Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?
The next morning everyone was up surprisingly early, they were anxious, they all had so many questions for their new guest. They’d heard the showers come on about 15 minutes ago so she must be coming out soon.
“Good morning sunshine’s.” Said a voice from the door, everybody jumped. Party looked her up d down, she looked so much better than yesterday. Her cloths fit her better, the black leather pants clung to her every curve and the neon orange shirt was just the right kind of baggy. As he looked down at her feet he raised an eyebrow, were those gold boxing shoes? She noticed his gaze and smiled sheepishly.
“Well you look a little less dead this morning.” Said Dr D coming out of the radio room, holding a bunch of records. She stuck her tongue out at him and went to sit down next to party. They smiled at each other and looked down. Party glanced up and saw Fun Ghoul smirking at him gave him a sour look and looked back down at his food.
By this time Dr D had sat down at a booth and was looking at jazz intently. Everybody knew what he was about to ask.
“So. Jazz are you going to tell us were you’ve been?” he asked looking directly into her eyes.
“Well I guess I owe you an explanation, plus I have some information you might want to hear. So anyway 3 years ago, I had gone into battery city to pull a trick as you know. The thing is I may have gone a step too far; they were mad, really mad there was nothing they wouldn’t have done to get me. So I had to leave so that you would be safe. I had to let you believe I was dead so they wouldn’t come looking for you to tell them where I was. It was for your own good. I’m sorry.” She looked into Dr D’s eyes pleading for forgiveness. He nodded and took her hand.
“But where have you been for the last 3 years?” Jet asked, completely ruining the moment between father and daughter.
“Everywhere, I travelled down to what used to be South America; I got a boat across to japan and china. From there I travelled across Russia and through the remnants of Europe. I was just doing what I always did but on a larger scale. Messing with the system and recruiting new killjoys. Of course I had to be incognito so they wouldn’t know it was me.” She said breaking contact with Dr D and looking at the rest of the boys.
“Wow that’s a lot of places!” Jet said, Fun Ghoul whistled.
“So what’s the important information?” Party asked
“Ah yes. When I was in Europe I found out that Bli were up to something, something big. That’s why I had to come back because it’s going to start at battery city. They’ve invented a new way of controlling people, more completely than before. They’re going to give people an operation, which will be compulsory for all people at the age of 16. In the operation they make a tiny lesion in the brain which makes people more compliant. Completely takes away they’re free will turns them into sheep.”
“Isn’t that what they do already?”
“The meds aren’t absolute, people can break free, and you and I are proof of that. These lesions are irreversible there is no way out of it. I saw some of the results in Europe it’s horrifying.” She said solemnly.
“We have to stop them!” Party said. Everyone nodded but there was only one thought in they’re minds. How?
“Good morning sunshine’s.” Said a voice from the door, everybody jumped. Party looked her up d down, she looked so much better than yesterday. Her cloths fit her better, the black leather pants clung to her every curve and the neon orange shirt was just the right kind of baggy. As he looked down at her feet he raised an eyebrow, were those gold boxing shoes? She noticed his gaze and smiled sheepishly.
“Well you look a little less dead this morning.” Said Dr D coming out of the radio room, holding a bunch of records. She stuck her tongue out at him and went to sit down next to party. They smiled at each other and looked down. Party glanced up and saw Fun Ghoul smirking at him gave him a sour look and looked back down at his food.
By this time Dr D had sat down at a booth and was looking at jazz intently. Everybody knew what he was about to ask.
“So. Jazz are you going to tell us were you’ve been?” he asked looking directly into her eyes.
“Well I guess I owe you an explanation, plus I have some information you might want to hear. So anyway 3 years ago, I had gone into battery city to pull a trick as you know. The thing is I may have gone a step too far; they were mad, really mad there was nothing they wouldn’t have done to get me. So I had to leave so that you would be safe. I had to let you believe I was dead so they wouldn’t come looking for you to tell them where I was. It was for your own good. I’m sorry.” She looked into Dr D’s eyes pleading for forgiveness. He nodded and took her hand.
“But where have you been for the last 3 years?” Jet asked, completely ruining the moment between father and daughter.
“Everywhere, I travelled down to what used to be South America; I got a boat across to japan and china. From there I travelled across Russia and through the remnants of Europe. I was just doing what I always did but on a larger scale. Messing with the system and recruiting new killjoys. Of course I had to be incognito so they wouldn’t know it was me.” She said breaking contact with Dr D and looking at the rest of the boys.
“Wow that’s a lot of places!” Jet said, Fun Ghoul whistled.
“So what’s the important information?” Party asked
“Ah yes. When I was in Europe I found out that Bli were up to something, something big. That’s why I had to come back because it’s going to start at battery city. They’ve invented a new way of controlling people, more completely than before. They’re going to give people an operation, which will be compulsory for all people at the age of 16. In the operation they make a tiny lesion in the brain which makes people more compliant. Completely takes away they’re free will turns them into sheep.”
“Isn’t that what they do already?”
“The meds aren’t absolute, people can break free, and you and I are proof of that. These lesions are irreversible there is no way out of it. I saw some of the results in Europe it’s horrifying.” She said solemnly.
“We have to stop them!” Party said. Everyone nodded but there was only one thought in they’re minds. How?
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