Categories > Theatre > Rent > Someone to Live For

Separation Anxiety

by minkhollow 0 reviews

In which Mark and Angel are not so appreciative of time apart.

Category: Rent - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Angel, Mark - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-05-27 - Updated: 2006-05-27 - 738 words

Someone to Live For
Separation Anxiety

In which Mark and Angel are not so appreciative of time apart. Early in the summer between their freshman and sophomore years of college.

DISCLAIMER: Not mine; just borrowing. Will return when finished.


"God, it's good to hear your voice."

"I could say the same thing."

"Sorry I didn't call before now - I've been busy. They've got us filming pretty substantial things in groups of four. If just trying to hash out a script's this chaotic, I'm almost afraid of how the actual filming's gonna go."

"Well, you did sign up for a class, so I'm not too surprised you're busy. Still. No wonder you haven't called. How'd you wrestle away the time now?"

"Nobody wants to do anything on a Saturday. Are you kidding?"

"Fair enough. Been a damn long week not hearing from you, but that's hardly your fault."

"I'll try to call more often, but I can't make any promises--"

"Don't worry about it. You're busy, we'll both survive."

"If you say so. How's Buffalo?"

"Same old, pretty much. Lena said she might have found herself a guy last semester, but from the sound of things she's still not sure whether he's a keeper."

"Oh? You met him yet?"

"No, but she said she's planning to get him back over here at some point so I can, and you if you're back. He's from somewhere out near Syracuse, I think she said."

"Well, he'd better be good for her, in any case."

"You hardly have to tell me that. I'll get you word on the guy as soon as I can, if you're not back to meet him."

"Good, I'd hate to be left out of the loop."

"I'll have to come down and visit sometime. Might see about bringing her along."

"That's the best thing I've heard all week."

"This whole conversation is the best thing I've heard all week."

"Point. You know, I didn't realize how much I needed you around until I haven't seen you in a week."

"I... might've been able to guess, if I didn't avoid thinking about the possibility. Frankly, it's a damn good thing you turned down that internship. If just being across the state is this bad, I hate to think what having the whole damn country in the way would be like."

"Think I'd be going nuts in California for more reasons than this. And while I may not have much sanity, I do treasure what I've got."

"Going completely crazy would be very bad, yes. I guess I'll have to get on that attempt to visit - sounds like we could both use it."

"Let me know when you've got an idea of when you'll be here. I'll try to call in a favor with one of the theatre types who owes me."

"Oh, so I'll have to bring something nice, will I?"

"Of course. I wouldn't have you come visit without taking you somewhere."

"How terrible, you're already planning to spirit me away for something fun. However shall I cope?"

"You'll come up with something, I'm sure. I know I must be a real trial to put up with sometimes."

"Not about to hand the job off to anyone else, though."


"Don't be ridiculous. The proper care and feeding of Mark is a tricky business. Takes lots of practice. Someone else might screw it up entirely."

"Intriguing theory you have there, Angel."

"It's the truth."

"Care to fill me in?"

"Why would I do a silly thing like that? Got to have some secrets."

"Now I feel out of the loop."

"Maybe I'll share later. It's far easier to demonstrate than it is to explain. Unfortunately, you're a little far away at the moment."

"Pity, that. Wish I had a car."

"Well, I've got one, I just have to figure out when I can get down there."

"I know, I'm just being silly."

"So I'd guessed. Miss you."

"Miss you too. So much. Get down here as soon as you can, will you?"

"I'll see what I can do. ...Crap, my mother's demanding I get off the phone. Something about needing to call my grandparents. Sorry. Love you."

"Love you too. I'll call back as soon as I get a chance. Call once you know how visiting's gonna work out, even if you have to leave a message, all right?"

"I will. Talk to you later."

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