Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?

chapter 2

by xmyfacehurtsx 0 reviews

lets meet this person.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-05-26 - Updated: 2011-05-26 - 540 words - Complete

Ah shit I hate drac’s why do they have to be so mean! Seriously I’m an unarmed, injured woman and they are still chasing me. I swear to hades that I will rip their eyes out of their sockets! Jazz thought at she raced down the road at about 100mph on a very old kind of dodgy looking motorbike. There were about 20 or so drac’s behind her occasionally letting of shots but mostly just trying to keep up, even injured that girl could drive fast!

Meanwhile the killjoys were heading towards her equally fast getting ready for a fight. Kobra Kid pulled on his helmet as did jet star. Fun Ghoul cocked his gun ready for the fight. Only party looked calm as he pulled on his mask one-handed, he always tried not to think when fighting it made everything much easier.

A dust cloud appeared on the horizon, shimmering slightly in the heat they say a vague outline of what looked like a motorbike. This was then followed by more than a dozen other bikes. The standard Bli/ind white bikes stood out against the orange desert. The killjoys looked at each other.

“Here we go muttered Jet star” adjusting his laser gun.

The front bike neared them, obviously the killjoy they were looking for due to the dark bike. Without changing speed the bike drove past them, performed a perfect U-turn and came up alongside them. It was defiantly a woman, they couldn’t see her face because she was wearing a black highway man mask but she had the brightest blue hair which was blowing behind her as they drove.

As they neared the drac’s Fun tossed her a spare laser gun which she caught deftly. There was a moment of silence as the two sides got in range of each other’s shots, the silence daring them to take the first shot. It was broken by the woman; her shot hit the lead drac with pinpoint accuracy. Then all hell broke loose. Shots were being fired on all sides, fun ghoul and jet star were standing on their seats and Kobra had two guns out and was flying of shots left right and centre.

The drac’s didn’t stand a chance.

The fight took less than a minute; the killjoys and the jazz slowed their vehicles and came to a halt. They stood facing each other for a few seconds until party poison stepped forwards.
“I’m Party poison this is Kobra kid, Fun Ghoul and Jet Star. Dr D sent us” he said.
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you” she said, her voice now heard clearly for the first time. She had an English accent “I’m Jazz extermination i….” whatever she was going to say next was cut off by her passing out.

The guys rushed over to her taking of their masks as they went. Jet was the first to notice the blood on her shirt and being the only trained medic he quickly tried to staunch her bleeding. Party checked her pulse. He then very slowly took of her mask and they looked into the face of the most famous killjoy that had ever lived.
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