Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keep Running

Time for.....Class?

by longstocking 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-06 - Updated: 2011-06-06 - 639 words

Authors note: I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry I haven’t posted a chapter in….gawd…MONTHS I think now….I just…haven’t been in the mood for writing! I’ve been drawing lots though… Shame you people aren’t interested in that…..Anyways…I’m going to TRY and post a new chapter weekly, if not daily…..Cause…I might just be in the mood for writing, so…..Stay faithful, Keep Running and Look Alive, Sunshine~
Longstocking xoxo
{Don’t they usually put these at the end…..? Oh well~}
(Enjoy the following chapter~ ^-^)

Pippi POV:
I shook my head and managed to cough out the words “Don’t….Wanna….Go…” I looked at them both, hoping that they would understand that I REALLY wasn’t in the mood for Art right now. Lacie laughed “Its school! It’s not like you have a CHOICE to go to class!” She smiled and pulled me out of the toilets, Hayley following closely behind. I don’t know if these girls were even IN my class….But, if they wanted to stay and watch me fail at art, they could…I mean, I wasn’t going to stop them! It’s their choice, after all!
I stopped outside the art classroom, my heart thudding like a constant drum beat. I didn’t want to go in there… I was already 20 minutes late… I shook my head and planted myself onto the ground. “I-I-I-I refuse!” I saw Hayley laugh “You can’t refuse, Pippi….You’re going in there….Like it or not!” She grabbed my wrists and I flinched, pulling my hoodie over my sore wrists again. She looked at me quizzically “What was that for, Pippi?” I shook my head “N-never M-mind…I’m going…to…art…”as I tried to make a quick getaway, she grabbed me firmly, Making sure I couldn’t move at all. Hayley looked at me and pulled my hoodie sleeves back, so that she wouldn’t notice a thing. I smiled gently “Hayley….theres nothing to worry about! Honest! Its all….fine. Within reason, of course.” I shook my head. Class. Let me into it….I sighed and slumped against the wall, realising the bell had gone off a minute ago.

Hayley POV:
I shrugged. What else could I do?! She was resistant….too resistant… AHA! I Had an idea and grabbed her by the arm, Hissing sharply in her ear, “Come with me, NOW.”Her eyes widened and she looked surprised, But I mean who, in their right mind, Wouldn’t be? I smirked and dragged her off to English, Where I knew someone would be waiting… I pushed her towards Gerard who was with Frank, As per usual and I laughed, “Deal with her! Shes refusing to go to class!” He chuckled as I folded my arm, Smiling at Frank, giving him a quick wink. I noticed the blush spread across his delicate cheeks. I smiled again, Letting a laugh slip out of my lips. I shook my head “You guys may not be going to class….But I am.” I arolled my eyes and walked into Maths, shoving my hands into my pockets and bracing myself for the worst.
Gerard POV:
I was a little startled as this small girl was shoved into my arms. Frank smirked “So…Gerard…Its just you, me and her…” He had a plan…but I hated to think what it was. Knowing Frank….It wouldn’t be…..Clean. I shuddered a little and put my arms round Pippi, Pulling her close. She was, soft…..I stroked her hair and whispered into her ear “don’t worry…I wont let anything happen to you… he’s just….Frank.” I laughed and Sat on the floor. I guess shes bunking with us then…
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