Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > American Girl.

American Girl Chapter 9

by MyChemFreak 10 reviews

Oooh, a guy who works for mystery guy;D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-05-27 - Updated: 2012-02-05 - 334 words - Complete

There is some Norwegian in this update; I can post the translations if you'd like? And also if you wanna be in the story; just gimme some basics about your character and I can fit you in:-) byee:-)

"Ja, jeg vet hvor hun bor," He whispered into the phone. "Nei, de har ikke se meg ennå. Men mannen, Gerard, jeg har tenkt å snakke med ham." 
The man took a drag on his cigarette. "Han bare forlot huset med et barn, jeg skal gå nå, favel." He had not been on the Grounds of the MCR home for long before the eldest Way spotted him. 

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Way screamed. 

"Thomas." He lied smoothly. 


"I have come for Zaria." He answered simply. 


"Gee, calm down; you're scaring Zar," Iero said walking out of the house. "Who the fuck are you by the way?" 

"Thomas, I'm a friend of Zaria's I'm here to take her back with me." He lied. 

"English is not your mother tongue. Where are you from?" Asked a girl who could only be Zaria. 

"Zaria, do you know this man?" asked the younger Way who had now joined the group. 

"I ask again, where are you from?" Zaria snapped, ignoring Iero and the two Ways. 

"Norway." He answered. 

"som sendte deg her?" Zaria asked. 

"You speak Norwegian?" Iero asked. 

"Shh, Frankie. Thomas, som sendte deg her?" 

"Mannen du frykter mest," He answered. 

"Hva vil han? vil han skade min familie?" Zaria roared. 

"nei, men han ønsker å vite hvem som til målet skulle han trenger informasjon fra deg," 

"Og baby Bandit? Han ville skade henne? Jeg vil at du skal dra nå, og fortelle ham fra meg, jeg vil aldri fortelle ham at informasjon, noensinne." 

Thomas simply nodded, pulled out a cigarette and left. 

"What the hell was that?!" Frank demanded. 

"Just forget it Frankie, it didn't happen." Zaria snapped storming back inside. 
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