Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Messed Up

Chapter 2: I've Never Felt Like This Before.

by MoonjavaWindsong 5 reviews

I stumbled out into the living room and the amount of people filling it made my head spin. I felt Franks grip tighten around me as I started to see red lights flash behind my eyes.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-06-05 - Updated: 2011-06-19 - 1499 words

Chapter Two

"Oh hi!" I said, startled by Franks quick embrace. I looked to the side of me and saw Mikey give Frank a stern look. Frank soon let go of me and stumbled to stand next to me, beaming.
"So are you new? Never seen you around here before." Bob said leaning in. I realised Gerard wasn't anywhere to be seen anymore. Probably getting a drink I told myself.
"Umm, well I've been living here in New Jersey for two years now, but I only just started school." I looked around at all of them, they looked a little confused. "I used to be home schooled" I pressed, my head was starting to feel heavier and heavier and I was finding it hard to stay awake, I was surprised my words weren't coming out in a slur, but then again, I couldn't really tell what I was saying..
"Home schooled?!" Frank shouted in my ear, laughing and clapping his hands together. "That's so cool!"
"Thanks" I grumbled. It was the furthest thing away from cool.
"What school are you starting at then?" Mikey asked softly- I could tell he didn't want to push me.
"Belleville High School" I replied hoping that they'd be going there too.
"WE GO THERE!" Frank squealed again, jumping up and down. I smiled weakly, I was happy to know some people who were going to the school, even if I had only met them once. I felt a rush of anger towards my Mum at the thought of her sending me to school suddenly. The boys all seemed to notice my change in mood and looked around at eachother. Ray was the first to speak.
"Want to come and get some food with us? We were just about to leave." He stopped and looked up at the people who were piling into the kitchen. "We only came here for the booze, we don't exactly fit in here.."
I looked around at the people now surrounding us. They were all dressed the complete opposite to this lot. The girls were wearing short skirts and tight tops and the boys were wearing Superdry shirts and fancy designer jeans. These guys were in band tees and skinny black jeans and I could swear I could vaguely see Frank was wearing eyeliner. I saw Mikey shift uncomfortably.
"Yeah, let's go" I said to them. Frank helped me stand and slid his hand around my waist to hold me upright. I tried to keep up with the others pace, but Frank insisted we could take aslong as we wanted. I stumbled out into the living room and the amount of people filling it made my head spin. I felt Franks grip tighten around me as I started to see red lights flash behind my eyes.
"Frank.." I whispered, I was loosing myself. Frank squeezed me through the groups of people and soon I felt the cool evening breeze hit my skin.
"Is she alright?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I couldn't see anything but the flashing lights. I slowly tried to sit myself down and Frank let me. I put my head between my legs and breathed deeply.
"Tess? Tess stay with us" I felt a rush of warmth shoot up the left side of my body and then the right side. The flashing lights began to fade and my breathing became even.
"I'm okay" I moaned and lifted my head up. Gerard was kneeling infront of me, holding me either side, explaining the strange feeling I could feel underneath my skin. Gerard let out a deep sigh and I could smell his sweet breath inches from may face. I felt myself becoming dizzy again.
"Woah!" Gerard exclaimed, catching me as I slid off of the curb. I opened my eyes and saw that I was being held against Gerards chest in his arms. The engery he was admitting was unbelievable. He carried me into a red car and sat me on his lap. I heard Frank beside us and Mikey telling him to be quiet. Despite Gerards strange ability to make me loose all concentration I tried to pull myself out of the dark hole I had fallen down. I made a moan and reached up to rub my face.
"Are you okay?" Gerard chuckled lightly above me.
"Uh huh. Claustrophobic" I mumbled and snuggled closer to him. I heard them all laugh around me.
"So where are we going to eat?" I heard Frank ask from beside me.
"Don't be stupid Frank, we can't take Tess like this to a fast food joint." Bob said from infront, Frank made a groaning noise. "Where do you live Tess?" Bob asked, ignoring Frank all together.
"I don't want to go home." I said, feeling myself sobering up slightly. "Please don't take me home. My parents won't miss me."
"I don't know about that" I heard Ray say. "We should get her home.."
"LISTEN TO THE LADY! NOW LETS GO GET SOME FOOOOD." Frank shouted. I heard the car roar to life and I suddenly became very aware that I was curled up in Gerards arms. I tried to sit myself up.
"Woah there, calm down." I heard Gerard say in my ear, I felt my cheeks burn red. How could be do that? I mean, have this effect on me? It's crazy. "Sit up slowly or you might make yourself sick."
"Oh not in my car, please!" Ray said, not taking his eyes off the road.
"He's in love with this damn thing" Mikey leaned over Frank to tell me. "He is so strict when it come to this piece of junk" He said grinning in Rays direction.
"Hey! Don't be nasty to ol' Betsy!" Ray called back to him. Everyone laughed.
"Betsy?" I asked, slowly sitting up on Gerards lap. He didn't seem to have a problem with the fact I was right ontop of him.
"Oh shut up!" Ray snapped, going bright red. I laughed and leaned back against the car door. I felt like I'd known these guys forever. We sat in silence for a while and I began to shiver. Only wearing a off the shoulder top wasn't the best idea, even if it was the summer. Gerard shifted from underneath me and I felt him put a jacket around me. It was so warm and the smell of it made my head whirl.
"Thanks" I said, looking up at him. He looked so pretty in the moonlight. His eyes twinkled and he smiled a adorabley crooked smile. My heart began to race.
"STOP THE CAR!" Frank shouted suddenly, breaking the sudden tension between Gerard and I. Everyone froze in sudden shock and Ray stopped the car immediatly at the side of the road.
"What the actual FUCK Frankie? We're here anyway." Bod said, reaching back trying to hit him. I watched Frank tilt his head up and sniff around.
"I smell.." Frank crawled over Mikeys lap and opened the door. Mikey shuddered away from him. "I smell!" Frank stalked around outside of the car and lifted both arms into the air. "FOOOOOOOOD!"
Ray shook his head and got out of the car, Mikey and Bob followed.
"Are you okay to walk?" Gerard asked, opening the door. I nodded my head and stepped out into the street clutching Gerards jacket around me. He stepped out after keeping a watchful eye on me, looking ready to catch me if I suddenly fell at any moment. I hadn't realised before, but Gerard was wearing my favourite bands t-shirt- Nirvana, with a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of yellow high tops. He looked really good.
"Come on!" Frank said skipping up to me and grabbing my hand. He pulled me along after him and I felt myself laughing.
"Slow down Frank! You're going to make me fall over!" I laughed then he stopped, grabbing me and swinging me onto his back and then running towards the only house with the lights on. That's when I realised there wasn't a fast food joint anywhere in sight. We were surrounded by peoples houses. I looked back at the rest of the guys and they were all shaking their heads at Frank apart from Gerard who was looking at me in a weird way, his head tilted to the side. I quickly turned back to look infront of me.

A/N: Well thanks for the R&R last time- made me smile, they did! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I feel as if this story is all falling into place in my mind. You may have realised I changed the name from 'Messed Up' to 'The Girl With The Cherry Pink Hair' and that's because I took another turn when I started to write this chapter and I realised I don't want Tess to be a scary alcoholic. I'll leave that for someone else in this story.. ;D Anyway, hope you enjoyed and keep reading!!
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