Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?
“Oh my god! That’s-that’s…..” Party Poison said in amazement. He looked around at the other guys he all looked equally shocked. He looked back down into that face. It was so familiar her poster had been up everywhere she had been the most wanted killjoy ever, she was the reason he started this and now she was lying on the road in front of him.
“We have to get her back to Dr D’s; she’s loosing too much blood. I need to use the equipment” Jet star said. They all nodded, Jet picked her up gently and laid her in the back of the Trans Am. The others piled in picking up her bag as they went.
Party drove fast, stealing glances at her in the back of the car; she was even more beautiful in the flesh. They soon pulled up to Dr D’s Jet jumping out immediately and carrying her into the building. Following behind him the guys saw him lay her down on one of the tables in the diner then quickly run off to get the medical supplies.
Dr D then came in and his face went white when he saw her lying on the table.
“Oh Jazz what have you done now, you crazy girl.” He said softly whilst stroking her hair. The guys exchanged looks all silently wondering what the deal with them two was. Next moment Jet walked back in carrying bandages. Dr D stepped back and anxiously watched jet work on her.
Jet stepped back and said;
“She’s going to be alright, the wounds not infected. She should wake up in a few minutes” Dr D sighed and sat down beside her. Jet went to wash his hands and the guys sat down and waited for her to wake up.
“What was she doing when you found her?” Dr D asked looking at them.
“She was being chased by about 20 drac’s on this beat up motorbike.” Kobra kid said a small
smile playing on his lips as if impressed by her audacity.
“Sounds like her.” Dr D said smiling to himself.
They sat in silence for a few minutes until jet came back to join there silent visual. This girl was supposed to be dead they were all curios to why she wasn’t. Dr D looked up as he felt her fingers twitched against his and her eyes began to flutter.
She blinked her eyes, squinting up at Dr D.
“Hey long time no see!” she said weakly a light smile on her lips. Dr D smiled and pulled her into a hug. Suddenly he pulled apart and frowned at her.
“Where the hell have you been? We all thought you were dead!” He said angrily
“Hello would have been nice! And all in good time my friend!” she said pulling herself into a sitting position. As she sat up she clocked the other people in the room.
“Hey thanks for rescuing me dudes I owe you on!” she said smiling at them. Party was entranced by her smile it was so beautiful.
“Oh no problem” party said looking down at the ground blushing as she looked at him.
“Pretty nice spot you got yourself in there” Fun Ghoul said smiling at her.
“Story of my life man” she said as she stood up wincing as she did. “Now I’m kinda hungry got any food that’s not road kill?” Dr D nodded and went get some cans of beans. They all sat down and watched as she ate ravenously licking her lips when she was done.
“Soooooo how do get to being chased by like 2 dozen dracs?” Jet said raising his eyebrows.
“I may have stolen something important that Bli might want back” she said smiling at the memory.
“What is it?”
She reached in her bag and brought out what looked like a ball of wires.
“This friends is the traffic control system for battery city. May have broken it a bit” they all nodded looking impressed. “Now I’m a little tired D do I still have a room?” she asked.
“Erm well not really since we thought you were dead. But I still do have all of you stuff and a spare room” her said sheepishly. He then led her of through a door, her giving them a little smile as she went. Kobra then turned to Party looking at him staring at the door which she just left through.
“I think somebody has a little crush” Kobra said raising an eyebrow at his brother.
“I do not!” Party said indignantly. The other guys just looked at him. “Well maybe I do, a little bit but it’s nothing. Stop looking at me like that!” he said raising his voice at the last part. He then stormed out of the room his friend’s laughter behind him.
“We have to get her back to Dr D’s; she’s loosing too much blood. I need to use the equipment” Jet star said. They all nodded, Jet picked her up gently and laid her in the back of the Trans Am. The others piled in picking up her bag as they went.
Party drove fast, stealing glances at her in the back of the car; she was even more beautiful in the flesh. They soon pulled up to Dr D’s Jet jumping out immediately and carrying her into the building. Following behind him the guys saw him lay her down on one of the tables in the diner then quickly run off to get the medical supplies.
Dr D then came in and his face went white when he saw her lying on the table.
“Oh Jazz what have you done now, you crazy girl.” He said softly whilst stroking her hair. The guys exchanged looks all silently wondering what the deal with them two was. Next moment Jet walked back in carrying bandages. Dr D stepped back and anxiously watched jet work on her.
Jet stepped back and said;
“She’s going to be alright, the wounds not infected. She should wake up in a few minutes” Dr D sighed and sat down beside her. Jet went to wash his hands and the guys sat down and waited for her to wake up.
“What was she doing when you found her?” Dr D asked looking at them.
“She was being chased by about 20 drac’s on this beat up motorbike.” Kobra kid said a small
smile playing on his lips as if impressed by her audacity.
“Sounds like her.” Dr D said smiling to himself.
They sat in silence for a few minutes until jet came back to join there silent visual. This girl was supposed to be dead they were all curios to why she wasn’t. Dr D looked up as he felt her fingers twitched against his and her eyes began to flutter.
She blinked her eyes, squinting up at Dr D.
“Hey long time no see!” she said weakly a light smile on her lips. Dr D smiled and pulled her into a hug. Suddenly he pulled apart and frowned at her.
“Where the hell have you been? We all thought you were dead!” He said angrily
“Hello would have been nice! And all in good time my friend!” she said pulling herself into a sitting position. As she sat up she clocked the other people in the room.
“Hey thanks for rescuing me dudes I owe you on!” she said smiling at them. Party was entranced by her smile it was so beautiful.
“Oh no problem” party said looking down at the ground blushing as she looked at him.
“Pretty nice spot you got yourself in there” Fun Ghoul said smiling at her.
“Story of my life man” she said as she stood up wincing as she did. “Now I’m kinda hungry got any food that’s not road kill?” Dr D nodded and went get some cans of beans. They all sat down and watched as she ate ravenously licking her lips when she was done.
“Soooooo how do get to being chased by like 2 dozen dracs?” Jet said raising his eyebrows.
“I may have stolen something important that Bli might want back” she said smiling at the memory.
“What is it?”
She reached in her bag and brought out what looked like a ball of wires.
“This friends is the traffic control system for battery city. May have broken it a bit” they all nodded looking impressed. “Now I’m a little tired D do I still have a room?” she asked.
“Erm well not really since we thought you were dead. But I still do have all of you stuff and a spare room” her said sheepishly. He then led her of through a door, her giving them a little smile as she went. Kobra then turned to Party looking at him staring at the door which she just left through.
“I think somebody has a little crush” Kobra said raising an eyebrow at his brother.
“I do not!” Party said indignantly. The other guys just looked at him. “Well maybe I do, a little bit but it’s nothing. Stop looking at me like that!” he said raising his voice at the last part. He then stormed out of the room his friend’s laughter behind him.
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