Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Thanks For The Memories.

Ch.17 Getting Noticed

by secretive 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-01 - Updated: 2011-06-01 - 886 words - Complete

(Pete's POV)
Me and Brendon paced the hallways of the quiet hospital in order to find any doctor. We chatted a little as our eyes dashed around the halls. We got talking a little bit about ourselves. I told him about Fall Out Boy, he told me that he was forming a band of his own with his friend Ryan. He was interesting, i liked him.
"So why are you here again?" he asked me, tilting his head slightly to the side. My ears pricked up at this question, making me remember Gerard, all alone in his hospital room.
"Well, my friend was ... umm... injured..." I told him.
"Oh, that's too bad" he sighed, "Badly injured?". Brendon was being a little nosey, but to be honest i didn't mind telling him, he seemed trustworthy and one look into his chocolate eyes made me feel safe to confide in him.
"Well, he was punched in the face at a concert...MY concert" i began,
"That sucks!" Brendon exclaimed,
"Yeah... then he was trampled on." i sighed, "I've been trying to think of a way to make it all up to him, i kind of blame myself you see."
"You shouldn't..." he began,
"Yeah well i do." i interupted, "I just feel so bad, i don't know how to make it up to him, i was thinking i could teach him to play bass or something, you know, since he likes music, but i think he's more of a singer... i've heard him singing in the shower and all and i know that's his dream and..."
"Singer?" Brendon interupted,
"Yeah," i told him "He's amazing!"
"I'm a singer too, i could help him out with, well you know, getting noticed," Brendon's eyes lit up in excitement.
"That'd be amazing thanks!" i almost shouted. I knew Gerard's dream was to share his passion, and his passion was to sing. He'd told me so many times during the last week, and when i'd heard him accidentally belt out a line or two in the shower it made my insides turn to mush. I knew this was a perfect opportunity for him.
"G-great.." Brendon stammered, obviously a little taken back by my keen responce. "Umm... should you take my number or...?"
"Yeah yeah definatley!" i grinned. Brendon took a small folded up peice of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and on it was his phone number, already written out neatly in biro. It seemed a little strange that he carried his phone number ready written around in his pocket, but i didn't care. Suddenly, a man wearing a white coat walked past. A doctor, finally! I looked over at Brendon, "You get him, your situation's more important" i smiled. I smiled back at him sweetly,
"I'll call you!" i shouted as a ran down the hallway after the doctor.

"Excuse me!" i called, "Sir, Excuse me!". The doctor stopped walking and swiveled around to face me. What struck me first was the fact that he DID NOT look like a doctor at all. For a moment i began to wonder if he ever was a doctor and i hadn't just pulled some random guy off the hallway, but the smart, white bange saying 'Doctor Sean Smith' soon softened my anxiety. He was quite tall, taller than me anyway. His hair was a shocking blonde and he wore thick lensed, black glasses. He stood patiently waiting for me to speak. "Umm... Gerard Way" i began, "He's awake..". The doctor's serious expression turned into a smile.
"Excellent!" He exclaimed, "Let's go and check on him shall we." He whipped back around and paced the corridors quickly towards Gee's room with me following clumsily behind trying to keep up.
Once we reached Gerard's room, he was sat up in his bed, twiddling his thumbs nervously. "Gee!" i squealed, he jumpd, turning his head around to face me. A huge grin spread accross his perfect face as he saw me. I ran over to hug him as doctor Smith checked Gee's record. I embraced Gerard, wrapping my arms so tightly around him that i was sure i was going to break him. Gerard hugged me back, almost falling out of his bed, but giggling gleefully at the same time. "Okay Mr Way," The doctor smiled, "You're free to go."
I looked over at Gee, the hugest smile i'd ever seen spread accross his face. He was happy to be able to leave. "I'll leave you two alone," Dr Smith grinned, swiftly exiting the room.
"Oh Gee i'm so glad you're okay!" i exclaimed, perching myself on the end of his bed.
"Thankyou so much Pete, you're amazing!" he cried. I took his hand into mine,
"I promise you that i'll make it up to you..." i told him looking deep into his perfect glistening eyes.
"What, no Pete!" Gerard groaned, "You don't need to make up for anything,it was my falut." I placed a finger to his open lips, stopping their movement.
"I've already aranged something for you okay..." I smirked, "It's not much, but i know you'll like it." Gerard smiled sweetly at me, a look of gratitute painted on his face masking the curiosity. "Now come on you," i grinned, "Let's get you home!".
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