Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Wasted


by BlueFlare12 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-04 - Updated: 2011-06-04 - 1619 words


Mikey POV:

Saturdays were always the worst it was like a time for everyone with a partner to go out and run around. Where was I? Stuck at home because Ray kicked me out for his girlfriend, Gerard is with Mark. Hozzie is with Jenna, probably planning their collage time. I was here with Hayley though. She was on messenger talking to someone.
“HEY!” Hayley shouted, even though I was next to her, “I said, did you know about the whole Frank and Maria thing?”
“What Frank and Maria thing?” I asked, what had I missed this time?
“Apparently they lost their V last night.” she said raising her eyebrows and pointing to the screen.
On her screen was a conversation between her and Frank, his words were panicked.
“He has some sort of problem about it. I can't figure it out though... He is coming over.” She said reading the message off the screen.
“Why isn't he with Maria?” I questioned looking into her eyes.
“That might be the problem...But hey at least we wont have to watch this weird show any more.” she stated flicking the TV off.
Within minutes he was at the door and didn't look to good. We both went and opened it, he was crying....a lot.
“Whoa, come in Frankie.” Hayley said with shock.
“What's wrong?” I asked sitting on a different sofa to him and Hayley.
“Its me and Maria, I did something stupid.” he stared at the floor and chocked out, “I should have just left her, I didn't know that he would find us. Might be...”
After a few minutes Hayley burst out, “Might be what, what! And who found you?”
“My dad, he's back. Now she knows, I didn't want her to know.” he broke down, we didn't know what to do.
“What's wrong with your dad?” I asked looking from Hayley to him.
He tensed up and turned pale, obviously he wasn't suppose to say that.
“Hesanalcholic.” he blurted out in a whisper, but we caught it.
“Why didn't you say anything Frankie?” Hayley whispered back hugging him, “What about your mum?”
“She left...His addiction got to much for her and she...” he tried to explain.
“What does this have to do with Maria?” I asked again, still getting confused looks from Hayley.
“Dad called up her parents and told them about what we did and then they came and got her. She's banned from seeing me now.”He spoke hanging his head.
“Maybe we should call up your mum surely she will come and get you. You have family here.” Hayley suggested picking up her phone.

“I think its best if you speak, Frankie.” she added giving him the phone.
He took it outside and dialled. We sat waiting for him to come back in.
“I think you should IM Maria see how she is.” I suggested pointing to her laptop.
“What am I suppose to say to her? Hey your..ex? Is here and I just wanted to know you side.” she almost joked.
“Type.” I said quickly before Frank entered.
'Sent' she mouthed as Frank put the phone back.
“Well?” I dragged out looking at him.
“She is going to pick my stuff up and then we are staying in a flat she is renting, she is going to work something out with Maria parents.” he explained letting a faint smile show, things aren't so bad after all, “I think I better go, I have to get home in ten minutes.”
We let him out the front and then ran back to see if Maria had replied, she did. It said 'My parents haven't grounded me but I am banned from seeing Frank, I think we might have to brake up.' We looked at each other and then fought for the key board. I finally got it and typed, 'How are you going to brake up with him?'
“Subtle, Mikes. Subtle.” Hayley sarcastically stated looking at me with a smirk.
“Well its better than beating around the bush. And look she replied already!” I squirmed with a fake girly voice.
“Sometimes I think that's your real voice.” Hayley retorted before reading the message, “I might just text him. IS she for real?”
“Let me type back.” I snatched the keyboard and typed, 'That's a bit harsh, why don't you wait until Monday?'
“That's a good point. Why aren't you this wise when you talk?” Hayley giggled.
“Whatever. Look she replied, to late.” I looked at Hayley and we both mirrored the shock.
“I think we should just leave that situation and maybe play a board game?” Hayley suggested, I just nodded my head.
After turning the computer, TV and Game station off we realised we don't have any board games.
“Lets just go out to the swings or something.” I stated as we got ready.
As I walked around the corner to the swings I saw Hozzie on the swing. I ran over leaving Hayley behind.
“I thought you were with Jenna.” I said standing in front of her.
“I was but she had to go with her family, or something. You wanna go some where? I heard there was a new horror out.” she batted her lashes and grabbed my hand.
“Okay I just gotta say good bye to Hayley.” I answered and walked back to Hayley, “I'm going with Hozzie, sorry but y'know how these things go.” I waved good bye.

Hayley POV:

Wasn't expecting that. I suppose I could just go and look around the mall for today. Maybe I will see some one. The walk was long but there wasn't many people so I was fine, I hate big crowds. I walked into the big double doors and was hit by the bitchy sound of teenage girls. I looked around and saw Gerard and Mark in Starbucks, relaxing like Mark needs. I decided they looked happier without me so carried on. Then I saw Mia and Valkyrie looking at merch in hot topic, they looked happy to so I kept walking. I remembered the dodgy stall hidden at the back of the mall and dashed out to it. They always sold lighters to under aged kids, so I thought I'd try my luck. I grabbed a lighter and some whiskey, then walked up to the dude.
He looked at my stuff then stated, “That's fifteen.”
I got the money out and he took it. I put the stuff in my bag and walked back towards the trees. I sat down at my regular spot and opened the whiskey, it smelt just as I remembered. I didn't really tell people about the amount I drunk, I decided that as long as people didn't notice, I was fine. I knew that wasn't true but it let me have some enjoyment, the lighter was just to flick on and off. I liked fire, I always thought it looked pretty. I heard foot steps and froze. The only other person who knew about that place was Mark, but he was with Gerard. Oh wait...
“Hayley?” I heard Mark asked kind of happy.
“Hey Mark.”I smiled managing to hide the alcohol behind my back, “How long have you both been standing there?”
“Long enough to see what your hiding.” Gerard stated worried.
“Okay, you caught me. Who are you going to tell my parents?” I retorted, standing up.
I fell back down because of the blood rush plus the alcohol. I laid down and closed my eyes trying to erase this scene.
“Lets just go home, I think Mark still needs to get some rest. Are we doing anything tonight?”Gerard spoke like everything was normal.
“Okay then.” I jumped up and followed them back, “everyone's coming to your basement to watch scary films.”
“I bet you are looking forward to this.” Mark laughed.
“What ever. Lets just get home.” I snapped, this was not going to be a fun night.

Later that Night:

Frank POV:

The film was rolling but for once it wasn't that interesting. I sat waiting for something to perk up my day, but nothing. Then I realised someone was missing.
“Where's Hayley?” I asked Mikey.
“She;s in her room, you know how much she hates horrors.” he giggled and pulled Hozzie closer.
I climbed over everyone and walked up the stairs. I stood in front of Hayley door for a bit before knocking. After a minute she opened the door and motioned for me to come in.
“I thought you would be trying to win Maria back.” she said without emotion.
“We thought it would be best just to forget any of it ever happened. I'm sorry for how we ended.” I stated looking into her eyes.
“Its fine Frankie.” she brushed off and sat down.
“Why do you call me Frankie? No one else does.” I sparked.
“I just like the name.” she smiled.
“Mark told me that you miss your sister.” her smile dropped and she looked at the floor.
“I do, she's all I have.” she started, “ I thought that everything would be perfect when I was younger but then the first wave of depression hit me. Our grandmother died. Then it was our parents. Now I think I am losing Pippi.”
I rarely ever saw Hayley cry but now she was furiously wiping away tears.
“How long?” I asked moving my arm round her.
“What?” she asked looking up at me.
“How long have you been depressed?” I asked, her eyes widened as she realised her mistake.
“Its not that bad, I am happy most of the time. Its just when I'm alone.” she replied leaning on me.
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