. Little did he know that very soon everything would change forever. Again.
Jet star walked into the diner, ducking under the loose bored, he was carrying what looked like an old walkie talkie. The device was emitting a loud static noise punctuated with what sounded like laser fire.
“Hey Jet what’s that?” Part asked nodding towards the device
“It’s a walkie talkie I found it in a box in the garage it was making this noise when I found it”
It emitted a rather loud screech which made even Fun and Kobra look around and frown at the de-vice.
“That sounded like a car crash” Fun Ghoul stated
“Do you think someone might be on the other side? They might be in trouble!” part asked concern lacing his voice
Right on cue a strangled voice came out of the speaker. “Ah shit……………ow...Dr D pick up….” the guys looked at each other all thinking the same thought. Simultaneously they walked towards Dr D’s room ray taking the lead carrying the walkie talkie.
“Hey Dr D I think you need to hear this” jet said to Dr D’s back.
“Oh really? It’s not Ghoul belching the alphabet again coz that was disgusting!” he looked over his shoulder and saw the device in jets hand and froze. “Where did you find that?”
“It was in a box in the garage I heard a noise coming from it I thought it was broken” jet explained.
“There was a voice coming from it a second ago and earlier a noise sounded like a car crash” inter-jected Kobra.
“Pass it to me” Dr D said quietly. Immediately jet handed it over, there was never any debate when he was that serious. He took the device and pressed the button. “Jazz is that you?” silence then…
“Oh thank Fuck! I didn’t think I was getting through” the voice rang out, much clearer now. It sounded like a woman’s voice.
“Oh my god Jazz but I thought you were dead!” Dr D stuttered looking thoroughly shocked as did the guys, was he talking to who they thought he was?
“Well I’m not and now’s not the time, I’m in trouble and I, I need your help”
“Nothing new there” Dr D said with a smirk
“Shut up! I’ve got about 20 ish drac’s on my tail, I’ve got no laser and if I bleed anymore I will start hallucinating!” the last words came out as a shout as an explosion was heard.
“Okay, okay where are you?”
“Route 15 heading north, come quick” and with that the sound returned to static. Dr stared at the walkie talkie for a few seconds. Then turned to the guys looking at the shocked and confused ex-pressions on their faces.
“Well you heard the woman, get a move on” he shouted. They needed no more encouragement; they ran through the diner grabbing their guns and masks. Quickly kissing grace on the head they ran outside and jumped into the Trans am, flinging open the spray painted doors and stepping on the gas before they were even shut. Shiite! Kobra thought, god party drives like a maniac. He did indeed have a bit of a thing for speed, his neon red hair flying behind him as he drove along at 100mph. he looked slightly anxious, they all were they had no idea who they were driving to or what…..
Party was bored, so bored that right at that second he could have fucking eaten himself. The life of a killjoys, granted was usually much more interesting that a normal persons but lately the drac’s had been rather quite. So right now he was just sat in the diner watching Kobra and Fun attempt to teach grace how to ride a bike, without an actual bike. He smiled as Fun started to make a strange circling movement with his feet that man was such a douche sometimes. Little did he know that very soon everything would change forever. Again.
Jet star walked into the diner, ducking under the loose bored, he was carrying what looked like an old walkie talkie. The device was emitting a loud static noise punctuated with what sounded like laser fire.
“Hey Jet what’s that?” Part asked nodding towards the device
“It’s a walkie talkie I found it in a box in the garage it was making this noise when I found it”
It emitted a rather loud screech which made even Fun and Kobra look around and frown at the de-vice.
“That sounded like a car crash” Fun Ghoul stated
“Do you think someone might be on the other side? They might be in trouble!” part asked concern lacing his voice
Right on cue a strangled voice came out of the speaker. “Ah shit……………ow...Dr D pick up….” the guys looked at each other all thinking the same thought. Simultaneously they walked towards Dr D’s room ray taking the lead carrying the walkie talkie.
“Hey Dr D I think you need to hear this” jet said to Dr D’s back.
“Oh really? It’s not Ghoul belching the alphabet again coz that was disgusting!” he looked over his shoulder and saw the device in jets hand and froze. “Where did you find that?”
“It was in a box in the garage I heard a noise coming from it I thought it was broken” jet explained.
“There was a voice coming from it a second ago and earlier a noise sounded like a car crash” inter-jected Kobra.
“Pass it to me” Dr D said quietly. Immediately jet handed it over, there was never any debate when he was that serious. He took the device and pressed the button. “Jazz is that you?” silence then…
“Oh thank Fuck! I didn’t think I was getting through” the voice rang out, much clearer now. It sounded like a woman’s voice.
“Oh my god Jazz but I thought you were dead!” Dr D stuttered looking thoroughly shocked as did the guys, was he talking to who they thought he was?
“Well I’m not and now’s not the time, I’m in trouble and I, I need your help”
“Nothing new there” Dr D said with a smirk
“Shut up! I’ve got about 20 ish drac’s on my tail, I’ve got no laser and if I bleed anymore I will start hallucinating!” the last words came out as a shout as an explosion was heard.
“Okay, okay where are you?”
“Route 15 heading north, come quick” and with that the sound returned to static. Dr stared at the walkie talkie for a few seconds. Then turned to the guys looking at the shocked and confused ex-pressions on their faces.
“Well you heard the woman, get a move on” he shouted. They needed no more encouragement; they ran through the diner grabbing their guns and masks. Quickly kissing grace on the head they ran outside and jumped into the Trans am, flinging open the spray painted doors and stepping on the gas before they were even shut. Shiite! Kobra thought, god party drives like a maniac. He did indeed have a bit of a thing for speed, his neon red hair flying behind him as he drove along at 100mph. he looked slightly anxious, they all were they had no idea who they were driving to or what…..
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