Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Helena

ambulance ride

by adrenaline_bomb 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-02 - Updated: 2011-06-02 - 843 words

I can’t breathe, I don’t know if it’s the smoke or the shock, maybe even a mixture of both. My vision’s blurry, maybe from the tears, maybe from the smoke and yet again, maybe both.

We’ll do our best…

Those four words kept on running through my mind, the only thing that I could hear clearly as I felt Mikey’s skinny arms pick me up and drag me in the back of Gerard’s ambulance. I faintly heard Ray and Bob shout that they’ll follow behind in the car.

“Frankie?” Mikey’s voice came through the messed up fog that was persecuting my brain.

“M-Mikes.” I stammered, gasping as I snapped out of whatever I was in.

“Talk to him, please.” The paramedic said as she started wiring Gee up, shoving tubes down his throat and an IV in his hand as she worked to keep his heart beating.

“Gee…oh, God. Don’t leave me baby, please.” I whispered, tears stinging my eyes as I made no attempt to stop them from falling.

“Please, you have to wake up. You can’t leave me, this is all my fault. I should have shut the window or tied back the curtains or moved the damn cake. Please, baby, please, I need you.” I sobbed, my hand gripping his singed fingers as Mikey wrapped an arm round my shoulder.

“Keep talking, he can hear you, he just can’t respond yet.” She encouraged and I let out a choked sob, my heart wrenching at the sight of him. Clothes ripped and stained with ash, burns on his arms and legs though his face remained perfect aside from one burn on his neck.

“Come on Gee, we’re getting married, remember? We have the band, and you’re mom! She almost lost you twice, you can’t do this! Don’t leave us, please. We need you, I need you!” I left off, my body feeling like it was being crushed with the weight of a thousand men’s sorrows as I cried into Mikey’s shoulder.

“…F-Fra…nkie…?” Gerard croaked, so quiet it could barely be heard, his voice scratchy as he squeezed my hand weakly.

“I’m here Gee, so is Mikey.” I said, brushing some of his jet black hair out of his eyes.
“It hurts.” He whispered, those two words made more tears fall from my eyes. This is my entire fault, all of it.

“It’s okay, there going to make you better.” Mikey promised and Gerard gulped.

A machine beside him started beeping erratically, the lines on the screen dipping and soaring and scaring me shitless. His chest was heaving, his whole body lurching and contracting as the ambulance doors were ripped open completely, the gurney he was lying on yanked out as people ran towards us, shouting orders as they dragged him inside and down a harsh white corridor.

Everything was in slow motion, swirling around me as I tried to focus on something, anything. Eventually, I saw Ray’s fingers snap in front of my face and I shook my head to clear it.

“Frank, the nurse needs to know you’re relationship to Gee, you’re name and stuff.” Ray prompted, pointing to the nurse in front of me as he held me up, my legs weak.

“What’s your name sweetie?” She asked, she was in her mid fifties, pleasantly plump with grey flecking her red hair.

“Frank Iero.” I whispered, my throat hoarse from sobbing though the tears still haven’t stopped.

“Okay Frank, what’s your relationship to Mr Way?” I gulped and cleared my throat.

“I-I’m his fiancé, we’re getting married.” I choked out and she nodded, smiling softly at me.

“They’re just cleaning him up, he’s awake if you’d like to see him.” She asked and I nodded weakly.

“Can we go with him?” Bob asked and she bit her lip.

“Are you family?” She asked and Bob shook his head.

“Mikey’s his brother, me and Ray are his band mates and best friends. We live with him.” Bob said and she nodded.

“I suppose you should. Would you like to contact his mother?” She asked and Mikey face palmed.
“She’s going to kill me, I’ll be there in a minute guys.” He said, pulling his cell out of his pocket and running outside to phone her.

“Come on, Frank.” Ray said, tugging my arm as he and Bob linked hands, just in front of me. I nodded and moved slowly, my feet feeling like the heaviest lead as I walked down the seemingly endless and daunting corridors.

*A/N; Sorry that this is short and that I'm updating like, two days late or whatever, and I promise to try and update a good chapter seeing as this one was crap pretty soon but I'h having some, err, 'personal issues' at the moment, shall we say? And I had alcohol poisoning over the weekend, not fun.
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