Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "Be My Detonator."
Chapter Three
25 reviewsExplosive coke, serious lack of co-ordination, and knee-melting smiles....
"Be My Detonator."
(#) andreajp 2011-06-05
Jeez Gerard is like a tornado whenever Frank's around, it's so damn cute! I could see everything so clearly in my mind right down to the vein on Jamie's forehead when Frank said she should wear clothes like Gerard lol. I'm so looking forward to reading this, I hope you don't take so long to update this time, because the waiting is making me get grey hairs!"Be My Detonator."
(#) TheBambooMuncher 2011-06-06
I freaking' love this story!!!!! I was sat there giggling in my front room and my brother looked a me like I'm a retard. Update as soon as humanly possible!!!!!"Be My Detonator."
(#) rainbow_apocalypse 2011-06-06
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW okay its like you wrighting about me Gees acting how i do when i meet a cute guy (sady) lol i feel like your in my head please update soon i love this XD
xoxo"Be My Detonator."
(#) Broken_Feathers 2011-06-06
haha frankie smells like mangoes yummmy :D well you need to update update update!!! why wuld frank go on a date with jamie?? she doesnt deserve gerard's frankie"Be My Detonator."
(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2011-06-06
LOVE this! Hope you update soon. You must get this a lot, but you are an amazing author.
XOXODakota"Be My Detonator."
(#) jadesohma 2011-06-06
I love you in all but do NOT do the review thing:(((( It makes me sad.... ANYWAY! Loved the update!!!!! Update sooner! Your fithful servent, ~JS~"Be My Detonator."
(#) urafreaklikeme 2011-06-07
You're amazing :) update soon!"Be My Detonator."
(#) UndergroundCinnamon 2011-06-08
Awesome chapter, update sooooon! I really really really wanna know what happens!
xx, a.
ps: thanks for your review :)"Be My Detonator."
(#) comatosejoyx 2011-06-08
Why the hell is Frank going on a date with her?
Aww Gerard. Update again soon, yes?"Be My Detonator."
(#) Bitch-Bot 2011-06-09
i love gerards retarded love-sickness
i actualy loled when jamie came in which erned me yet another wierd look from my mum who is trying to watch tv
anyways update soon please xXx
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