Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You.

Vampires Will Never Hurt You.

by HowboutyouMoikey 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-13 - Updated: 2011-06-13 - 1012 words

I danced around my room to Check Yes Juliet. Yes! Three more days until I'm getting married to my fiance, Bailey. "Run, baby run." I sang at the top of my voice and fell back on my bed. I loved this. We had it all planned out. I would go just perfect. The way we both planned it. I heard my phone ringing and searched around the room for it. Once I found it, I turned down the stereo and answered it.
"Yo." I said.
"Hey." it was Gerard's voice.
"Oh, hey Gee." I said, and sat on my bed.
"How's things?" he asked me.
"Pretty good. I'm getting pretty worked up, wedding's in three days!" I nearly screamed.
"You feeling the pressure of it all?"
"Nah, not really." I said, "You coming?"
"Yeah, sure! Why would I miss it?" he said, I screamed.
"Yay! You so have got to be there! Its going to be SO great!"
"Yeah." was all Gerard said.
"Gee, you okay?" I asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." he said, "Just concerntrating on my drawing, thats all."
"Oh, whatcha drawing?"
"A dragon." he said.
"Oooh, dragon!" I said, "I love dragons!"
"Hey sweetie, who you talking to?" Bailey said, walking in and seeing me on the phone.
"Gee, honey." I said. He rolled his eyes, "Oh my gosh, Bailey! What the fuck is up your ass? I can't talk to my ex?" I said.
"I didn't say that."
"No, but you were thinking of it." I said, "Sorry Gee, I'll call you back in a minute. Okay, bye." I then hung up my phone and followed Bailey into the kitchen. I sat at the dining room table across from Bailey, "Bailey, I don't get it. Why don't you like me talking to Gerard?" I asked. Bailey just looked at me before standing up and walking out into the lounge, "Bailey! Don't you ignore me! Answer my question."
"It doesn't need an answer." he said, sitting on the couch. I sighed.
"Yes, it does." I said, "Just tell me, why?"
"Because he's your ex. He'd be like all your other ex's. Once you're married, then they try to get you." he said.
"No, he won't."
"I'm not talking bull." I said, "You're just being so stupid."
"I'm not being stupid."
"You are." I said, then grabbed a jacket and headed for the front door, "I don't love you if you're not going to let me still talk to the guy who saved my life. Bailey, he was there when I needed someone. He was there for me. But you, you weren't."
"You leave out that door and we're over. No wedding for you." he threatened.
"I don't want to marry someone who won't let me talk to my best friend." I said, then left out the door. I put my jacket on, and ran out in the freezing cold rain.

After nearly running the whole way to Gerard's in the pouring rain, I finally got to his house. I saw him sitting on the veranda, drawing. I quickly snuck over to him and hugged him from behind.
"Gee?" I said, between tears, "Gee, I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry." I hugged him tight, then let go and ran off again.
"Nichole!" Gerard yelled out, chasing after me. I never stopped. When I thought he was far behind, I turned around and took one last look.
"I'm sorry, I love you." I whispered, then started running again.

After I got off the phone, I knew Nikki would be in shit. I don't know why but Bailey just hated me SO much. I did nothing, NOTHING AT ALL, to him and this is what he does to me. I threw my phone on the floor after Nikki hung up. I sat there for five minutes, just thinking. After about ten minutes past, I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I made myself a coffee, and sat out on the veranda and watched the rain pour down. I grabbed my drawing I was finished off before, when I felt arms wrap around me.
"Gee?" it was Nikki, "Gee, I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry." she hugged me, then let go and ran off.
"Nichole!" I yelled, and ran across the front yard and chased her down the street. I stopped to catch my breath, but when I looked up again she was gone, "Nichole?" I said to myself. I ran straight for her house. If this was me just imagining things, I'll soon find out. When I got to her house, Bailey's car wasn't in the driveway. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. Water dripping from my soaked hair and clothes, "Nichole, Nikki! Open up, please? If you're home, please open the damn door." I said. I eventually gave up and sat on the stairs. Letting the rain just soak me, "Where are you, Nikki?" I whispered to myself.
"Oh, Gerard." I heard a voice behind me, "Isn't it just wonderful to see you here?" it was Bailey. I turned around and slowly backed down the stairs, "What are you doing here so late?" he asked.
"Umm, nothing." I said. By this time I was close to the front gate. He wasn't standing far from me.
"So." Bailey said. I could tell he was thinking of something. He ran straight for me, but I moved and he fell over. He then tackled me to the ground from where he was. Once I was on the ground, he tried to punch me but I kept blocking him. I always knew when he was going to hit me. Just a feeling, I guess. I quickly got back up again, when Nikki came from behind the hedges.
"Guys, why are you fighting?" she asked. Bailey just ran straight for her. I quickly ran over to her and pushed him back. Nikki got a bit of a fright and I walked over to her and hugged her,
"I'll never let them hurt you, I promise."
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