Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My weapon is art, whats yours?
It was D-day for the killjoys. The day had come for them to go through with it. To be honest they were all shit scared. The mission was daunting but at the same time it was exiting. They were about to do something that had never been done before, they were going to take on Bli, not just kill the occasional drac but actually do something against them. They were about to make history. This was the day that they became The Fabulous Killjoys.
They were all in the car, staring straight ahead at the road, steeling themselves for what was to come. Dr D had very helpfully decided to play “don’t stop me now” by queen to motivate them. They hadn’t brought much with them just their lasers and a few modified vend-a-hac. As they neared battery city, Party looked over at his brother catching his eye and mouthing “I love you bro”. Kobra gave one of his rare smiles and mouthed the same. He looked in the mirror and saw the other guys saying similar things. He then looked at Jazz, she alone looked calm but he knew that it was just a mask. On the inside she was the kindest person in the world and she had confessed to him that she always felt scared when she did things like this.
They pulled up to the back of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W building and Jazz used the vend-a-hack to open the back door.
“Right remember the plan. We go in; fun and Kobra distract the dracs while we go up to the next floor. Jet you then take care of the drac’s on that floor. Party does the same while I get the system down. All clear?” everyone nodded and whispered their good lucks. And then they were in. Kobra and Fun ran into the middle of the foyer and started yelling and shooting they’re guns. Jazz, Jet and Party all ran for the elevator, again using the vend-a-hack to operate the elevator. It was amazing what Dr D had done with it.
As they started to ascend to the next floor, these damn Bli elevators only went one floor at a time. For safety reasons apparently. With a quick nod Jet ran into the hall shooting all in his path, he was yelling rather loudly and for a second even they were a little frightened of him. They quickly ran to the next elevator jumping in and heading up to the next floor.
“Gee I just want you to know in case this goes pair shaped, that these last few weeks have been the best ever.” She said looking into Party’s eyes.
“We’re going to make it Marianne.”
“I know but just in case.” He opened his mouth to say something but the doors opened and they had to start fighting. Jazz ran and Party covered with laser shots. She ran into the computer room and started to hack into the database. It only took a few minutes, she was very good and she had the guys to think about. She was all done and she was about to run out the door when she saw a young girl on one of the monitors. She looked about six or seven and she had an afro to rival Jet star’s. She looked at the label on the monitor –experimentation room. It read. She made a quick decision and checked what floor she was in. she ran outside to where party was too find him surrounded by dead dracs looking agitated.
“Hey what took you so long?”
“Look party there’s this little girl and she’s in the experimentation room. I can’t just leave her there. She’s only on the next floor up. Go back down to the guys and I’ll meet you at the car.”
“I can’t just let you go off by yourself.”
“Gee it’s me; I can take care of myself. Please just go make sure the guys are ok, I know you want to.” She smiled. He looked frustrated but nodded and kissed her quickly and passionately on the lips.
“I love you.” He said looking deep into her eyes.
“I love you too” and with that she left running off in the opposite direction. He ran back to the elevator and went down to find Jet Star on the next floor, leaning against a wall clutching his arm.
“You alright Jet?” he asked inspecting his arm.
“Yeah I’m fine it’s just a little scratch. Where’s Jazz?”
“She had an errand to run. Come on lets go get the others.” He said leading jet to the elevator. As the elevator went down he noticed that he couldn’t hear a gun shot anymore, that was worrying. No gunshots only meant one of two things, all the dracs were dead or Fun and Kobra were. That didn’t bear thinking about. As the doors opened he took in the scene in front of him. Dozens of dead dracs lay on the floor in a rough circle. In the middle of the circle he could see Fun Ghoul hunched over a dark shape on the floor.
“No.” Party said running over to where Fun was leaning over his brother. He looked down and saw Kobra’s side covered in blood. He stirred weakly and said;
“Hey bro.”
