Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?
The rest of the day was tense. Everyone was still reeling from the knowledge they had learned and were daunted by the task ahead of them. This changed things completely before they could take their time but now they had to act quickly before all was lost. At midnight after a day of deep thought, everyone had gone to bed but it was obvious that no-one was going to sleep. They were all too tense. Party Poison was outside sitting on the roof of the Trans-Am when he was joined once again by Jazz.
“Hey pretty boy!” she called from the doorway smiling as he jumped.
“Shit jazz! You startled me! Wait hold on pretty boy? Really?” he said raising an eyebrow.
“Well it’s true! Budge up!” she shrugged and moved to join him on the roof of the Trans-Am. She pulled herself up next to him and looked at the stars. She rested her head on his shoulder, surprising him a little but he relaxed and smiled
“Do you ever wonder if anything else is out there? In space.” She asked not taking her eyes of the stars.
“Yes, I don’t think that in the whole of the universe that it’s only us. It’s just too big to be empty. A bit like the desert. It looks barren and empty but it’s full of life, you just have to look closer.” He said looking down at her. She raised her eyes to his and smiled. Getting lost in the hazel orbs.
“That’s beautiful”
“I can see something that’s more beautiful.” He hesitantly but gently brushed a hair away from her eyes and cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her cheekbone. He acted on impulse and slowly moved his face towards hers, his eyes locked with hers. Her breathing hitched but she didn’t move away. She closed her eyes as their lips met. The kiss was slow and gentle under the moonlight, a small bubble of calmness in the chaos of the world around them.
They went back inside holding hands and he kissed her on the cheek as she went into her room. That night he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
The next morning he was up bright and early, humming to himself as he made coffee. Kobra kid was the first in rubbing his scruffy blonde hair whilst yawning.
“Good morning mikey mikes” party poison said handing him a steaming cup of coffee. Kobra kid frowned at his brother stopping in his tracks.
“What’s wrong? You haven’t called me that in years!” he said.
“Nothing’s wrong! In fact everything is so very right” he replied grinning from ear to ear. Kobra took in his smile and general dazed appearance and his eyes widened.
“Oh my god! Something happened between you and Jazz!” Party’s silence was as good as an answer he needed. “You know it’s not a good idea, if it ends badly it will just be awkward and tense between all of us.”
“I would never do anything to hurt her mikey, i-I think I love her.” He said looking into his brother’s face. To his surprise mikey smiled;
“I know you gee; if you love something you really would do anything for them. She’ll be lucky to have you” he said. Party smiled and hugged his brother.
The rest of the day was spent going over maps of battery city and the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W buildings. They’re plotting was interrupted mid-afternoon by the arrival of show pony bringing more records to Dr D. Jazz looked a little confused by show pony’s outfit but looked fascinated by her roller-skates and immediately had to stop working to have a go in them. The rest of the evening was spent with her rolling around the diner crashing into stuff whilst everyone laughed at her. But she laughed with them, for the first time in 3 years she felt at home and when she looked into Party Poisons beautiful eyes, she felt hope for the future.
“Hey pretty boy!” she called from the doorway smiling as he jumped.
“Shit jazz! You startled me! Wait hold on pretty boy? Really?” he said raising an eyebrow.
“Well it’s true! Budge up!” she shrugged and moved to join him on the roof of the Trans-Am. She pulled herself up next to him and looked at the stars. She rested her head on his shoulder, surprising him a little but he relaxed and smiled
“Do you ever wonder if anything else is out there? In space.” She asked not taking her eyes of the stars.
“Yes, I don’t think that in the whole of the universe that it’s only us. It’s just too big to be empty. A bit like the desert. It looks barren and empty but it’s full of life, you just have to look closer.” He said looking down at her. She raised her eyes to his and smiled. Getting lost in the hazel orbs.
“That’s beautiful”
“I can see something that’s more beautiful.” He hesitantly but gently brushed a hair away from her eyes and cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her cheekbone. He acted on impulse and slowly moved his face towards hers, his eyes locked with hers. Her breathing hitched but she didn’t move away. She closed her eyes as their lips met. The kiss was slow and gentle under the moonlight, a small bubble of calmness in the chaos of the world around them.
They went back inside holding hands and he kissed her on the cheek as she went into her room. That night he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
The next morning he was up bright and early, humming to himself as he made coffee. Kobra kid was the first in rubbing his scruffy blonde hair whilst yawning.
“Good morning mikey mikes” party poison said handing him a steaming cup of coffee. Kobra kid frowned at his brother stopping in his tracks.
“What’s wrong? You haven’t called me that in years!” he said.
“Nothing’s wrong! In fact everything is so very right” he replied grinning from ear to ear. Kobra took in his smile and general dazed appearance and his eyes widened.
“Oh my god! Something happened between you and Jazz!” Party’s silence was as good as an answer he needed. “You know it’s not a good idea, if it ends badly it will just be awkward and tense between all of us.”
“I would never do anything to hurt her mikey, i-I think I love her.” He said looking into his brother’s face. To his surprise mikey smiled;
“I know you gee; if you love something you really would do anything for them. She’ll be lucky to have you” he said. Party smiled and hugged his brother.
The rest of the day was spent going over maps of battery city and the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W buildings. They’re plotting was interrupted mid-afternoon by the arrival of show pony bringing more records to Dr D. Jazz looked a little confused by show pony’s outfit but looked fascinated by her roller-skates and immediately had to stop working to have a go in them. The rest of the evening was spent with her rolling around the diner crashing into stuff whilst everyone laughed at her. But she laughed with them, for the first time in 3 years she felt at home and when she looked into Party Poisons beautiful eyes, she felt hope for the future.
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