Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Wasted

Broken Is Not Beaten

by BlueFlare12 1 review

Look at it!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-08 - Updated: 2011-06-08 - 1333 words

Broken Is Not Beaten:

Frank POV:

I watched her sleeping. He make-up faded, I saw big bruises on her eyes and one on her cheek. I thought about waking her up but she looked peaceful. I knew everyone else was sleeping because Mark had crept in, thinking I was asleep, I was pretty sure he had company because of the giggling. I slowly drifted to sleep.

The Morning~~~

I woke up to find the spot next to me, empty. I saw a note on the night stand and opened it. 'Sorry, I had to leave. I have to see my sister and aunt due to legal rights my aunt has.' I saw Mark and Gerard still asleep, so assumed that no one had been woke. I decided to get up and go down stairs. I saw Donna in the living room with an older women. I listened in, but it seemed like they were saying goodbye. Before I could hide they both came out and I made them both jump.
“How long have you been standing there?” Donna asked regaining her breath.
“Only a few seconds..” I answered trying not to laugh.
She shook her head and led the old women out. She quickly pointed to the living room before waving goodbye to the women. I sat on the red sofa and waited for her to walk in.
“Who was that?” I asked, not having a guess for the answer.
“It was Hayley and Pippi's Grandmother, from their mothers side.” she explained, but she didn't tell me why she was here.
“What's she doing here then?” I questioned frowning, “And why is Hayley at her aunts?”
“She is here because of the Pippi situation and Hayley is visiting her aunt because she has to and to try to smuggle meds for Pippi in to the house.” She got out of breath at the last part so pulled a very amusing facial expression.
“Do you know how this is going to turn out and why does she have bruises on her face?” I was worried by this point and I think she could tell.
“She's fine its just the fights she gets into at school. She hates to show her bruises.” she explained in a sympathetic tone.

Hayley POV:

The dinner was basically a crumb. It was green and had yellow stuff oozing from it. Pippi and Clare were only taking a few scrapes at a mouthful and sipping their water. Then the devils turned to me.
“Have you thought about going on a diet?” Clare spat, “I mean what are you a size twenty? You know that the size that is best is a six or even better a zero!”
“I don't want to be a zero, I am a size twelve and happy about it. It wouldn't matter if I was a size twenty.” I spoke in a hush tone.
“How can you say that? No wonder you can't get a boyfriend!” Clare bellowed, hate clear in her voice, “Pippi tells me that you are also listening to that emo wimpy stuff. What. A. Joke.” they both laughed at me.
“Well at least I am not a fake barbie doll, and all my hair is my own!” I burst out, smirking at both of them.
“Pippi can I see your room?” I asked getting up.
“Okay then, looser.” she pushed me a bit before leading the way.
The house was just as big and horrifying as I remembered. Then we stopped at a big baby pink door and I was struck to find all the things in her room were plain. No real colour or even her drawings they were no where to be seen.
“Hey Pippi I have something for you.” I whispered, then brang out the pills from my pocket.
“What are they? Will they get me high.” she said with excitement, this may just work.
“Yeah. They also make you super skinny.” I faked joy, then she snatched the drugs and ran into the on suite.
I waited a few minutes and then she came rushing back out hugging me.
“Thanks for that. But I am still going to stay here.” she spoke shocking me, “I have been thinking and this life suits me more so just leave and don't come back okay?”
I wasn't really thinking when I knocked her out, it was perfect timing as well because Clare walked in just as I punched her. I ran past her, out the door and into the trees. That's what I call an interesting visit!

Gerards POV:

I had to tell him. I couldn't wait forever, I didn't have that long. Better now than never.
“Yes, Gerard?” he spoke in his soft voice.
“Next year when I move away for art collage, we can't stay together.” I finally spoke and almost died at his change in facial expression.
“It's fine we have to move on, maybe you will find a girlfriend?” he seemed to accept it and be understanding.
“Maybe I can watch you grow up without being by your side.” he smiled.
“Yep. Maybe there will be someone in art school.” I winked and got up from the sofa.
I only had a seven months before going to collage, plus I could go early if I get to do the exam next month. The earliest I could go was in four months. Then in two years I would finish and the others would be in collage. I think that Mikey could be a smart ass like Hayley, maybe Rosie. My phone rang.
“Hey Gerard, its Hayley. Could you pick me at from the trees near the west park?”
Without questioning I grabbed my keys, Mark jumped into and we drove to the park. We saw her on one on the branches of a big tree, sitting drawing on her pad. I could see her eyes quickly searching the grounds every now and then. Mark got out and walked over. I couldn't really hear them but I knew that it probably wasn't news. I watched him walk back and her ran after him. He looked annoyed. He jumped in before her and shouted, “Drive then!” I started the car and before she could even come close we were gone.
“You want to explain?” I asked.
“I told her not to mess this up. And not to get into any more fights!” he sounded disappointed.
“Don't you think that was a bit harsh?” I asked still looking at the road.
“Harsh? She promised, I promised that I would stop doing stuff and I did, it probably took more time to!” he yelled back.
“You want to stop at Starbucks?” I suggested, he smiled and nodded.

Valkyrie POV:

It was twelve and Mia had to study for her test, I had nothing to do so I decided, shopping would be best. Hot topic was full of new clothes and I wanted them all!
“So Val, do you know what you want to do for collage?” Dad asked, I just sighed.
“Art or maybe I don't know.” I sighed.
“You will know as soon as you need to though. It's fine.” mum comforted me, making me less stressed, “ Found a top yet?”
“Yes. That one.” I smiled as she took one of the MSI tops down and walked to the counter.
I knew that studying would be best but I just couldn't face it, I didn't care about failing!


Applying for art collage is no fun. I wish I could just go to one like a local school, but maybe some where better than here. Maybe New York or Washington, the schools there are suppose to be good. I flicked through the pages of the app, I hated this. Why couldn't things be simple? This year was going to be sooo boring! With all the exams and finals...At least I get to leave this awful town.
That's all I want to leave and live somewhere else.

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