Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The glory days are gone

The stench & The gloom

by Confusedlots 2 reviews

Gerard trys to make frank say how Frank feels

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-08 - Updated: 2011-06-08 - 616 words - Complete

Gerard P.O.V

Frankie sat next to me, lost in thought. I wondered what was going on in his head, what ever it was a cheeky pink flush came in his cheeks. I coundnt hold it in much longer, so i asked him.
"Frankie, what are you thinking?" I watched as pink turned to red. I stopped a giggle from escaping and looked at him, hard.
"Who was your first kiss?" He asked looking up at me, dark eyes looking up into my hazel ones. Not what i had expected, not cheky enough for that much. So maybe that wasn't it. I cast my mind back, searching for the answer to his question. Then i remembered.
"Urrmmm... Sarah Hadly when i was in 5th grade. Who was yours?" I saw him look, embarrased, at his feet.
"havent had mine yet." He looked so cute sitting there. I didnt care that he was still a kissing virgin, if anything i wanted to change it. I let out a heavy breath, knowing that it would never happen. i looked down at him again.he gazed up at me Do you want me to change that? I had to catch the question before it flew out and ruined everything. But Franks actions to answer my unasked question. He was leaning slightly forward lips almost parted, staring at mine. I copied his movement but then, i was probally imagiening things, i always did. And this was something i wanted badly, that waswhy it was so vivid. It was my turn to look at my feet, not wanting to give anything away.I saw him move quickly backwards out of the corner of my eye. Shit. This was awkward.
Mikey walked in handing me my drink first than Frankie. He accepted nervously and looked at its murky colouring, thinking. His eyes looked puzzled and a little sad. I felt bad maybe i hadnt imagiened the moment and had ruined everything. I took a swig of my drink. It tasted of stale piss, just the way i liked it. Frank soon guzzled his down, looking pleased with himself. It was then i saw his age flash in front of my eyes. 15. This was probally his first proper drink. And me liking him? It seemed rreeeaalllyyy pervy. Once again the "freinds only" option seemed the only way.
As i got settled into bed, Frank in the next sleeping bag and Mikey in the one next to him, i wondered what Frank thought of the world, and of me.
"Frank." I whispered over Mikeys snoring.
"Yeah Gee?" The stench of beer on his sweet breath, making me smile.
What do you think of me?" Shit. That had come out wrong, but too late. It was said and done. I saw him thnking for a while.
"Your awesome, one of my best mates and... I love you... at a friend." He said diplomaticly. I grinned happily. He loved me. I forgot the last bit purposly. He loved ME!!!! I could hear a little quoir singing in my head!!
"So Gee, what do you think of me?" He said propping himself up on his elbow and giving me de jav vu of that last night of Sams. I looked at him for a long moment.
"your cute, My best friend, a wicked guitar player and i love you ... as a mate." I saw two emotions flash across his face as i spoke, horror and happy. He rolled on to his back, looking at the celing.
"Night Gee"
"Night Frankie" For the first time ever, i had told some one i loved them, at ment it. i hadnt even told Sam that.And it was AMAZING!!!
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