Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Cars Collide

1. Something's missing

by Broken_Feathers 1 review

What am I forgetting?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-11 - Updated: 2011-06-11 - 336 words

Chapter 1-Something's missing.

Frank's POV

I looked at the clock, it read 12:27. I decided it was time to that I headed home.

"Hey Bob, It's getting late man, I'm going home."

"Cool dude, call me when you get home, I want to make sure that you get home safely."

"Yeah I will." Bob has been like that ever since his best friend, Matt, died when he smashed into a telephone pole and it fell on top of his car, it instantly killed him. Since then when you leave his house to go home he makes you promise to call him.

"Bye, Bobbert!" I said using his nickname.

"Bye, Iero." and with that, I left his house and headed towards my car. I pulled out my car keys and I unlocked the door, I opened the door and sat inside.

I sat there for a few minutes wondering if I was forgetting something because I felt as if something was missing. I shrugged off the feeling, and started the car. I reversed off of Bob's driveway. I started to drive past trees and houses, all of them looking like blobs as quickly drove past them.

As I passed the cemetery, I slowed down because I have great respect for the deceased. When I slowed down I got the strangest eerie feeling, which is weird because usually when I pass cemetery's I feel happy and calm. I felt as if something bad was going to happen...

Suddenly, It felt as if everything froze, I knew that I was still driving but it felt like it stopped.

Next I saw a car on the wrong side of the road it was heading towards me, I saw a pair of bright headlights getting closer, closer, and closer until....


A thought suddenly hit me: ' Shit, I forgot to pray.'

Yeah That is the first chapter tell me what you think! and tell me if I made some mistakes. Please review :)
Luv ya!! ( not i the creepy way lol)
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