“Hey clumsy. Let’s get you out of here.” He and fun ghoul lifted him up and carried him out the door to the trans-am. Jet grabbed a cloth from the boot and used it to bandage kobra’s wound. They sat there for what seemed like hours waiting for Jazz to return.
“Come on jazz where are you?” he said tapping the steering wheel. Right on cue jazz came tearing around the corner clutching the little girl. She was being followed by about five dracs and a strange looking bald man. A shot was fired and it hit her in the leg, she stopped running and stood in front of the little girl.
“Jazz Extermination. How nice to see you again, you’re looking well for a dead person.” The bald man said in a scratchy, slightly mechanical voice.
“Well you know Korse you shouldn’t believe everything you hear on the radio.” She said a cold smile on her lips.
“So where do you think you’re going with that child. She belongs to me.”
“She’s a human being she doesn’t belong to anyone. And she’s coming with me.” She said defiantly. Korse took two steps forwards and put a gun to her neck.
“Grace go to the car, now!” she said to the little girl. The girl looked scared but ran to the car anyway. Fun leaned out and pulled her into the car.
“Now now, Jazz I’ve waited a long time to kill you.” He said in her ear. She shivered, he had no breath.
“You know what Korse, me too!” quick as a flash she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled out what seemed to be a lot of wiring. Then everything happened very quickly, Korse fell to the ground and started to twitch. The drac’s seeing that they’re leader was down opened fire on Jazz.
“Noooo!” party yelled as he jumped out of the car and shot down the dracs. He knelt down by jazz and stroked her cheek. “No, no you can’t leave me.”
“Just watch me. Look after the girl gee, her name is grace. I love you” she said as her eyelids began to flutter.
“Jazz please no, I love you.” He said quietly as he saw her breathing stop. He sat there for minutes holding her body and sobbing until the guys had to pull him away. They took her body with them and held a funeral for her in the desert.
On her grave he swore to things. He was going to look after the girl it was her dying wish. And he was going to hunt down Korse and kill him in the most painful way possible. He laid her gun on her grave and said his final goodbyes. That night he watched the sunset and cried until grace came and sat next to him and they watched the sunset together.
They were all in the car, staring straight ahead at the road, steeling themselves for what was to come. Dr D had very helpfully decided to play “don’t stop me now” by queen to motivate them. They hadn’t brought much with them just their lasers and a few modified vend-a-hac. As they neared battery city, Party looked over at his brother catching his eye and mouthing “I love you bro”. Kobra gave one of his rare smiles and mouthed the same. He looked in the mirror and saw the other guys saying similar things. He then looked at Jazz, she alone looked calm but he knew that it was just a mask. On the inside she was the kindest person in the world and she had confessed to him that she always felt scared when she did things like this.
They pulled up to the back of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W building and Jazz used the vend-a-hack to open the back door.
“Right remember the plan. We go in; fun and Kobra distract the dracs while we go up to the next floor. Jet you then take care of the drac’s on that floor. Party does the same while I get the system down. All clear?” everyone nodded and whispered their good lucks. And then they were in. Kobra and Fun ran into the middle of the foyer and started yelling and shooting they’re guns. Jazz, Jet and Party all ran for the elevator, again using the vend-a-hack to operate the elevator. It was amazing what Dr D had done with it.
As they started to ascend to the next floor, these damn Bli elevators only went one floor at a time. For safety reasons apparently. With a quick nod Jet ran into the hall shooting all in his path, he was yelling rather loudly and for a second even they were a little frightened of him. They quickly ran to the next elevator jumping in and heading up to the next floor.
“Gee I just want you to know in case this goes pair shaped, that these last few weeks have been the best ever.” She said looking into Party’s eyes.
“We’re going to make it Marianne.”
