Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?
Crush on her my arse! Party poison thought indignantly as he lit a cigarette outside the diner. Sure she was pretty, but I’ve only just met her! He stared out at the sunset; he loved the way the desert seamed to melt with the sky like they were joined. He heard a creak behind him and Dr D walked out of the diner.
“Party I just wanted to thank you properly for saving her she means a lot to me” he said. Party raised an eyebrow.
“Yes we had noticed, was there, you know anything going on between you too? I mean I know she’s young but well there’s something there…” he trailed off.
“Oh god no!!! EW ew ew! The truth is and you mustn’t tell anyone, she my daughter.” Dr D said looking down. Party’s jaw dropped;
“But how? When did this happen?”
“I was married before Bli took over, I thought she’d be safer in the city but she broke out by herself and came to find me. I was devastated when she disappeared and now she’s back I’m going to make sure it stays that way.” he looked party in the eyes and left back into the diner.
Party stayed where he was trying to digest what he had just heard, he didn’t notice that the sun had changed into the moon. He must have been there for hours when he heard a noise behind him. He turned to see jazz creeping out of the door, still fully dressed. He cleared his throat and she jumped a mile.
“Oh shit I didn’t see you there” she said sitting down next to him. “What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing”
“Ah touché! Well can I have one of those?” he gave her a cigarette and they sat in silence for a while just watching the stars.
“So...” she said “how long have you been doing this?” she looked at him the moonlight making her look deathly pale.
“Well I left battery city about 4 years ago, I saw one your tricks. But it took a while to get out and find Dr D. By the time I did you had already gone missing.”
“Ah cool, is Kobra Kid your brother? You look very similar”
“Oh yeah he is. Really? I’ve never thought that we looked the same” he said smiling.
“It must be nice having a brother, someone who will always be there for you. I wish I had that”
“It is but sometimes he can be a pain but I love him for it. It’s not like you haven’t got anyone, you’ve got Dr D” he said thinking of the information he’d just learned.
“Yeah well the last 3 years have been kinda lonely. It’s nice to be back with people.” She said looking down at the ground, stubbing her cigarette on the ground. “So party poison, what kind of name is that?”
“It’s my name, I used to party a lot but it wasn’t very good for me that’s why it’s poison. What kind of name is Jazz Extermination?”
“Well first it was just jazz because it was ironic, I hate Jazz. I added the extermination after they put up my first exterminate poster, I was so proud! So what’s your real name or can’t you tell me?” she said nudging his shoulder slightly.
“Promise you won’t tell? It’s Gerard, Gerard way” he said holding out his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Way, I’m Marianne, Marianne Brooks” she said taking his hand and shaking it. They smiled at each other, staring for just a second too long before blushing and looking down at the ground.
“Well I better get back in I seriously need some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning” she said standing up.
“Yeah totally sleep well!” she smiled and went back in. Shit! Did I really just say sleep well? He thought mentally face palming. Okay so maybe I do have a little crush on her.
“Party I just wanted to thank you properly for saving her she means a lot to me” he said. Party raised an eyebrow.
“Yes we had noticed, was there, you know anything going on between you too? I mean I know she’s young but well there’s something there…” he trailed off.
“Oh god no!!! EW ew ew! The truth is and you mustn’t tell anyone, she my daughter.” Dr D said looking down. Party’s jaw dropped;
“But how? When did this happen?”
“I was married before Bli took over, I thought she’d be safer in the city but she broke out by herself and came to find me. I was devastated when she disappeared and now she’s back I’m going to make sure it stays that way.” he looked party in the eyes and left back into the diner.
Party stayed where he was trying to digest what he had just heard, he didn’t notice that the sun had changed into the moon. He must have been there for hours when he heard a noise behind him. He turned to see jazz creeping out of the door, still fully dressed. He cleared his throat and she jumped a mile.
“Oh shit I didn’t see you there” she said sitting down next to him. “What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing”
“Ah touché! Well can I have one of those?” he gave her a cigarette and they sat in silence for a while just watching the stars.
“So...” she said “how long have you been doing this?” she looked at him the moonlight making her look deathly pale.
“Well I left battery city about 4 years ago, I saw one your tricks. But it took a while to get out and find Dr D. By the time I did you had already gone missing.”
“Ah cool, is Kobra Kid your brother? You look very similar”
“Oh yeah he is. Really? I’ve never thought that we looked the same” he said smiling.
“It must be nice having a brother, someone who will always be there for you. I wish I had that”
“It is but sometimes he can be a pain but I love him for it. It’s not like you haven’t got anyone, you’ve got Dr D” he said thinking of the information he’d just learned.
“Yeah well the last 3 years have been kinda lonely. It’s nice to be back with people.” She said looking down at the ground, stubbing her cigarette on the ground. “So party poison, what kind of name is that?”
“It’s my name, I used to party a lot but it wasn’t very good for me that’s why it’s poison. What kind of name is Jazz Extermination?”
“Well first it was just jazz because it was ironic, I hate Jazz. I added the extermination after they put up my first exterminate poster, I was so proud! So what’s your real name or can’t you tell me?” she said nudging his shoulder slightly.
“Promise you won’t tell? It’s Gerard, Gerard way” he said holding out his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Way, I’m Marianne, Marianne Brooks” she said taking his hand and shaking it. They smiled at each other, staring for just a second too long before blushing and looking down at the ground.
“Well I better get back in I seriously need some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning” she said standing up.
“Yeah totally sleep well!” she smiled and went back in. Shit! Did I really just say sleep well? He thought mentally face palming. Okay so maybe I do have a little crush on her.
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