“I know but just in case.” He opened his mouth to say something but the doors opened and they had to start fighting. Jazz ran and Party covered with laser shots. She ran into the computer room and started to hack into the database. It only took a few minutes, she was very good and she had the guys to think about. She was all done and she was about to run out the door when she saw a young girl on one of the monitors. She looked about six or seven and she had an afro to rival Jet star’s. She looked at the label on the monitor –experimentation room. It read. She made a quick decision and checked what floor she was in. she ran outside to where party was too find him surrounded by dead dracs looking agitated.
“Hey what took you so long?”
“Look party there’s this little girl and she’s in the experimentation room. I can’t just leave her there. She’s only on the next floor up. Go back down to the guys and I’ll meet you at the car.”
“I can’t just let you go off by yourself.”
“Gee it’s me; I can take care of myself. Please just go make sure the guys are ok, I know you want to.” She smiled. He looked frustrated but nodded and kissed her quickly and passionately on the lips.
“I love you.” He said looking deep into her eyes.
“I love you too” and with that she left running off in the opposite direction. He ran back to the elevator and went down to find Jet Star on the next floor, leaning against a wall clutching his arm.
“You alright Jet?” he asked inspecting his arm.
“Yeah I’m fine it’s just a little scratch. Where’s Jazz?”
“She had an errand to run. Come on lets go get the others.” He said leading jet to the elevator. As the elevator went down he noticed that he couldn’t hear a gun shot anymore, that was worrying. No gunshots only meant one of two things, all the dracs were dead or Fun and Kobra were. That didn’t bear thinking about. As the doors opened he took in the scene in front of him. Dozens of dead dracs lay on the floor in a rough circle. In the middle of the circle he could see Fun Ghoul hunched over a dark shape on the floor.
“No.” Party said running over to where Fun was leaning over his brother. He looked down and saw Kobra’s side covered in blood. He stirred weakly and said;
“Hey bro.”
“Hey clumsy. Let’s get you out of here.” He and fun ghoul lifted him up and carried him out the door to the trans-am. Jet grabbed a cloth from the boot and used it to bandage kobra’s wound. They sat there for what seemed like hours waiting for Jazz to return.
“Come on jazz where are you?” he said tapping the steering wheel. Right on cue jazz came tearing around the corner clutching the little girl. She was being followed by about five dracs and a strange looking bald man. A shot was fired and it hit her in the leg, she stopped running and stood in front of the little girl.
“Jazz Extermination. How nice to see you again, you’re looking well for a dead person.” The bald man said in a scratchy, slightly mechanical voice.
“Well you know Korse you shouldn’t believe everything you hear on the radio.” She said a cold smile on her lips.
“So where do you think you’re going with that child. She belongs to me.”
“She’s a human being she doesn’t belong to anyone. And she’s coming with me.” She said defiantly. Korse took two steps forwards and put a gun to her neck.
“Grace go to the car, now!” she said to the little girl. The girl looked scared but ran to the car anyway. Fun leaned out and pulled her into the car.
“Now now, Jazz I’ve waited a long time to kill you.” He said in her ear. She shivered, he had no breath.
“You know what Korse, me too!” quick as a flash she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled out what seemed to be a lot of wiring. Then everything happened very quickly, Korse fell to the ground and started to twitch. The drac’s seeing that they’re leader was down opened fire on Jazz.
“Noooo!” party yelled as he jumped out of the car and shot down the dracs. He knelt down by jazz and stroked her cheek. “No, no you can’t leave me.”
“Just watch me. Look after the girl gee, her name is grace. I love you” she said as her eyelids began to flutter.
“Jazz please no, I love you.” He said quietly as he saw her breathing stop. He sat there for minutes holding her body and sobbing until the guys had to pull him away. They took her body with them and held a funeral for her in the desert.
On her grave he swore to things. He was going to look after the girl it was her dying wish. And he was going to hunt down Korse and kill him in the most painful way possible. He laid her gun on her grave and said his final goodbyes. That night he watched the sunset and cried until grace came and sat next to him and they watched the sunset together.
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